The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5551, closing the repair

"Your strength is not enough, otherwise it can really destroy all of their first-class gods, and most of you can advance to secondary gods."

Zhang Bin said, "If it is first destroyed the god domain, their first-class gods belong to my golden autumn field, this is not what I want."

It is true that he does not have any good sense of first-level gods below the , hate can not kill all.

So, he doesn't want to dry it now.

Instead, let's let the following level gods to kill the other party's first-class gods.

That, eight first-level gods became a secondary god domain.

It is definitely too much potential than 18 levels of gods.

The golden autumn god domain can basically be said to be a relatively normal three-level god.

Only nearly one hundred levels of gods and two secondary gods are already domain.

"Your Majesty."

Many giant is big, but it is a bit frown.

Because their integrated strength is relatively strong, but there is no first-class god of the other side.

"You choose the genius to come over the golden autumn god domain, as long as it is the genius of the beginning, I can quickly cultivate them quickly."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

Today, it is necessary to start a terrorist ability to put prissers.

Let the genius of many first-class gods to increase multiple realms.

Anyway, now I have got a treasure of the gods in the gods, and the external gold autumn god domain is also promoted to the third-level god.

It is also a genius treasure that will be more than a bigger.

Even the treasure of the time flow rate of 30,000 times.

Don't take ten years, the strength of many levels will skyrise.

It is easy to let the other party's first-class gods.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Many giant promises to promise.

Then go back to convene the genius to send Jin Qiuji.

"Hahaha ... I have been happy."

Zhang Bin laughed.

"Hahaha ..."

Many giant horses are also eyebrows, excited excited.

Even some giant leaves have left my sad tears.

For many years, the golden autumn gods have been supporting hard, and they have already reached the point of oil.

And the dragonfield is still in the falling stone, secretly helping the coffin god.

The Tianzu is in a deep desperation.

Now, they finally turned over.

The golden autumn god field is also soon promoted to three gods.

"Be careful, the god of the god, urgently jumped, and prepare for defense."

Zhang Bin said.

Then he took out a lot of life cannons, so that many giant will strengthen the defense.

Because the golden autumn gods swallowed the butterfly gods, they automatically advanced to the competitors of the gods.

So, you can do it directly.

. .

It is not impossible to actively strike.

Then Zhang Bin will practice in the treasure.

That is not worried.

After all, he has a butterfly God to sit outside.

Even, there is also a urchin length to hide in the dark.

Naturally, you can induce the movement of the enemy in advance.

He is completely coming out.

For today's Zhang Bin, the ,, ,,,,

When I entered the treasure, the body of urchins also followed.

He began to guide Zhang Bin's secrets of many cultivation. , Crazy bombardment, live a big road. Then you can condense the machine like the roller, crush the past, and put the road flat ... "

"It turned out that I was wrong, it seems that I still don't have much good understanding of the oysters of virtual days. I have to worry again."

Zhang Bin screamed in his heart, and the teachings of urchins and the content of the virtual gods were found, and they found themselves.

He became excited.

After a month, Zhang Bin officially began to cultivate.

He is sitting in the knee, and he will enter the source.

He began to call the second life of the world's energy, which is a virtual energy.

And this, actually is unreal.

A mental experience.

Therefore, call energy is not so easy.

Why can't he do it.

Finally, he still let the soul go to Dantian, sit on the live crystal of life.

Lingkin fly out of your head and suspended above the Baihui.

Law into the light, projected on the psychic through the live crystals of life.

In the second life of the source, the central area of ​​the local sea, slowly condensed a energy body, looks exactly the same as the body.

"Ha ha ha ... I finally cultivated the source of origin. It turned out to be cultivated like this ... This is easy to open. The virtual gods and other doctors are still very different." Zhang Bin Laugh in a happy heart.

His source of the god hurriedly, and he went to the source of the source, yelling, "I broke it ..."

Just homework on a few people so high.


A loud noise.


The rock break, fly to open, directly into a deep pit.

"Kill kill ..."

Then the source god continued to shout, punch, and stroke a Tongtian Avenue in rugged place.

Slowly extend forward.

I have been in the end of this world, and there is a darkness in front of it.

He stopped.

If the life of life is, it is full of 100 kilometers.

This is really a very cattle.

"How much is the road, how much is the source god, condense ..."

Perhaps it is a long distance, Zhang Bin has realized the oysters of a virtuality.

He shouted excitedly.

Suddenly, the second life of the world will quickly condense another source of origin.

But all are different attributes.

Corresponding to 19502.

These origins flew over and started to cross the small river on both sides of the life of life.

Connect a long mana.

In this way, the speed is fast, I don't know how many times.

Of course, life is due to the end, there is no way to do it.

Therefore, Zhang Bin began to work hard to understand the trial rules, only the level of the trial rule increased, and the life of life can continue to be opened.

Due to the cultivation of the spirit, the speed of understanding the trial rule has increased much.

His trial law is slowly promoted.

And his life is also slowly extended, and it is unforeseen.

However, Zhang Bin found that the more life of life is more and more hard.

The mountain is also getting more and more huge.

It's hard to use it just use your fist.

"It seems that it is necessary to condense the virtual can not be trembled. Otherwise, the progress is too slow." Zhang Bin lamented in his heart, "Unfortunately, if you want to condense the virtual can not be treasure, need many special genius, this is the golden autumn gods or even Baiyun gods are difficult to get. "

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