The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5572, Nanshan Farmers, Fighting, Killer


Zhang Bin asked several questions.

Only a flash.

Now he is not worried about killing him.

If the machine has been blinded today.

The killer is difficult to calculate him.

Even, he believes that the golden chicken god is also shielded with Zhang Dong, Hengyuan Long, Liu Chao, and the three days of them.

Therefore, the killer doesn't know now, they have not killed them all.

Golden chicken gods have been working hard to protect the real genius.

Let the real genius can grow up, improve the strength of the golden chicken domain.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

And in the dark sky in the golden chicken domain, an angry voice sounded.

This is a very common giant.

Undoubtedly, he is killer 99.

How did he think of it, his assassination has failed.

And all mental efforts are broken by the soul of the golden chicken.

It is also, just mental strength, of course, is the soul of the golden chicken domain.

That is the full soul, the soul of the top ten gods.

Of course, it is very powerful.

"Not good, dangerous ..."

At this time, he suddenly felt wrong.

He fled into a stream, and the lightning fled.

Go to the starry sky of the low level.

"Ha ha ha ... do you still want to escape?"

But the cold laugh is ringing.

A giant appeared in front of the voids.

He looks like a farmer.

Moreover, he also pursted his legs and took a hoe.

It is a true hermit.

"Nanshan farmer? Is it you?"

The killer's face is changed, and after connecting, it seems that it is incomparable.

Golden chicken domain is the top ten gods, exceptional power.

Master is like a cloud.

In addition to the horror masters of Golden God, there are many hidden masters.

They are all cultivated in the golden chicken gods.

They are frank, and they do very ordinary work.

Even, even the golden god did not know their existence.

This is also a need for harmony.

However, Nanshan farmer is greatly known.

Billion years ago, the owner gods invaded the golden chicken domain.

A great war has occurred.

Jinji God met with the army.

But even defended, and the holiday was defeated.

At this time, the giant giant created in the golden chicken gods.

There are more than 10,000 giants in foot.

All is the giant of the terminal ten level.

And it is all condensed into life.

There are them, it is easy to reverse the situation.

Put the enemy to defeat, wolf.

And Nanshan Farmers is the leader.

In that battle, one person killed ten fields.

Leave Herkwei name.

It is said that his strength is not a golden god.

Such a giant is to deal with him a killer.

This is too much.

"Billion billion, I didn't expect to remember me."

The face of the Nanshan farmer has launched the color.

Bill billion years ago, he was a big show, and later he received the joy of Jinji God.

It is extraordinary prevention to him.

It is afraid that he seizes the emperor throck.

He can only continue to hit, never pull your friends.

Plus the shelter of the primary gods to live to the present.

However, almost no one now remembers him.

I didn't think that a fierce killer can also know his prestigious.

"Bill billion years ago, you killed the gods of the gods, and the Wei named the world, no one knows no one."

The killer said that "I naturally know."

"Since I know my prestighak, do you dare to enter my parent domain?"

The eyes of the Nanshan farmer shot the same light as the knife, and there is a rich murder.

"Hey ... we are not afraid of any giant giant, although strong, I can't scare us. We are not dead."

The killer issued a cold laugh, and the face also floated the color of proud.

"Oh ... you fierce the killer, I will be a."

Nanshan farmer said with a laughter, "Today is your death. Now you can commit suicide."

"This time is not good, I didn't expect that I was found by Jin Chicken God. I will find my body through mental strength. Otherwise, I will absolutely easily complete the task." The killer said, "However, you can't stay me, I can't stay, I want to commit suicide, you are just dreaming."

"Yes?" Nanshan farmers smiled, he stepped on a step, and the hoe in his hand did.


The screams of screaming.

The hoe instantly became a large and shining.

It's been shrouded the void and it's also a killer.


The killer roared, and his hand had a sharp scissors.

That is the embodiment of his life.

A scissors have bombarded it.

In an instant, I slammed on the hoe.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash, starry sky collapsed.

Hurricane whistling.


The killer makes a miserable call, continuously retreats.

Directly refunded the starry sky of the golden chicken.

His mouth is also flowing.

Both arms are stabbed.

Nanshan farmer is just after the three steps, it is completely stabilized.

It seems to be especially relaxed.

However, his face is surprised, and admire: "Yes, good, you are not bad, the top killer of the fierce channel can resist me. This combat force can be more than 10 The emperor. "

The emperor is also a grade.

The emperor of the main god is the top ten gods.

The power of Nanshan farmers is not absolutely gold.

But can't kill the killer, you can see the powerful and terrible of the killer.

In this kind of killer, it is far from Zhang Bin, which is far from growing. It is simply destroying the rules.

"Take the soul of the sky, the fierce, the world ..."

The killer wipes the blood of the mouth and shouts crazy.

Suddenly a black shadow made from his body.

The instant became a large coverage.

This shadow is on the sky, step on the ground.

Body stuffed the universe.

The momentum covers the sky, the extreme of terror.

In an instant, even the golden chicken gods becomes dark.

The rays of the rays seem to be swallowed by this shadow.

"Hold the grass, the killer of the fierce channel is in the Nanshan Farmers?"

The many giant gods in the golden chicken field are surprised, and the knowledge is taken out.

Start watching the lively.

Even Zhang Bin did not induce, he looked up and looked at this world of death with shocking eyes.

And at this time he finally understood the terrorist strength of Golden Chicken.

It turned out to find out the killer's hiding, and sent a top master to kill.

But, actually sent a farmer?

Can this win?

Is it a bit a big?

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