The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5575 see the small ball

However, these biopsy jade cylinders are connected to the city.

For example, a jade tube containing a five hundred scheduled time law is illegally exchanged with a live source transistor of 100 field five levels.

Therefore, these Zhang Bin can't buy it.

Despite the eye, he did not care too much. After all, Jin Chickens wanted to cultivate him, perhaps he could give him these treasures.

Even if there is no, it may be obtained from the small ball.

After a while, Zhang Bin stood again in another counter to bite his teeth and depressed.

Because this counter is a large number of origins.

It turned out that the origin can be divided into points.

From level 1 to nine.

The origin of the origin of the world is refined with the body of the world, and the origin can cannon for the first level of the wilderness is one level.

The body of the giant body with the field of the field is ten.

The source cannon of the golden autumn god is the first level, and a small part is secondary.

There are very few three levels.

After all, it is the body of the three-level giant body, and they have not killed such a top giant.

It is only the last battle killed some of the three levels of fields, but it can refine some of the three-level origin.

However, there is four levels, five, and even nine, ten levels.

Such advanced origin can be defented, which is simply copper wall.

Unfortunately, the four-stage origin can be exchanged with the four-stage local crystal.

Zhang Bin can't afford it.

So, he can only stand.

He had to go on and went to a counter next to it.

This counter is all used to defend the sky.

It is also from the top 1 to ten.

Such treasures are also refined using the wilderness of the field.

Similarly, it is also exchanged with the same level.

Zhang Bin, the four levels of the tower, is not affordable.

However, the three levels can be exchanged.

After all, he has a lot of three-level crystals.

"Can I use numerous three-level crystals to exchange a five-level cloud tower?"

Zhang Bin asked.

If you can exchange it to a five-level cover, the golden autumn will become extremely secure.

Because the field level 4 of the giant is no way to attack the defense.

"Ten thousand three-level life of life, you can exchange one."

The sale of the sale of the goods floated on the color.


Zhang Bin screamed straight, it really wanted to die.

He walked off his face.

Continue in this store.

Then he saw the armor.

The armor is also divided into 1 level to nine, which is used to refine the special precious material using the wilderness of the body.

The five-level armor can defend a hit of the field five giant.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin still can't live.

It also takes 10,000 live main crystals to exchange one.

And he didn't want to exchange four armor, because there is not much meanings.

Finally, Zhang Bin hardly did not exchange it, and got out of the empty hand.

Many salespersons have smiled.

Now they finally know that Zhang Bin comes from a relatively low level of gods, there is nothing a good treasure.

Zhang Bin changed his face and made makeup became the native of golden chicken.

The hair turns into a golden.

Then he walked out of this special city.

In the past, he certainly did not dare to go out.

Because it will be recognized.

However, now is a little worried, because the golden chicken gods support him in the dark.

Even so, he is still stopped by two guards.

These two guards can be too much more than Zhang Bin, and any one is cultivated to the field nine.

It comes to the sturdy and horrible momentum.

Even in eight gods, they can do the existence of God.

But here, just do yourself.

"Take out your ID card."

A door guard looked at Zhang Bin, and his face was filled with ice cold.

Obviously, he has seen Zhang Bin is not a child of Jinji.

Even if it is not, it is extremely suspicious.

"Let him go out."

A indifferent sound rang in their spiritual realm.

This is of course the golden chicken domain.

"Yes, parent-domain adults."

The two guards said respectfully in their hearts.

So they retired.

Zhang Bin got out of the sky, then he flew up.

I went to the small mountain valley blink.

The door of the Dongfu is automatically opened.

Zhang Bin went in.

Now it has become a luxurious cave.

Not only the cultivation of the secret room, but also cultivated medicinal gardens, and even many magical genius treasures.

That is the main god domain.

The ball did not meet Zhang Bin, and she sat on a chair in the Dongfu Hall.

Looking at Zhang Bin with the eyes.

She has changed its appearance, and the visual should have a height of one meter.

Wearing a golden armor, there is a strong terrible pressure and momentum.

The realm is too much higher than Zhang Bin, and it has already been cultivated to the level six levels.

What's more, the woman has changed his 18th, she became a beautiful woman, glamorous beauty.

Beautiful is not dare.

"No. 001 Knight saw it."

Zhang Bin put out a bride, and a knight ceremony.

"Waste, so many years, you can't cultivate the first level of the field?" The ball is black, that is very unsatisfactory, and her face is also full of proud color.

"Where can the talents under the subordinate?"

Zhang Bin said a little depressed.

Where do you have such a good cultural condition? Every day is cultivating in the Dongfu.

The cultivation of the resources is endless, nothing is lacking.

The flow rate of the cave house is also 100,000 times.

And you don't just have no good cultural conditions, but also strive to protect the golden autumn god.

Have a variety of crises.

Otherwise, you have already done it early.

"Although your talent is not as good as me, but it is not too bad. How can I practice so slow? I will not be slammed? I haven't worked hard?"

Perhaps Zhang Bin's arrogant shot is good, the mouth of the small ball has hooked a smile.

But it is still trying to face your face, say coldly.

"This, mainly I condensed the life of life, so I launched the progress."

Zhang Bin said.

"Show a source of projection, let me see?"

The teenagers of the little ball are slightly, ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhang Bin was promised, but his heart was laughed, and the ball was strong, but the character was almost did not change.

Still very strong, it is very proud, but the heart is very kind.

So his heart, the source is projected.

The eyes of the ball shot their singular light, and they treated on Zhang Bin's life.

(Sorry, today I have delayed the code word, only two chapters, there is a chapter, I'm being code.)

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