The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5583 Golden Chicken Iron

Golden chicken is not going to get up on the ground.

It has been hurting.

Zhang Bin did not continue to attack, after all, this is not a fight in life and death.

Finally, Golden Chicken stood up. He looked at Zhang Bin with a complex look. "Golden Wen Wen, you are really strong, I am not your opponent. However, I will definitely defeat your. Next time, I want to challenge you."

After that, he jumped down and arranged a light in a light, started to cultivate and think.

Of course, I think this time and Zhang Bin's gains.

Thinking about improving your own battle.

Originally, he thought that his war has been upgraded to the limit, but he was a war with Zhang Bin, but he felt that his own war can also improve.

The power of your trick can also improve.

Otherwise, it is also two golden artwoods that condense into life, how can the war may be so horrible? It is so easy to defeat him?

Zhang Bin is also sitting and sitting, closed his eyes, and hosted.

At the same time, it summarizes this loss.

The fight has just been enlightened to him.

In the past, he was very powerful, but he never met the masters of the same level.

He is all killing the enemy, and he can win it very easily.

This is not conducive to his tempering, it is difficult to improve his war.

Even the battle skills in his past, there is still not much progress and change today.

With the improvement of realm and strength, the fighting skills also have to be improved.

Today is to see Jin Chicken's insecticidal eighteen knife, which has enhanced more than double the war.

Let him be shocked.

It is a few percent, which is more than a few percent, which is a few percent.

It can be more than 100%, which is simply incredible.

The genius at which the three-level god domain is absolutely can't be can't do.

Therefore, even if the terrorist war skills of urchins grow old, only 30% of the war.

This limits Zhang Bin's imagination.

I thought that my own battle skills were more than 50%.

But now he is clearly known, which is far less enough.

He is thinking, cultivating, feeling.

In progress.

He tried to control the violent manner in the body.

Strive to improve the power of war skills.

And he quickly found that he had a huge advantage.

Because the mana and energy in the invigorate are particularly fast.

The power of your own war skills can be significantly improved.

However, it is not too easy to find this way.

However, if it is always a strong battle, it is possible to temper yourself between life and death, inspiration, and inspire it.

"Golden Wenwu is so powerful, his momentum is rapidly. It seems that he is the first time to temper the power technology."

"It seems that he is not asia, the source genius ..."


There are many geniuses under the platform, and their faces are filled with surprises.

"My knight's war is good, although it is two original genius, but it is also worth cultivating."

The mouth of the ball is squatting, and her face has floated a faint joy.

Since her life is too special, it is the way to the Queen, and it is destined to have a conflict with Jinjie God.

Therefore, she does not dare to speak, and the golden chicken domain is also afraid.

They all hide their greatly.

In the past, the Golden Muller came to temper it here, and as Zhang Bin, he said that his second national genius.

As for that there are two reasons that Zhang Bin concealed her talent, one is Zhang Bin is her knight.

The second is that the golden chicken god domain tells her that Zhang Bin is trustworthy, don't worry.

In fact, Zhang Bin and the golden ball, because his life is very special, it is the trial, which is to drive the landation of the empowerment.

Of course, it is not a golden god emperor tolerance. This is also the three emperor has never given up looking for Zhang Bin.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not dare to show real talent.

Even, it is not good to show real talent in front of the ball.

Because Zhang Bin's trial life is also on the top of her Queen's life.

It is absolutely notorn to the strong personality of the small ball.

It must be conflict.

This is the golden chicken god and Zhang Bin unwilling to see.

After a while, Zhang Bin jumped again, he said: "Who else dares to challenge me?"

"My golden chicken is covered to defeat you."

A sound rang, a teenager flying like a tower and jumped to the stage.

His original artifact is very special, it is a pot cover.

But the edge is a sharp serrated.

It seems that it is extraordinarily quirky.

"Golden chicken is covered, the last time he continued to win 150 games, then encountered a master, defeated."

"Golden Wen Wen is so miserable, the second challenge encountered such a master."


Many geniuses under the stage have controversy, and their faces are filled with excitement and exciting colors.

They are mixed here, they will challenge them, and they also see people's war, which has a huge benefit for their strength.

"Golden chicken iron cover? Your original road is so strange, one of which seems to have never seen it, right?"

Zhang Bin stared at the iron cover in the hands of the other party, curiously asked.

Originally he had no way to see this secret, but his trial cultivation is cultivated to more than 700 levels. The power has begun to show, it is really a trial of everything, so he just seen from the other party's life. Some mystery.

The life of the other party seems to be space and another very weird road.

It seems that there is also a complementary action.

So, let his war have greatly improved.

This is very rare.

But it is not impossible.

Such as the way of life and death, the wool of yin and yang, swallowing digestion, extraction fusion, such two kinds of lack of life, that may not be the source of condense.

"Golden Wenwu, you are not bad, I can still see this secret."

Golden chicken iron cover is a surprise color.

"God, there is a new life of the life?"

There are many geniuses in the Taiwan talents extremely excited, and their faces have floated the color.

Once such a genius, the strength of the mother domain will increase.

Because it will come out a powerful martial art.

"Come on, let me see the power of this new road."

Zhang Bin is also excited.

Of course, his heart is also a little regret, because this is not the super genius that created the new life of the Life.

This guy is just two condensation.

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