The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5620 breaks through, the field level

"Hey, Hey ..."

The horrible voice sounded, Zhang Bin was still crazy.

Countless rocks were excavated by him, then these rocks were chemically formed into a little black ray, dissipated in the heavens and the earth.

In fact, this is equal to a virtual world.

Therefore, the rock is excavated, and it is fast to become a virtual.

However, this will make Zhang Bin also saves, because do not deal with rocks.

Otherwise it is necessary to delay some time.

A wide smooth tunnel also appears, straight from the mountains.

" ... ..."

Zhang Bin continued to mad crazy.

Finally, an empty space appeared opposite.

A touch of light is also transmitted.

Bang ...

The singular voice sounded in Zhang Bin's spiritual realm.

It is finally broken by the bottleneck for a long time.

He cultivated to the field level!

He is a lot of power.

Entered a new world.

Bang bang bumps ...

His body in the body rang the sound of earth.

Open the earth.

The space is once again expanded.

The inability of the substance is also emerged.

A variety of genius, magical mine veins, is also slowly generated.

The heavens and the earth are advanced.

Be more advanced.

"thank God……"

Numerious gods are worshiped into the ground, and they have sent a devout shout.

The will tree in Zhang Binyu also has changed, which has become more high.

The leaves are also getting more.

The will tree is very important. Zhang Bin is to control the world to control anything in the body.

Absorbs their beliefs and draw their mana.

Use the fight.

Even the leaves of the will tree are also particularly important. Any leaves can become Zhang Bin's spirituality.

If he cultivates it to the field level.

He can turn into a mental force, and you can explode extremely horrible war.

Even the primary god domain can be across the country.

You can do countless things.

Even now, he can also refine a very powerful spiritual force.

I can even kill the giant of the field.

Of course, it is the giant of the low-level god.

If it is a high-level god of the field, it is very powerful, and it is terrible.

It is Zhang Bin's body, and it may not be able to defeat them.

In addition, Zhang Bin's soul is also promoted, it becomes more taller and condensed.

In fact, Zhang Bin has also found that the soul has been stronger when he is a life of life.

Those rocks that excavated into a bit of black rays, most of them dissipated in the heavens and the earth, but there were a small part to enter his moon palace and was absorbed by his soul.

And now breaking through the two levels, the amount change is finally caused.

Let the soul advance to advance, and strong to a new world.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin felt that he had never been unprecedented, and he was excited to laugh.

Continue to excavate and thoroughly pass the tunnel through this mountain.

It is a new world in front of you.

There is water in the mountain, there is a hill, a plateau, and a plain.

Among the darkness of the shroud.

This is a one waiting for the openness.

He wants to do, but it is not too big to have before.

He must work hard to cultivate many laws.

Let this world becomes bright and countless mana rivers.

Then he can continue the life of life.

Zhang Bin did not stop cultivation.

Instead, it has made a lot of jade colloidal jade tube that manifests, and started efforts.

Slowly, the world in front of you has become bright, and the darkness will fall back to the distance.

A variety of mana rivers also appear.

Zhang Bin also felt that the mana was rising.

It has not been so fast that this is so rapidly.

It's really extra beautiful.

However, he has to become stronger, the most important thing is to feel the trial.

There is a trial mana river, then he can make the life of the life to a further place.

However, the trial is that he is pioneering, the trial of the trial needs himself to slowly feel.

So, he wants to quickly cut the life of life, it is not easy.

Need a relatively long annual month.

However, the conditions cultivated here are extra good.

Not only the time flow rate is 100,000 times, but there are also many magical medicinal herbs.

Inspiration Dan, Wu Wu Dan, is like a broken bamboo.

Zhang Bin did not hesitate to take it.

Then he started to feel the trial.

"Zhang Bin, you can stop cultivating, ten years."

Suddenly, the sound of the golden chicken domain sounded in the realm of Zhang Bin's soul.

Then he opened his eyes.

His face floats a regret.

Because he only allows the trial mana to increase 50 levels.

But it has not yet come and open the life of life.

In other words, the war is not too big.

"Can I still practice a period of time?"

Zhang Bin asked a little unwilling.

"You are hiding here, just too close to Jinji God, even if I work hard to shield everything. It is still very dangerous."

The sound of the golden chicken gods sounded, "Jin Hu God is too strong, he is not only to find you in detail, but also work hard, recently set a super magical estimate, to calculate everything you. If you still don't leave, the consequences are unimaginable. "

"Nima ... Golden Hero God is crazy? I have never thought about it."

Zhang Bin was furious, and the brown shot was shot in the eyes.

"You don't want to blame him, he is the neighborhood, the most top existence, the ruled golden chicken gods countless years, with countless army guarding me countless years. Of course, I don't want to have any accidents. If you are strong, challenge his authority Then, then broke out, self-evident. The big disaster will come. "Golden chicken god domain said," So, he wants to kill any accident. Although I know, you will not do this, but the people are the most difficult I didn't dare to guarantee him. However, I still don't want to see the top genius for you, I hope you can grow up, so I have repeatedly sheltered you. Now, you must promise me, if you are strong Get up, don't break with the royal people. "

"If I am strong in the future, if he no longer persested me, I will not deal with him. However, if he still wants to kill me, I can't help it."

Zhang Bin said seriously.

He is bright in his heart, and his own and Nanshan farmers have a huge difference.

Because his parent domain is not a golden chicken domain, but the golden autumn god.

Therefore, the royal family is going to deal with him.

Just destroy the golden autumn gods.

Then I disconnected Zhang Bin's foundation.

It's easy to kill Zhang Bin.

Therefore, even if he cultivates the field ten, it is still difficult to get rid of danger.

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