The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5622 Terrorism

"Do you have to try me?"

Rotary, the golden ball is in his heart, it is a bit nervous.

Do you have the intention of Zhang Bin by the parent domain?

She worried that Zhang Bin really became her only rider, then helped her against the royal family?

Thus eruption of terrorist wars.

That may result in the strength of the golden chicken domain.

Cause the crisis?

Thinking of this, the golden ball is immediately said: "Mother, or wait for me to cultivate the door 10 and then set the door. Now I don't have a thought to form a martial art, or the most important thing to improve first."

For her, it is easy to form a martial art.

In fact, any one of the original genius is easy to form a martial art.

As long as they get the permissions of the parent domain, they can summon the super genius in the body, live in the golden chicken gods, take the top Tianwaobao cultivation, they naturally can quickly power up, even, they can Be a genius of two.

If there is a top genius, it can even make a certain genius.

And they will of course belong to the queen.

Always do not betray the golden ball.

If it is betrayed, then they will die on the spot.

This is a special rule.

After all, they are all bodied from the small ball.

The ball is equal to their parent domain, if it is betrayed, it is natural to die.

If the ball is to betray the golden chicken god, it is also to die.

Unless she cultivates causing the causal connection with the parent domain.

But it is almost impossible.

In the past few years, there have been countless geniuses on Golden Chicken.

But there is also no genius to cultivate this.

Even Golden Chicken God is not.

However, the giant giant in the field of the field, the golden chicken domain is also a way to control it completely.

Especially many doors, they are all freedom, and the golden chicken gods can't kill them.

Since killing, there is no way to control it.

Unless it takes a suicide method unless the golden chicken domain is suicide.

Of course, if it is the giant huge field of the field, the golden chicken domain can be controlled, and they can easily erase their lives.

For example, in the first-level god domain, you can erase any life of the beginning of the giant giant.

But if the other party cultivates to the field level, there is no way to kill each other.

Because it is equal to the same level.

Of course, this is almost no happening.

Any parent domain will not easily kill his own people, which is equivalent to his child.

Unless the child has committed the sins of the sky.

The little ball is so answered that it is worried that the mother is angry.

She is a genius like this, the life of life is the truth of the Queen, it is a big taboo.

If it is strong in the future, it may lead to a horrible robbery.

Then lead to the destruction of golden chicken.

Therefore, for the small ball, the golden chicken domain has been working hard.

Prevent any bad portions from occurring.

The reason why the golden chicken gods don't kill the ball in the cradle, but it is necessary to make a prevention.

In the case of the emperor of the Tao, the emperor is falling, then the ball can be topped.

As for saying that some people can always condense the Taoism of the emperor to do life, but that is not a good choice.

Because the other's talent and the power will inevitably be less than the golden gods, it is worse than the small ball.

"You can form a martial art, but only have four disciples."

The soul of the golden chicken domain looked at the little ball, and it seems to see the pellets in the hearts. After a long time, she said faintly.

"Four disciples?"

Golden chicken ball eyebrows, "parent domain, still count, I really don't have time to cultivate them."

"You have no time to cultivate, I have."

The golden chicken god said faintly, "You just have to choose four geniuses."

"Yes, parent domain."

Golden christ is full of highlights.

Soon, she chose four genius.

Two men and two women, a powerful momentum and percentage.

Of course, their realm is the beginning of the field.

In other words, they have not condensed their lives.

"You take them with them, and all cultivation resources will not lack."

The golden chicken god is finished, just like the ghosts disappeared.

And on a hill that is not seen in the golden chicken ball.

The soul of the golden chicken field is standing there, she looked at the golden ball and the four genius.

Her face floated a lot of worry, muttered in his mouth: "The ambition of the ball is too big, and even if Zhang Bin is her husband, it is obviously to get Zhang Bin's help, board the real The royal family wants to persecute Zhang Bin, kill him in the cradle. They naturally all the allies. This thing is not good, it will really cause the horror crisis ... What should I do? "

" ..."

A huge void in the unlimited void, the conveyor in the cave of the mountains, brightly lit rays.

Zhang Bin appeared in a ghost.

Then he changed his face and went out the cave.

He found that it is already in a stars in a five-level god.

The main god is unlimited.

Zhang Bin did not have any delays. He immediately flew in the direction of the golden autumn domain.

Since there is a magical connection with the parent domain, he can easily feel the direction of the mother domain.

Naturally, it will not be lost.

Look carefully, you can see Zhang Bin's face is extraordinary.

His heart is extraordinary.

He has always been stupid.

The ball said that he wants him to do the only guarding knight, as his wisdom, can you do not know what she mean?

After all, what does the former ball are also telling him that the guardian knight means? Among them, the leader is to do a husband.

He instantly felt the danger of hidden.

And it is the risk of death.

The ball is because he saw his super talent, so wanted to alliance with him.

Then deal with the royal family, board the imperiality.

Of course, this is a very hidden hint.

However, the little ball is too young, although the ambition is big, how can her intention? How can her ?

Therefore, the golden chicken domain is likely to kill him directly.

Or just kill the ball.

That will not break a horror war.

So, he can only be stupid, and it doesn't know anything.

Even if you are lucky, the transfer is here, he can go back.

But it is still a line of life.

If the golden chicken domain changes the idea, people can let people kill him.

He can't escape.

Because escaped and can't escape the golden autumn god.

There is another danger, that is, the royal family, if the Golden Chicken God can't present any of his information.

I will inevitably go to other gods to find.

Alever, he will negotiate to the golden chicken domain.

After all, Jinji God is not a fool, and it is clear that the golden chicken god is asylum.

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