The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5628 is troublesome

" ..."

Zhang Bin scored a void, landed on the golden autumn field.

Then he sneak into the earth as a ghost.

Today, he can say that it is a top genius who has been cultivated in Golden Autumn.

The golden autumn god domain gives his biggest privilege.

Naturally, you can easily sneak anywhere.

Only one instant, Zhang Bin has sneaked into the heart of the golden autumn domain.

The soul of Golden Autumn God is always waiting here.

This time, it became a beautiful woman, joy: "Zhang Bin, your progress is too big, you are the mother of the mother."


Zhang Bin smiled and modest a few words, directly took out the life of the two three-level gods.

Directly gave the parent domain, but also said that you can evolve as soon as possible, and there is a self-policy ability as soon as possible. However, this only has the live crystals of the three-level gods, you want to advance to the four level gods I still need one only. I want to get a way to get one more. "

"Are you not afraid to become a shake?"

The golden autumn god is seriously said. "If you make too much movement, you will inevitably lead some giant attention in the golden autumn domain. It is not necessarily a blessing, but it will bring a big disaster. So, don't advance to the four gods. I just absorb the two life of this two life. "

"However, if you advance to the four-level gods, we will give birth to many days faster. Our power will increase rapidly."

Zhang Bin hesitated and said.

Promoting into four gods, that is, there is a huge benefit, at least you can give birth to 40,000 times.

The numerous genius will also be strong.

He Zhang Bin also can also be strong faster.

"I want to advance to the four-level god domain, I must get a three-level god of life. The source of life. Now we have no hostile gods, naturally can't shoot. If it is forcibly, it will definitely be punished by advanced gods." Golden chicken god domain said, " Low-key can be kept Changan. "

"We can go to other main gods."

Zhang Bin certainly won't give up, he did not intend to reunite the golden gods.

That will trigger attention.

"Other main gods? Don't think so."

The soul of the golden autumn domain has played a chill, "Don't say you, the horror giant, the terrorist giant, which is Nanshan Farmers, does not dare to invade other main gods, and do not need to seize the life of the three-level gods. Because you attack, It will be discovered, then it is a dead road. Because of any of the main gods, there are patrol soldiers, any one is the top ten giant, and it is the top giant. They can reach instantly, kill the invaders. "

"What is the original starry sky?"

Zhang Bin looked at the soul of the golden chicken field with a singular look.

"If you go to the original starry sky, you get the live crystals of the third-level god domain, but there is nothing wrong, let me advance from the level. This is a good way. However, the original star is also particularly dangerous and horrible, not only lurking. Many horrible masters, and there are many horrible creatures. Even the fierce gates have also lurked in the original starry sky. "

Golden Autumn God Domain, "So, basically in nine deaths. Now you have not strong. I haven't had a way to the original starry sky. I still work hard to practice, so that you have become powerful, what is the treasure can't get? Moreover, let I am too fast to advance is not a good way. If I advance to four gods, even if you are a genius, you must also practice to the final four levels can you move me. "

"Mobile you?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color, "Is this a living?"

He certainly understands the string of the golden chicken domain, if it encounters the crisis of the domain.

If you have the ability to move the golden autumn god, you can take the golden autumn gods.

However, he really doesn't know, where to escape?

Do you escape from other main gods?

That is absolutely to send it.

Escape from the original starry sky?

It is estimated that there is no difference with death.

After all, with such a big god domain, the target is very huge, which will certainly lead a wide range of horrible spiritual attacks.

Moreover, many powerful giants like to go to the original starry exploration.

See a god domain, where can I not rob it?

"If it is in life and death, you can only flee into the original star empty, although it is nine deaths, but there is still a vibrant machine, which is better than sitting here."

Golden Autumn God is said, "Moreover, even if the life of the origin is taken, as long as the soul can escape, it can still resurrect again."

"If it is the soul escape, there is no giant to practice to the field, should they have a danger of life?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"of course not."

Golden Autumn God Domain.

"Then, if you have a life crystal and your soul, I went to a safe place, can your body be quickly pregnant?"

Zhang Bin asked again.

"Of course, I can't make it quickly. However, it is possible to quickly absorb and condense the empty mountain meteorite. Reconstruction of a body, it takes a long time. If the loss will be very big. If only the soul escapes, then you want to make your body. It is more difficult to need numerous years of cultivation, cultivate the live crystals, and then you can then condense the body again. "Golden Autumn God said.

"That is not urgent to advance."

Zhang Bin sinking for a while, "If you encounter a horror crisis, maybe I can take you into the original star empty."

According to the truth, you want to move the three-level god domain, you must do the four levels of giant.

However, Zhang Bin's war is super horror, he can move the three-level gods.

However, if the golden autumn god is refining the life of these two three-level gods, the body is twice.

Zhang Bin may not be able to do it.

But Zhang Bin can do it as long as it is closed for a while.

Because he has already cultivated the law to very deeply.

The next period of time is to dig the life of life.

"Any god domain, if it doesn't cultivate the giant to move it, it will not be busy advanced."

The soul of the golden autumn gods said, "Right, you will continue to be careful of the killer of the midst of murder, they will not let you."

"I have already destroyed the flame of the mission and the god of the gods and the queen of the gods, will they still cancel the task?"

Zhang Bin said.

"It's almost the same as you think, but now there is a change, you kill them a killer. And captured his Mao Monu. So, they will never give up, will kill you to revenge, put the Mao Monument Capture back. "

The golden autumn god said seriously.

"how do you know?"

Zhang Bin asked very surprised.

He suddenly felt that it seems that the golden autumn god is very understanding of the fierce gates.

It seems that it is not as big as Jin Hu God.

"This, this is the golden chicken god domain tells me."

Golden chicken domain said.

"Things are troublesome."

Zhang Bin's face became dark, and the eyebrows were deeply awkward.

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