Suddenly Zhang Bin's face became a bit ugly.

You can contribute to the translation of the crest scriptures, and you can avoid misunderstandings of golden chicken gods and even get high trust in golden chicken.

However, in order to improve strength in order to improve the strength, it will definitely to the royal to education.

The royal family will therefore become more powerful.

Even, it may be based on some of the characteristics of the cultivation of the Mao's scriptures, and they also cultivate the scriptures.

You may be misunderstood to murder the killer, which will lead to horrible killing.

Then it will disclose the identity.

The consequences could be disastrous.

"It seems that the scriptures can not contribute to the golden chicken gods, which may trigger the misunderstanding of golden chicken gods in the future, and the consequences are equally terrible. However, as long as this kind of scripture is spread, only four super genius cultivation should be concealed For a while, it may be possible to strive to be powerful as soon as possible and have the self-insurance.

But he also has a very bad premonition, perhaps in the future, it is really desirable to die, escape the golden chicken god.

"I can only take a step, watch it."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he did not carefully discusted with Golden Chicken God, but started to cultivate the scripture scripture.

The Mao is sure enough to be horrible and magical, life and death conversion, and the virtual is alternated.

Decorating the ultimate, even can be died, and is in a very short time.

Of course, I want to cultivate it to the ultimate, that is too hard.

However, as Zhang Bin's horror talent, he quickly understood the simple oysters of this verse.

This is actually a special life of the life, and the midst of life and death, virtual, true, and so on.

However, it is just a special life of a special life.

This kind of road was carried out, the level of the law absolutely arrived at Zhang Bin dared to think.

Today, Zhang Bin's trial rule has initially reached nearly two thousand levels.

If he cultivates the three levels of the field, then the rule can reach 3,000.

Enhance a realm, the law can improve the thousandth.

And Zhang Bin felt about it, the rule level of this milky text may exceed 10,000 levels.

This is incredible and incredible.

Because Zhang Bin knows that even the giant of the field is the top ten, their life is absolutely impossible to exceed 10,000 levels.

Up to $ 1,000.

"Is it my feeling wrong? Someone in the world exceeds the rules?"

Zhang Bin was surprised in his heart, what kind of point would like this?

Perhaps, you still think more.

After all, in countless years, any of the giant giants in Jinji, including Nanshan Farmers, plus tens of thousands of mains, no one can do this.

He continued to feel and cultivate.

Because of the killer body, there is a genius treasure in the world in the other person, so Zhang Bin also made a lot of medicinal herbs.

Therefore, the speed of cultivation is very fast.

However, any kind of cultivation is related to talents.

If it is not good, even if you get the law of the law, there is also no way to enhance and master it.

Therefore, when I started, Zhang Bin's progress was fast, and it was back, and the speed became extra slow.

When he cultivated the milky law to a thousand levels, progress was more slow.

"It seems that this requires a long queue to practice."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, no longer tribute to cultivate the text.

Instead, this magical road is started.

"Wild fire, in spring."

Zhang Bin shouted in his mouth, and his hands appeared numerous millet.

I blaked out, and then shot on the wall of the court.

Puff puff……

The horrible voice sounded.

There are countless quarters deep into the walls.

"Lying in the trough, so horrible?"

Zhang Bin is a creep, and his face is full of shocking.

To know, his court's defense ability is very horrible, it is a local genius to attack, and it is also attacking.

However, the milky that they come out can be broken.

Of course, this requires multiple attacks.

But this is already very busy.

At this time, Zhang Bin really felt the evil and horror of the fierce gate.

These thatched is not to cultivate himself.

Instead, it is condensed with the energetic energy of the killer.

The other party is just a three-level giant, if the level is higher, what is the top of the that is condensed with their soul?

However, Zhang Bin knows that he will definitely not show this trick outside. Once it is displayed, it will be monitored by Golden Chicken God.

It is inevitably sending horrible masters to kill him.

Therefore, it is not possible to show that the life and death.

" ..."

Zhang Bin's heart, many of the mambledia became smoke.

I missed it in the world.

Then he made a heart, countless uromao appeared again.

Flying in the sky, the horror.

"Mao Wai is condensed ..."

Zhang Bin shouted again in his heart.

Suddenly, in his other month of the moon, there was countless urchus.

These milky are quickly weaving, and then they have become a tall hut.

These millet is actually live.

Exctends an incomparable evil atmosphere.

Zhang Bin knows that if it will kill the super genius again, swallow their soul, and the that they are condensed will become more horrible.

"My grassland, appear."

Zhang Bin shouted again.

Suddenly, in his moon palace, he grew countless urology.

It has become a wide grassland.

In the central area of ​​the grassland, there is a mysterious hut.

The reason why you can do this, that is, because Zhang Bin recently destroyed countless giant on both gods.

Their body is got by him, and their soul energy is also blocked in the body.

Now that he uses it to cultivate grasslands, it will also be water to the stream.

However, Zhang Bin felt that this practice is really evil, not just that is the way.

And also involve the soul, virtual, true, life, death, and even fate.

This kind of road is more than killing, and the death of death is countless.

This is not just a life of life, and there is also a set of terrorist surgery.

This is certainly super giant to cultivate this life of the source to a very magical realm, thus developing such terrorist skills.

You can absorb soul energy to improve strength and attack power.

The higher the level of soul, the stronger the attack of the grass.

"Wildfire" ... "

Zhang Bin once again yelled, and suddenly fired.

Zhang Bin's body was chemically formed into ashes, as if no longer exists.

No matter how to observe, you can't see him.

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