The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5633 is arrogant

In the room, the banquet is very lively.

Although because Jiu M Lord is, everyone can't open it.

But a few cups of wine, plus the nine princess did not have a lot of people, so everyone did not have any scruples.

Baiyun slider is not only handsome, but also can speak.

It looks very elegant, this is the type of woman likes.

However, the idea is because of his talent, it is said that his talent is not a little in Baiyun, and may even go beyond.

So, he can invite Nine Master.

"Baiyun bow is long, you come from the white clouds of the gods, have you participated in two desival wars?"

The Nine Master's eyes suddenly projected on Zhang Bin's face and asked faintly.

"Back to the nine princess, I will of course participate."

Zhang Bin smiled slightly.

"Can you talk about these two destroyed wars?"

Jiu Master asked in a smile.


Zhang Bin explained some of them in detail, but he didn't tell the truth.

It is said that the Baiyun gods and the golden autumn gods join hands, and all the masters are convened silently, and they are alone.

Since the flame god domain, because the other party did not preparation, plus their luck, and suddenly hit the flame God.

Plus the star god domain is not urgent assistance.

Therefore, they quickly destroy the flame gods.

After that, like the method, it is again strong to attack the spooffield, and the star god is killed.

"Is it so simple?" Jiu Master was stunned. "It is said that because Jin Qiu Shen has cultivated a super powerful genius - Zhang Bin, he only cultivated to the two levels, but it was a single gun and kill it. The four levels of the four levels of the field, then you can quickly destroy two gods? "

Nine Master asked in trouble.

"This is a rumor." Zhang Bin smiled, "Zhang Bin's talent is good, the war is very strong, but he is not the opponent of the god of the gods. Just, when he will challenge the fire God, when The emperor is hidden in the dark, then sneak attack. Flame God is not good, it is hit, then it is broken. "

This is what he and the Baiyun Dynasty have already spent it, and it has always been promoted.

It is to worry that it is too sharp, causing the patriarchical attention, resulting in disasters.

However, there are some super masters, and I feel in my knowledge.

These masters of course are the neighborhood of the four-level gods.

They are very powerful, plus distance is not too far, naturally inductance of the process of war.

Of course, because the flame god domain launched the array, everything was blocked.

They are also very clear and clear.

Therefore, Zhang Bin lies like this, not afraid of being broken.

"In this case, the life crystal of two gods is swallowed by the golden autumn gods?"

The face of Jiu Mord slammed a deep doubt.

Many students from the white clouds are also slightly.

Even Zhang Bin is slightly eyebrow, this is indeed a huge flaw. If there is no good explanation, it will inevitably trigger the attention of the royalty.

However, he also wanted to wording, so he did not hesitate, immediately replied: "Zhang Bin's talent is really good, better than Baiyun God, although his skill is not as good as Baiyun, Not too much. This time, if there is no Zhang Bin, it is not possible. Originally the source of life is a flat, and the white clouds and golden autumn gods are one person. However, the Baiyun gods refuse, she believes, let the golden autumn Promoting, is the most cost-effective. "

"Our mother is really too great."

"In fact, let a god domain advance to advance, better. However, if you want to advance from the golden autumn domain, you need to get a third-level god of life. This is a difficult."


Many students have discrepect them.

"Baiyun gods are really powerful." The nine princess is also admiring. "Her consideration is correct, the golden autumn god domain is weak, the foundation is weak, the defense ability is too weak, plus not cultivated too many masters, It is easy to have been raided. However, now two live crystals are swallowed, only the golden autumn gods themselves, and the war will improve, even if it is a four-level giant hustle, it can also resist a while. That You can get assistance. "

"Princess, you are too intelligent."

Bai Yun's long-awaited eyes looked at the nine princess, and the love in his eyes did not stop.

Many students have also started to pat.

The scene also becomes more hot.

At this time, the door was opened open.

Three teenagers walked into the door, the one of the body is particularly high, the junction is really shocking, the realm is not very high, the field is secondary.

However, it is a bit ugly.

Tall towering, horses, and teeth.

In fact, it is a point where they can rehabbly, and they can recover the body and appearance.

However, the diamond is natural, and the heavens will be more fast, and the power will be the greatest when fighting.

Therefore, the real genius will not reshape their body and face.

Just use your body.

Obviously, this teenager is such a genius.

Super confident genius.

Two teenagers followed behind, are also very ugly, but the momentum is very strong.

Three people entered the door, except for the Nine Master and Zhang Bin, the rest of them became a bit nervous, and their faces were filled with a strong taboo.

The head of the teenager swept the people one by one, and then stayed on the face of Jiu Mord, and said: "Jiu Princess, how can you eat with a group of people?"

"Pineapple Hao Jun, what is this princess, when is it going to you?"

The nine princess is not happy.

"Jiu Princess, you are swans, but just a group of , why should the swan be mixed with ?"

The color of pineapple floating on the face.

The people were so angry, and the face became blood red, and even someone took the fist.

However, they still no one seizes.

Obviously, this pineapple is very uncommon.

"Pineapple Hao Jun, don't be too proud."

The nine princess panels say, "Baiyun God is not the same, the genius is a lot. Especially the genius of Zhang Bin, may not alternative you."

Zhang Bin, is certainly not a person belonging to the white clouds, but the golden autumn domain is originally the subordinate domain of the white clouds.

And join hands to destroy two gods.

Even if the Golden Autumn God is now more advanced than the white clouds, it has become a brothers of the white clouds.

Golden Autumn God is genius, or it can be said to be the genius of Baiyun.

They want to come to the more advanced pineapple domain, or must pass through the white clouds.

"Zhang Bin? Hahaha ..." Pineapple Hao Jun laughs, "a genius of a first-class god of gods, even if you walked with a gimmick, can you get a genius and power? If he encounters me, I am It turns out that he will die. "

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