The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5635 gives me down

In fact, if it is not the opponent's hardships, Zhang Bin still doesn't want to teach pineapple Haojun.

One is because this is internal contradiction, not hostile relationship.

Although the other party humiliates many students in the white clouds, they have not yet lived.

Two in Zhang Bin's eyes, the other party is really nothing, and the antity is not much.

He doesn't have to be more antithics.

The three is that he doesn't want to cause too much attention.

He is here to cultivate it, if you can practice to the secondary limit of the field as soon as possible, then find a way to get recommendation, then go to the west domain.

Yes, the superior domain is the swan domain, five gods.

He hopes to be safe and strong.

Then you can't show you.

However, the other party actually provoked his body, a slap in the face, and also used a life host artifact.

He can only teach him.

Although it is necessary to bring attention, it may bring risks, but it is not good.

Perhaps, you can get recommendations immediately, then go to the white clouds.

Then he can be strong faster.

Baiyun God is a five-level god. The time flow rate of Baodi is 50,000 times, and the cultivation resources are also extravagant.

Of course, it is better than cultivation here.

The last time, although Jinji gods gave Zhang Bin's many cultivation resources, Zhang Bin was given to Zhang Dong, Hengyuan Long, and Liu Chao.

Therefore, the cultivation resources on him are insufficient.

You must also want to get a way.

He didn't know why the golden chicken domain did not give him to cultivate cultivation resources to the field of ten levels, and he did not ask more.

After all, I am not a golden chicken god domain.

But he has several speculations.

The golden chicken god is a well-cultivated man, through various efforts, to obtain cultivation resources, in order to get a variety of tempering, can increase the force to the limit.

Because he is not cultivating in the golden chicken field, it is destined to not go to the virtual world cultivation.

I have to use another way to temper.

Another reason, that is, the golden chicken woolen domain is still a little jealous of him, I have not trust him completely.

After all, the last, Zhang Bin did not promise all the requirements of the golden god domain - never deal with the royal family.

Zhang Bin's answer is that the royal family does not deal with him, he will not deal with the royal family.

How can the royalty might not deal with Zhang Bin?

That is absolutely will not give up.

Therefore, the Golden Chicken Mao Domain may already feel that Zhang Bin and the royal conflict are inevitable.

I will no longer give him too much cultivation resources.

That is, the golden chicken domain may be in contradiction.

In fact, Zhang Bin can first promise the golden chicken domain.

Then you can get the full shelter of the golden chicken domain.

However, Zhang Bin thoughtfully thought that once promised, if it was a royal to kill him, he really couldn't resist, and could only escape.

That is nothing differences and dying.

If it is resistant to himself, I will betray the promise will be affected by the whole force of the golden chicken.

Including the forces of the anti-emperor, will also hunt Zhang Bin together.

The consequences are unimaginable.

Therefore, he only answers the golden chicken domain, although letting the golden god domain disappointment, it may be difficult to obtain full asylum and support from the golden chicken domain.

But it is bright in the future.

Once you are strong, the royal family finds him, to kill him, he can also make your hands.

Not even betray the golden chicken.

"Ah ... it is impossible, absolutely impossible ... How are you so powerful?"

Pineapple Hao Jun felt a strong humiliation, he sent a big shouting that did not dare to confuse.

He struggled hard, but Zhang Bin's feet stepped on his face, just like a mountain, let him struggle.

"I asked you, who is the antite?"

Zhang Bin said indifferently.

He is really a genius like this. Although the talent is good, but it is just in the fourth grade god. If it goes to the high-level god, what he has?

However, the pineapple is so arrogant, Hu Zuo is not, although the white cloud god is the subordinate domain of the pineapple domain, but today's Baiyun gods are not before, she has a brother god domain - Golden Autumn God domain, can be promoted to four levels at any time It is just that Zhang Bin and Jinqiu God don't want to do it.

The students of the white clouds, where is the pineapple Haojun, can you humiliate?

Such a person, even geniuses, but it is similar to idiots.

"who are you?"

The pineapple is rushing to ruin, and I asked if I was angry.

"I am from the white clouds, my name is Bai Yun bow long, you remember it."

Zhang Bin said faintly, "We are not such a mediocrity you can humiliate like you."

"It's good."

A lot of students who are still lying on the ground, from the Baiyun gods, the students who are excited and shocking, and their hearts are also a strong ecstasy.

They gave a very high ground in one by one.

It turned out that their white cloud gods were also pregnant with super geniuses, and they were more talented than pineapple.

In the future, they will never be humiliated by the super genius of Baiyun.

They can raise their eyebrows.

"Baiyun bow is long, you still let go of Hao Jun."

Jiu M Lord looked at Zhang Bin with a singular look, and his face was full of warnings. "Otherwise, everyone's face is not good."

"is it?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were projected on the face of Nine Mart. He said with him, "What you mean, can only humiliate our Baiyun gods, can we fight? Can you humiliate him?"

"I am reminding you, if you don't let go of him, the consequences are very bad."

The color of Jiu Mord is also a cold, and the eyes are shot, "" The people of the lower grade gods humiliate the genius of the superior gods, that is really no good results. "

"Give me."

Zhang Bin was furious, the horrible pressure and the hevacity of the heil were exploded.

I have been crushed on the Nine Mart.

A princess, dare to threaten him Zhang Bin?

It's just that I don't know how to live.


The Jiu Princess felt a stressed pressure.

She was crazy to resist, but she couldn't resist it, and I kneel on the ground.

That is a movement.

All people are awkward, especially all students of the Baiyun gods, are stunned, and then scared that is .

Why did they dare to think, Zhang Bin actually has such a big courage, and even dare to humiliate the nine princess.

This is the Nine Mart of the pineapple domain.

Not only the talent is super, but also has a powerless identity and the power of the sky.

As for the pineapple Haojun, who was stepped under the feet, the Jiu Dord that was plucking, but also frightened.

To know, although the talents of Jiu Mord are not as good as pineapple, it is not a gap, and she has cultivated to the three levels of the field, much more powerful than Junjun.

However, Zhang Bin did not move, just let her kneel down on the pressure.

What horror strength is this?

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