The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5637, Wars, Pineapple God

The nest of the pineapple actually had to go to Zhang Bin, everyone is stunned, and it is not a confidence.

You must know that the emperor of the pineapple is that the emperor of the pineapple domain is supreme.

The whole area of ​​the power.

Also, he is the giant giant of the field of the field, which is three realm than Zhang Bin.

This gap is too big.

It is simply bullying.

Zhang Bin's face became serious, he didn't dare to hold a big, and the Tiger land stood up.

The eyes of his eyes are also shot, and they are projected on the sword in the other.

That sword is of course a particularly horrible and ferocious, exudes rich in murderous murderous.

Terrible is that this is the original artifact of the pineapple God, which is made of life of life.

Can you not be powerful?

Of course, there is no way to make your original artifacts and body fusion.

And a certain source of genius can not be better.

But he is the first five-level giant, and the first person in the pineapple domain.

Can the war are not terrible?

Also, there is still a hundred guards behind him, almost at the same time, with their lives of the origin, with the murder of the sky, follow the neighborhood of the pineapple, came over, it is ready to shoot.

In other words, Zhang Bin is not only to deal with the , but also to deal with hundreds of powerful guards.

Zhang Bin even is powerful, but there is no grasp.

He didn't have any delays, and he made an ax in his hands.

Of course, his life of his life, but not there is no scale.

In the past, Zhang Bin has created many horrible war skills with Libra.

But it can be displayed with an ax, but the power will reduce a trace.

If the combination of the body of the original artifact is greater, then the gap is larger.

However, Zhang Bin is a trick that cannot be displayed, because it will show a flaw.

Therefore, he must take out the life of the life of life, and use the other party.

Today, he plays is a two-way source genius.

It is good to have a good idea with the Baiyun god.

Two local geniuses, deal with the talents of the four gods, the more the enemy, the enemy, that is no problem.

However, the more you defeat the enemy, it is a bit hard.

What's more, the ginema is also a super genius, otherwise it is impossible to practice to the field level five.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to attack me if you don't divide you?"

Zhang Bin said that it was cold.

Even if the pineapple domain is the superior domain of the white clouds, even if the pineapple God is the strongest of the pineapple domain.

But Zhang Bin is really not afraid.

He is afraid of leaking super talent, thus being discovered by the royal family, then bringing disasters to the golden autumn god.


The goddess of the pineapple roared, the sword in his hand stab.


The sound is really a very scorpion, and the void is worn by the hole.

The cold light is eye-catching, and the swords are taken.

The murderous and the pressure swept it, and the crushed was on Zhang Bin.

"It's good."

Zhang Bin was furious, and the ax in his hand suddenly came out.

I saw that the cold light flashed.

His ax is already on the other's sword.


Unparalleled sounds.

The fire is extreme.


Zhang Bin felt the power of horror.

He completely stabilizes the body, it is back to retreat continuously, then hit it on the wall.

A fine crack appeared in the wall.

The nest of the pineapple is also retreating three steps after a row, and then steadily.

Take a trick, Zhang Bin is falling in the wind.

Moreover, Zhang Bin uses an ax, that is the power of your hands.

However, the other party uses a sword, it is one hand.

So, compared to it, this trick is that a pineapple God has greatly occupied the upper wind.

However, everyone is still shocking, stunned.

It is also no one to say it for a long time.

Because Zhang Bin actually did not hurt, his face was not angry, and his hand did not shake.

Never say bleeding.

You know, his realm is just the level of the field.

Then his talents, what kind of point is good.

"Two original genius?"

The eyes of the neighborhood of the pineapple were squinted, and the face was filled with jealous and dared to confuse.

A Baiyun God area in the district, actually gave birth to a two-way genius?

How can this be?

"Not bad."

Zhang Bin said, his body also revealed a sharp pressure and momentum.

He has 70% of grasp, the other party will not deal with him.

Because two local geniuses, even in the nine-level gods, it is very cattle forcing the genius, and even the nine-level gods are valued.

"What is the second of the two original genius? Do you dare to humiliate the daughter and the world's super genius pineapple Haojun?"

The nest of the pineapple is angry.

"Could it, only they can humiliate me? Can I counterattack?"

Zhang Bin said, "" I am a genius like this, can they humiliate? I don't kill them is a good thing. "

"The father, I don't humiliate him, he is humiliated me ..."

"Your Majesty, kill him, such a arrogant, no one day, absolutely can't make him grow up."

Jiu Mords and pineapple Hao Jun, who have already climbed up from the ground, have yelled in angry.

Their face is full of murder.

They know that if they don't kill Zhang Bin today, then this humiliation is never reported.

Because Zhang Bin's talents are too good, it will become more powerful, even, as long as Zhang Bin broke through a bottleneck, even the pineapple God couldn't pay attention to him.

So, directly kill Zhang Bin here is the best way.

Now Zhang Bin only cultivates the second level, and has not been cultivated in the fourth.

Even if you can resurrect with the first second or third, the talent is also a lot.

This is the law of heaven.

However, if there is a fourth point, it will not be the same.

Directly can be restored, talents will not decrease.

So, if you don't practice the fourth part, it is dare not arrogant.

I don't even dare to go to the original starry risk.

"Kneeling and suicide, I don't pursue the crime of your companion, and I don't pursue the crime of your mother domain."

The nest of the nest of the neighborhood broke into the ultimate murderous, and the swords in the hands were raised.

Step by step to Zhang Bin.

Obviously, it is really moving.

Baiyun gods will be unparalleled, and they are not worried about it.

I really don't care about Zhang Bin such a super genius.

Of course, if Zhang Bin is very obedient, it is another thing.

Perhaps you can get the best cultivation.

"Could it, my Majesty I forgot the blunt clocks of the ?"

Zhang Bin did not fear, he was simply looking at each other in the same manner.

He really dared to think, the nest of the pineapple actually used such a step?

For this little thing, you will accompany himself and the life of the white clouds?

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