The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5651 stands forward

"That is a group of teeth, the fighting power of the beast is about 6th level, the rest of the power is approximately five levels. Scary thing is that this monster is very fast, attack is also exceptional horror It is the soul of attacking people, let people's souls and spirit disorders, and then bite the enemy. We are far from opponents ... "

The vice president uses the incredible gaze to look at the slowed tooth soul, and the sound is lowered.

Of course, he interprets the space and does not allow the sound to pass.

"The battle of the beast is in the field level six?"

Everyone has creepy, and the face floats on the face.

Even many teachers are the same.

No one can still calm.

They have been in the original starry sky, although they have encountered a lot of monsters and giant huge from other stars, but such a strong so much monster is still encountered.

This is in the original starry sky, you don't dare to escape, don't dare to make too much sound.

Because I will be discovered by my teeth, then chasing.

Even in the process of being chased, it may also attract more horrible monsters.

Terrible is that this group of monsters are not too much, but it is preliminaryly, but there are more than 500.

The quantity is five times they are.

"Is this monster value?"

Zhang Bin suddenly asked curiously.

Many teachers and students look at him like a monster. Don't understand why his courage is so big?

I didn't think about how to escape at this time, but I think this monster is worth money?

Is this guy's head really no problem?

"Pineapple Hao Jun, don't talk."

The head of the 101 class touched the forehead and said seriously.

"Teacher, is there any value and use of this monster?"

Zhang Bin couldn't help but ask.

The reason why the reason is to ask this question is because the previous teacher said, the original starry monster is very special, can be considered treasures.

"There is a beast nucleus in the head of the teeth, which can be used to refine a special magic weapon. It can make a horrible spiritual attack, which can make the enemy's soul disorder. It is unresolved, even Levels to kill the enemy. "The class teacher has to say," But to refine the soul beads, you must advance the beast nucleus, low levels don't have much use. The five-level animal nucleus requires hundreds to refine one Soul beads ... Of course, it is extraordinary. "

" ?"

Zhang Bin's two eyes are bright, and the face has been excited and excited.

Does this treasure are not what they need?

If you kill these monsters? Isn't it possible to refine a soul bead?

It is absolutely easy to kill the giant of five or even six levels in the field.

After all, for yourself, the original combat power is equal to the five-level giant in the field, and the top level is of course the top six giant.

The burning is that it will change again in the future, the more you can kill the enemy.

Therefore, it is equal to the growth magic weapon.

Significance is extraordinary.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is greeddy and staring at the teeth of the teeth that come to here, and the heart is intimate.

"Unfortunately, this principal has not come, otherwise, we can even try to attack it once, completely kill these teeth, to capture the animal nucleus in their body, refine the magical pearl."

The vice president found that the direction of the teeth came slightly. It is estimated that it is with them, so his heart is, but the face is floating.

"Yeah, if you can hunt these teeth, the soul bead is refining, and it is too safe to come to the original starry sky."

Some teachers attached.

It is true, if there is a soul bead, the spirit is issued by the soul bead.

You can disorder the soul and spirit of the enemy who live the monsters. It is not relaxed, it will not get any moving, will not be more powerful monsters and enemies.

In the original starry sky, the danger is not from the enemy seen.

More enemies who are invisible.

You are not careful, what is the moving, death is you.

Unless you are the terrorist giant in the field.

And if you are the giant of Nanshan farmers.

Dare to rush in the original starry sky.

However, if it is not lucky, it is also a super monster of many field top ten realms. It is also to flee.


Therefore, even the giant and monsters of the field ten levels, they will not easily release the knowledge to induce and observe the original starry sky, because you observe the enemy, the enemy can observe you.

There is always a strong giant and monster, will not hesitate to hit your knowledge killing.

Then I don't have to say it.

"Not good, their teams are scattered, maybe just hit our boat."

The vice president suddenly said again.

His forehead emerged from the bean sweat.

The remaining teachers and students' faces are also bigger, and they are tightly striped.

After all, this is related to their life and death.

Sure enough, many teeth have been placed in three squads.

But now it is scattered.

The pen is straight to their vessel direction.

The distance is getting closer.

The horrible murder is also flowing in the void.

"I will pass them, you take the opportunity. Don't worry about me."

The vice president bite his teeth and said seriously.

"Vice President, or I am going? This team can't be without you."

A teacher stepped out step.

Undoubtedly, who is going to open the soul of the teeth, that is, it will be dead.

Of course, they all have fourth.

Almost perfectly.

However, there is no fourth point in the future.

Less a big force.

Yes, the fourth point is not to practice from the source.

Once fallen, there is no longer.

As for the top three, it is made of the body of the body.

Just have its own soul energy.

If the body is falling, there is no fourth point.

Although it can be resurrected with the first three borders, it is necessary to fall.

Because, according to the body of the soul, although it is unlimited to near the body, there is still a gap.

Therefore, any giant, the most reluctant to make the body or fourth.

And the vice president is the body.

Because his body is the most powerful, come to the original Star Treasure, of course, to make the most powerful body.

Although the vice president has not been cultivated to the top six levels, the power is of course the strongest.

If he is falling, what should I do if I have a crisis?

That may be the next one.

So, I have a teacher to stand up.

"Or I will go, I have to attract them safely, and then silently silently sneaking."

Zhang Bin also stood up and said confident.

(Today's seven chapters. This is the first chapter.)

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