The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 913 misunderstanding

"The police, you misunderstand, they are my friend."

Yang Yi is approaching.

"But, they are not a good person."

A policeman said.

"How do we see it is not a good person? Is there two words in our face?"

Zhang Navy was very angry.

"There are no writing words, but also almost."

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and a middle-aged man was walking.

He worked very well, with a strong book with a strong book.

"Zeng Zheng, how come you?"

Yang Yiyi's face is like, she did not think that even the principal was alarmed.

"Can I not come? I can't see you jump into the sea." Zeng Zi Jiasi, "Yang Yiyi, you don't be afraid, don't be threatened by them, I have, I am, any rogue, I can't bull you. "

"Zeng Zheng, they are not hooligans, really my friend."

Yang Yiyi wished.

"You are twisting, threaten a woman? Isn't it afraid of legal sanctions?"

Where is the principal? The eyes looked at Zhang Bin four people.

"I recognize it, the three is the rogue of Yang Yiyi in the morning."

"For the right, I also recognized it, they are the three hooligans, I also played the fattened brick, I didn't expect that they also found the school."

The fat man they said is of course Ma Ru Fei. Although Ma Ru Fei took the weight loss medicine, there was no fattening, but he was too greedy, so he was too fat, but it was a fat man, but there was no big belly.

"Killing them ..."


Since there are many boys who come over and lively, some people have killed the horse in the morning.

It is now recognized that they are coming.

"Brother is too bad, I am picking up girls, how many nepheses are you looking for?"

Zhang Lele also came to see the lively. Of course, Zhang Bin came, although Zhang Bin changed the face, Ma Rufei also changed the face, but their scorpion was still as a bright light like a night, she thought she didn't recognize it. .

She is not worried about Zhang Bin, they suffer, she just looked at Yang Yiyi with a singular look, shouting in the heart: "This woman is really beautiful, the scorpion of the family, no wonder, blame, long-term The location of a school flower, also can't make a pursuit of her. "

Three teasings are a bit panic, not worried about beating, but worry about Zhang Bin is angry.

They really don't play Yang Yiyi in the morning, just to take a look.

What's more, they don't know that Yang Yiyi is a woman who is a master.

The three immediately explained someone.

However, Zhang Bin still taught them a meal.

Three teases trained Tarla with your head, but not dare to put one.

"You classmates, you misunderstand, they are not the three rogues in the morning."

Yang Yi said true.

She certainly recognizes that three teasings are the three people in the morning, but love the house and Wu, since they are his belongings, it is not a bad guy, it is estimated that the little bad guy with Zhang Bin is a small bad guy, what is more, she has taught in the morning. They are, so she only gives them off.

"They seem to be really the three people in the morning, the face is different."

"Yes, it seems to be true recognition."


There are some sense of memory, and look at it carefully, and start with Yang Yiyi.

"You will give me a glow, here is the school, not where you pick your clothes."

Zeng Zhou is still suspicious, these four are not good people, and they are too strong.

Most importantly, he clearly knows that Yang Yiyi has been self-love, never talk to the man.

This is to go with these four hooligans, she is so beautiful, can you still have a good end?

"Zeng Zeng, in fact, he is a master of painting and calligraphy. I have taught my painting and calligraphy skills, so my painting and painting can take a sharp way." Yang Yiyi said low voice.

"Call and calligraphy?"

Many students are stunned, and then bend and laugh at the laughter.

Zeng Zongzheng is almost smiled, how can such a scorpion may be a painting and calligraphy? Yang Yiyi is in a hint of me, they are bad people, and it is certainly using what vicious approach threatens Yang Yiyi, and she has to go with them. Do you kidnap Yang Yi's family? Yes, it must be.

He glanced over the more than a dozen school police.

More than a dozen school police got the gods, but also surrounded the four people. They were afraid that they escaped, or they were afraid of the principal and Yang Yiyi.

"The old man, it's okay? You don't have trouble. How can I be a bad person?"

Zhang Bin was crying and screaming.

"If you are a painting and calligraphy, I am a call and calligraphy." Zeng Zheng said, "Young people, I think you still put the case, don't be wrong again."

"What kind of case, what is your head? Older, you are too lionial. I am a friend of Yiyi. It is also a master of painting and calligraphy." Zhang Bin said, "You let them let go, don't delay me, don't, friends, friends Time. I have a minute of trillion. "

"It is definitely a liar."

"The liar is really big."

"If these four people are good people, I will write the name."

"Yiyi, my goddess, how can she have such a friend?"


Many boys and girls have discuss them.

Their faces have floated the color of anger.

"Kid, if you can prove that you are a painting and calligraphy, I believe you. Otherwise, I can only catch you." Zeng President said coldly.

"Well, I prove it."

Zhang Bin is a bit helpless. He can force Yang Yi to go away, but they will definitely alarm and will definitely sensationalize the world.

I can only prove yourself.

"Take a paper pen?"

Zeng Zhou wizards.

"I have a paper pen here."

Zhang Lele took out the ink paper and the easel from the space ring, shouted.

Everyone separates a road and let Zhang Le have gone in.

"God, this is a new school girl, beautiful to so, don't be less than Yang Yiyi."

"Good beautiful little beauty, don't know what is the name?"

"It's too happy, I have seen two best beauty today."


Many boys are watching Zhang Lele, and the mouth is also an exciting voice.

Zhang Lele has cultivated the Golden Tianshi because of taking Chang Yantan, and the skin is delicate and white.

Beautiful woman who is not buckled.

Zhang Lele looked at Zhang Bin with a bit, and put the shelf and paved the paper.

"This little beauty must know him? Is it his sister?"

Yang Yi is clear, and in his heart.

"Kid, I still have to count, are you the hand of painting? I see you is a martial arts fight?" Zeng President's face.

Zhang Bin's hand is very big, it is also a bit rough. After all, I will practice Wuhu every day.

His skin is all the bronze, it is really not a literary.

As for the third person of Ma Ri Fei, it is more clearly characterized by the arms.

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