"Eating me a punch ..."

Yang Xiong brings over, a madness, a punch, to the next chin.

Because the wild has become a giant of two meters, it is very inconvenient to attack the nose.

I can only lay down.

"you wanna die……"

The wilderness smiled and shouted, and his fist was played out.


Double boxing, the sound is very loud.

After both, the two stepped back and retired.

Obviously, their power is almost great.

" ... Hua State actually has such a genius? Just cultivate in the early days of the liquefied land, there is such a horrible force?" The sound of Luov issued a surprised voice, and the face is also exposed to the color.

However, he is still not worried.

The Penglai faichun is very horrible. As long as a few punches, you can shock the enemy's bones.

"Kid, I want to interrupt your hand."

The wilder is also very angry, it is very wrong, this teenager who seems to be talented is so powerful?

He roared, rushed over, crazy.

"I want to explode you."

Yang Xionx excitedly shouted, and once again slammed his fist.

"Hey ..."

The two hit ten boxes.

Yang Xiong's wrist bone is still no broken, and the wild is not confident. "It is impossible, it is absolutely impossible, how can you resist my Penglai fist?"

"What bird is punch, can you hurt me?"

Yang Xiong's face has floated and scornful colors.

Just now, I jumped out of the fortune, the power of the shock, although the power is very powerful, but still can't hurt him.

It is precisely because Yang Xiong has strong and defensive abilities, it is a terrorist machine that is close to.

Zhang Bin made Yang Xiong played.

Otherwise, he has no good way to teach wild.

Because the rest of the liquefied disciples are not capable of defeating the wild.

The time they cultivate is too short.

If they can cultivate into golden hoods and killing, they can certainly defeat each other.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to cultivate the Bolden Tiantian practicing and need a short time.

It is a super genius, we must cultivate into a golden hood and a kingmaster body, and it will take ten years to suffer.

"Silly big might ..."

"Silly big cattle ..."

"Billing him ..."

Three teasings shouted excitedly.

The rest also began to shout excitedly.

The disciples of the Dangdan Dienie are the same, and the wrogging in the heart is swept away.

In the power, they also don't be asya, but they can't resist the horrible oscillating power.

"Brother, see how I hit him."

Yang Xiong is more exciting, rushing up like a leopard.

The Dashen launched the same attack like a water silver.

His speed is very fast, and the pace is also very flexible.

In addition, the defense is invincible, the power is like a mountain.

His attack is really terrible.

"Hey ..."

The wilderness was so worried, madly counterattack.

There are a lot of tricks and strange tricks.

But there is still no ovulation.

Can't save the decline at all.

He began to defeat, and the wolf was unbearable.

Yang Xiong is a sense of enthusiasm, murderous.

The attack is getting more crazy and fierce.

Press the opponent, occupy an absolute upper wind.

"Xiaobin found such a genius? Too Qingmen finally had a super genius. In the future, we can cultivate a top master, you can pick Xiao Bin's class." Li Taiqing saw two eyes to put the light, face The thick accent is floated.

"Hey ... this time, I brought Yang Xiong back to bring it."

Zhang Bin is also very happy, the face has a brilliant smile.

"Hey ... Just I let the silly kid, otherwise, he does not have such a powerful defense. There is no ability to defeat the other party."

Chen Chao Yue is even more likely.

Ma Rufei and Zhang Navy are also very proud, because they also have a job because of the things that make the silly kid.

The Lov is a face of iron, and his eyes are blaming the fierce light.

"Hey ..."


Yang Xiong hired nearly a hundred punches, and the wild is finally screaming.

Because his fists are already red and swollen.

The bones also started cracking.

After all, he did not have Yang Xiong so horrible to defense.

There are many genius in this world, and they may have some kind of abilities.

However, natural people with power and anti-abilities are also rare.

It can even be said that there is no.

Even Yang Xiong is a defense against the net muanjun.

Therefore, now Yang Xiong is already a master of fighting.

It is also a super genius.

Of course, Zhang Bin now has an incomparable terrorism and anti-abilities.

He cultivated into a golden clock, the kingdom body, the contrast, and the bones were also absorbing the refining dragon, hard to ripe. His defensive abilities and strong abilities do not know how many times more than Yang Xiong.

"Give me ..."

Yang Xiong shouted, and once again crazy.

This time, the wilderness did not dare to resist.

He quickly retired.

However, Yang Xiong's feet is a force, just like lightning.

The fist is like a meteor.


"Hey ..."

The chin crushed.


The wilderness screamed, and the clouds fell in the same way, and the blood fog was sprayed in the mouth.


Yang Xiong shouted again, and Yang Xiong shouted, and the body flew up and flew up on the other's chest.

"Hey ..."

The sternum is broken.


Dano sent a scream, heavyweight, spurting the bloodstream in his mouth, can't climb.

And Yang Xiong is excited to land, put a beautiful posture, looks handsome to slag.

"Being good, play wonderful, playing two goods."

"Silly big mighty, you are too big."

"Hahaha ..."


Many too clear and moral disciples are excited to laugh and cheer.

Especially the disciples of moisture doors, it is even more energetic, and it is very pleasant, and a depression and wrogging in the chest.

It is to know that there are more than a dozen liquid bodies, a successful disciple is interrupted.

Now Yang Xiong is revenge.


Roof is extremely angry, racing in the past and treats wildheat.

And Zhang Bin also took the opportunity to treat all injured disciples.

As far as his magical medicine, healing is of course very easy.

I spent half an hour, all disciples were restored.

And Lov also took the injury of the wild.

Of course, it is mainly deactivated by magical medicinal herbs.

They Penglai door, of course, there is a special treatment of drugs.

Then, Luov jumped up, he fell in the center of the play, smiled and said: "Does anyone dare to fight me?"

Look at him, it is obviously to lick the disciples of Yi Guanjin Dan, to the wilderness.

"Husband, I went up to kill him."

Where is Ginger Snow I've seen the arrival of the other party? Low sound in Zhang Bin's ear is charming.

(It is also six chapters to send, ask for recommendations, thank you brothers.)

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