The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 929 Terrorina

"Our monks can't kill him, but some people can kill him." Lushan old ancestors smiled, "The earth is not only a monk, but also a horrible magic. They have the devil, and the future will be fairyland, It doesn't need merits. They are inevitable, they want to eat, cruel and cruel, refining souls, peeling, hundreds of sin. The more sinful, the more powerful. They like to kill, the kind of huge merits The characters, then they can get a big benefit. The so-called road is one foot, the magic is one foot. The more sin, the stronger they are. "


Changsheng Guangxi pour a breath, "What? There is such a horrible magic in the world? Strictly relying on sin? In this case, how do you do not destroy it? Or do they don't kill all the monks ? All human beings are all? "

"Guang Xi, your brain is very good, it is too intelligent, but unfortunately, you don't have the qualifications of cultivation, otherwise it is a peerless genius." The old ancestors of the mountains said, "You don't know. Magic The martial art named the magic gate, is strong to a terrible point, and it is not the union of many comprehension martial arts. We have to destroy the magic gate, there is no such strength, and the magic door wants to destroy us, and there is no such strength. And We have to get merits by killing the Magic Monk. They have to rely on us to get the monk to get sin. If some side does not exist. Then I will not be far away from the extinction. As for ordinary people, they will not slaughter, also It will not be extinct. The truth is the same. Ordinary people are gone, the disciples can not receive it. The magic door is extinct. "

"It turns out that there is a goodness, there is a goodness, there is a fairy, it is an almost, it is also coexisting." Chang Sheng Guangxi said, "In this case, we have to vigorously promote, Zhang Bin has received huge merits, Earth has acquired the most merit monitors, and it will eventually trigger the attention of the magic gate. They will definitely go to kill Zhang Bin and get a lot of sins. "

"To be right. You can do this. It is best not to reveal any travel, or let others do it." Lushan old ancestors smiled, "In fact, this is just to make the magic door monk to move in advance. Even Nothing, the magic door will go to pick up Zhang Bin sooner or later, he is absolutely not long. "

"Ha ha ha ..." Chang Shenggui smiled excitedly, his face showed a smooth color, "Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin, you kill my grandson, think you can get away from the way?"

He asked again: "Where is the old ancestors, how can the magic door? How can I let the magic door know Zhang Bin's huge merit?"

"Sky Devils are the intelligence agencies of the magic gates, there is a stronghold in any big cities. So, as long as you have a strong propaganda in big cities, it is best to show him the score of the desert, and then Proclaiming that he is a superpological doctor, developing too many drugs, is the first person to win merit, will certainly practice to the flying misery. That magic door will be able to do it. "Lushan old ancestors smiled.

Only when he is such an old, the super powerful giant will know the secret of some magic gates.

Therefore, this poison is really horrible and poisonous.

The real murder does not see blood.

"Thank you for your point of view."

Changsheng Guangxi is extremely excited, and immediately leave.

Taklamgan desert.

Located between Changbai Mountain and Kunlun Mountain, more than 330,000 square kilometers.

Sand dunes, vast and vast.

There is another name here, it is the sea of ​​death.

Because the sand here can be moved, the wind blows, Feisha, the dunes move, the horror is extreme.

At this moment, Zhang Bin took a large number of disciples in the Taklamgan desert.

They stand on a talious sand dune, only see Huangsha, and reflected golden rays under the sun shine.

The temperature is extremely high, and the air is distorted.

If it is an ordinary person, in such a place, stay a day. It will definitely become people.

"Master, can this this really transformed into an oasis?"

Ma Rufei's face is full of color, asked in confusion.

As for the rest, it is more confused.

"Of course, it is easy." Zhang Bin's mysterious smile, "started. We first changed an oasis and slowly expanded."

After that, he made a heart, and ten gathering flew out of his space ring.

He first placed one of the gargpes on the ground.

This water-saving array can be folded, and now there is more than 100 square meters.

As an energy source as an energy.

The loose array begins, rapid birth of water, like ten huge springs.

The water is flowing out, just like a small river.

This is certainly not the simple gathering gauge that Zhang Bin has made.

Instead, it is the masterpiece of Xuanwu's highest science and technology.

The ability of the water is of course very strong.

And have a long life.

It can be used for hundreds of years or even thousands of years.

With this ten raw sneakers, it is equal to the ten streams in the desert.

That is easy to transform the desert.

"God, what is this magic? Is it so amazing?"

All disciples are completely shaken.

After the sun, the sun, the farten, and the jeans, and the jeans, I also cheered, start to wash your face, excited.

"What is it? What is it? Don't open the rest of the array?"

Zhang Bin said with a smirk.

"Yes, the master."

Many disciples promised excitedly and began busy.

They clearly know that most of them cannot cultivate into Golden Dan.

However, if they change the desert along with Zhang Bin, turn the desert into an oasis.

Then they will get huge merits, they will get the shelter.

It is a great possibility to set out Jindan.

In fact, this is also an important purpose of Zhang Bin with them to transform the desert.

It is the best way to make too clearer, which is the best way.

Soon, the nine gauges are also arranged nearby.

"Now, start planting ..."

Zhang Bin took out the previously prepared seeds, and many of the best spirit. Stacked on the desert.

Now he is taking the Lingshi Basic to the dragon blood.

Lingshi, which is tied is naturally the best spirit.

The best Lingshi has a lack of cultivating plants, and the speed is much faster than above!

Many disciples throw the Lingshi into the water, and then plant seeds on the desert and pour the spirits.

The seed began to rapidly germination, and the speed visible with the naked eye is long.

In less than half an hour, there is a green wood forest.


It's a miracle!

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