The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 939 Golden Horse

"What baby? You come over. Let me see."

Zhang Bin suddenly excitedly, his face was also a strong surprise.

So many days have passed, and there are still no treasures.

Let him live, even, he is doubtful, merits and luck don't have any association.

Because this time, Golden light has been brought together, and it is swallowed by his merits.

He certainly got a huge merit, but the luck did not get better? Even the treasures have not been found?

Didn't think, I finally found it.

" ..."

He stopped and flew to the sand.

And more also drilled from the sand.

He took a treasure from his stomach.

It turned out to be a huge gold horse.

This horse is still high in the horse, all of which is poured with gold.

Reflecting dazzling golden light under the illuminating sunlight.

"A gold horse?"

Zhang Bin's face revealed the ecstasy, and the eyes were shot.

As far as his current eyes, certainly see a gold horse in the district.

However, this gold horse is not simple because it is a next product method.

Excorps the breath of golden civilization.

Undoubtedly, this is a treasure that is refined in the era of gold in the golden civilization.

That is, the TakLaman desert may really have the remains of gold civilization.

Last time, Zhang Bin has been found in Golden City.

The harvest is also huge.

However, there is no scientific and technological information from gold civilization.

Could it be, this time I have to go to the big ship?

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin laughed, turned over the horse, shouting in his mouth, "driving ..."

The golden horse began to fly in the desert.

Top tap ...

The sound is continuous, and the speed of the gold horse is also getting faster and faster.

Finally, it turned out, flew in the air, fleafully, and became a golden light.

"My God, the master brother came to a good baby."

Everyone can see it, and the face is filled with shock.

"Fortune, make a fortune ..."

Three invasive and silly children Yang Xiong shouted.

"Brother, ride me ..."

Liu Ruoyme is also excited, and it is shouting with delicate.

Many people's faces have revealed the color, which is too dismusive.

Liu Ruomei has been vacated, hurriedly chased it, no matter where it was in the back of the golden horse, she slammed Zhang Bin's tiger waist.

"Hold, I am not responsible."

Zhang Bin shouted with a smile, and he fly faster in the gold horse.

The magic weapon refining the golden civilization is very different, and it is a brain.

Therefore, the average person can not use it.

Only rabbits can invade, control the brain.

"Gill ... too cool ..."

Liu Ruomei issued a string of silver bells, and the excitement and excitement of a face.

"It's a madman, my husband is completely spoiled. I said that my brother-in-law is the most petty, I didn't believe it before, but today I believe it."

Liu Rulan is embarrassed in his heart.

Finally, Zhang Bin took the golden horse and let Liu Rumei continue to drive or fly.

He landed in front of him, excitedly asked: "How many golden horses are looking for?"

"There are about 50 kilometers underground, there is no longer Huangsha, but there are signs of distressed creatures." I excitedly said that "I also found some fossils ..."

Said, I took out a stone with two fists.

Take a closer look, there is a hoe in the stone.

That is the brain bone of a certain animal.

"There is a treasure below, must have a treasure ... Master, let's go."

Three invasive and Yang Xiong rushed over, Zhang Navy shouted excitedly.

Their face is full of fanatics and excitement.

"Are you going?"

Zhang Bin said that he did not say good.

Four teasing will pull your head tower down.

They are now a lot, but they don't have the ability to master the soil.

There is no way to sneak into the ground.

"I look at it ..."

Zhang Bin took a lot of space rings and sneak into the ground.

"Take me, I am in your Dragon Palace ..."

Ma Rufei is looking forward to yelling.

In addition, two teasings and Yang Xiong also excitedly excitedly.

"Sonance, I have to go."

Liu Ruoli drove the gold horse, and shouted.

It is a group of fanatical treasure hunt.

"Jiang Xue, Fengfei, you are careful about being careful ..."

Zhang Bin finished, took five people into his dragon palace, and sink into the dirt as the ghost.

"Master, in this direction ..."

A lot of starts in the spatial ring.

Soon, Zhang Bin sinking a hundred kilometers.

He began to move quickly.

In fact, he has no ability to find treasures at all.

Because it is too difficult.

Must encounter treasures to find it.

He moved to treasure hunt, or rely on a lot of magical probes.

You know, you can detect more than 30 kilometers of metals around.

Unfortunately, I have been looking for a dozen minutes, or there is still no harvest.

Such depth is already soil, black.

Singular fossils can be seen from time to time.

"The master, to this side, there are more fossils here."

A lot of refers to it again.

"I have to take a break."

Zhang Bin said a little support, he began to dig, and quickly dig a hole.

Of course, the dug dug was taken into the space ring.

Then he relieved the soil and sat on the ground.

And he also took three funses of a stupid crazy.

The three teasing is that Ma Rufei Chen Yue and Zhang Navy. When a stupid is natural, the talented is a stupid child, Yang Xiong, a crazy, said that the crazy little scorpion will Liu Ruomei.

There are five people around you, it will never be cold, it will be lively.

Of course, Zhang Bin also secretly let Dantian Zhong Xiaoqian and Xiaolong quickly release oxygen, and he will row to this space.

"Master, where is this?"

"Where is the treasure ..."

"What is my treasure?"

"Sonance, didn't you find treasure?"

"Sister, how is it so dark? I am so scared."

Three teasing a stupid one crazy, and there is a small call, and the face is full of expectations.

Liu Ruomei even took the opportunity to slap the oil, and hug Zhang Bin's tiger waist.

Obviously, she is a bit of thinking and Zhang Binhao.

This is hint.

"Hey ... I will talk to you, the treasure is not far away, this time, we may really send a big fortune ..." Zhang Bin also laughed, his face was full, his two eyes, The darkness is shining in the dark.

He is not bragging, but there is a great grasp, because there is so many fossils now, it is a periphery of ancient civilization, and the core area should not be far away.

Can the core area still have a treasure?

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