The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 992 once again enlightened

"Ordinary people are tossing in the surface, and now the surface has contaminated it. Smog, noise, garbage in the sea ..." Zhou Tianyu said, "this place, even if it is dead, there is no more plants, It is just to restore the previous look. It is much better than being tossed by ordinary people. "

"Kid, you are still tender. Now, do you understand?"

Zhang Hangkui said coldly.

"Could, your martial art is also such a hole? Not many disciples? Also never let ordinary people go in? Is it worried about these?" Zhang Bin's face floated the color, asked.

"This is also said? The powerful martial art has such a hole. And it is better than this lot of holes." Zhang Hangkui said.

"Lying ... The earth has a lot of holes. But there are no many people living in it. Only a small number of monks, so the environment inside is basically unchanged ..." Zhang Bin was excited in his heart, but his mouth said: "You said I don't make sense. I will not borrow the sun with you. This place, in the future, even the martial arts that we are too clearer. "

"This is right, you are so powerful, just take out a sun, don't solve it. Don't let ordinary people come in."

Zhang Hangkui also said with a slightly ridicule.

The meaning of the words, your bastard is too unmanned, I have to borrow a sun from other martial arts.

Who is willing to do this is not good, don't get any merits, can only get something wrong?

"It is simply two bighams."

Zhang Bin is also contemptuous in his heart, but it is very happy. From today, the four magical penalties are too late to be too clear.

Although I said that some replaced ghosts and spirits know that there are four restricted areas, but they have not entered it.

Even if you enter, it is also transmitted, it is considered that the four restricted areas are not in this hole.

Therefore, Zhou Tianyu and Zhang Hangkui are not interested in this hole.

"In the future, it is normally named to Too Qing Kong."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

Since the treasures are finished, the door sent monks are very happy, and they will return to the day.

Li Taishi, who did the Mozimen Dynasty, took the genus, bringing all the spirit and the original disciple, and will send them back to their respective countries or martial arts. Of course, there will be many gathers to pick up genius disciples.

It is also known that some spiritualmasters are also monks, and there is also a good cultivation.

Even, too Qingmen will also pick some genius to join the martial art.

However, Zhang Bin did not go to Yanjing, he let the ice clouds and three teasings to help and pick disciples.

He is still staying too clearly, and the rest of the disciples are still stayed here.

Zhang Bin is now sitting on the grass, close his eyes, thinking in detail.

Jiang Xue and Qi Fairy are standing behind him, of course, is giving him a law.

The rest of the disciples are still excavating some special medicines.

It is necessary to transfer to Sancha River Village and Golden City.

After all, there is no sun in the future, all plants and medicines will die.

It is possible to transplant a little bit.

In particular, the unique plants here go out.

Zhang Bin's brow is deeply embarrassed, and he is thinking about a very important issue.

The previous Zhang Hang Kui and Zhou Tianyu have the dragon master, giving him a lot of confusion.

"Ordinary humans live in this hole, not merit? But is it wrong?" Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, "Is this true? Is that, the ordinary human beings live in the surface of the earth, a burden on the earth is a burden • Reduce the number of human beings For the earth, is it merit? Is it sin? "

"No, wrong, this conclusion is definitely wrong. At least not so correct."

It is speculated that Zhang Bin himself feels very horrible and ridiculous. He recalls the discussion of the past and dragon veins, and suddenly it is clear.

If human beings have been destroying the environment, it is true for the earth.

However, if human beings do not destroy the environment, improve the necronomance, that is, merits.

However, let everyone understand this, do not destroy the environment, but to improve the environment, that is too hard.

Moreover, even if they understand, they are unable to do so.

Because human beings have to survive, they must have a comfortable life, they must develop energy, and they must also develop deposits and produce a wide variety of materials.

It is inevitable to destroy the environment.

This is also a more and more serious haze now.

In fact, to solve this problem, you can only improve the scientific and technical level, reduce pollution, and vigorously improve the necronomance.

"Fortunately, I have studied birth energy. Coal, petroleum and other pollution-repetable fuel will be gradually eliminated, and I will continue to get huge merits, I must cultivate it in the black prison neighbors to repair to the distance from the sage, let mear gold print Magical ability, breaking the imprisonment of the small tower, then go to the black prison star, of course, I have to practice to Shenshu as soon as possible ... "

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin took out the merit list, look forward to seeing his merits, and found that there is already 60,000 points. The dragon on the side of your own merits golden print also became six. His face revealed a splendid smile, and the cultivation of green wood is much tough than the common skills of the earth. Broad through the bottleneck, especially need merits, let him condense the congenital spirit, now he cultivates the peak It is necessary to break through the big success, of course, more merits.

Now I want to pass some truths, he feels that I have to break through the condensation, and the traces can be followed.

You must know that many monks of Xuanwu, they have not cultivated to the peak of the gel, and they have not cultivated to the big success, and don't say breakthrough to the small trees.

That's too hard.

By breaking through the merits of the earth, it is difficult to get through the baking.

The most likely reason is that the green talents of green wood absorbed too many plants' aura, which is equivalent to undermine the environment.

I got negligence.

If you don't get huge merits to rush, you will not have the shelter of the heavens and the earth, and it is extremely difficult to break through the bottleneck.

However, you can get a fond of life, and there is no way to match the Earth monk.

It can be said that it is an excellent disadvantage.

"I collected the aura of plants, didn't let any plant died, because I won't get over breathe. So, my fault is not big."

Zhang Bin thought in his heart.

Switch, he took the thoughts back and considers the problem of too clearing the day.

I kill the nine dazzle, so let the sun and the moon go out.

If all the plants that make too clear cave are killed, this consequence is very serious, I will get huge negligence.

It is very disadvantageous to my cultivation.

You know, this is a thousands of two million square kilometers.

There are too many plants that survive too much.

"I have to keep the plants here, and I have to transform too beautiful the day, I don't allow anyone to destroy bad, after all, here I said. Even if I will move in the future, I will not have anything. Neglament. If ordinary people do the work of improved necropsy, they will get mens. "Zhang Bin Si is here, suddenly a little anxious, because I have no ability to keep so many plants, even if I cultivate a kind So powerful sun, hanging in the sky. However, it will leave the earth in the future, flying in the fairy, there is no sunlight.

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