The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 998 makes life like the sun like the sun.

"Perhaps, Baojin Tianshi and treasure gods are also the practice of the immortal. I put together with the Sky Magic, but because some accident, the golden civilization did not get treasure gods, just got the Golden Tianshi and the Sky Three books. After that, the Snake civilization has got a treasure god. There is no book. This is likely to be a coincidence. "Zhang Bin said," We can't ignore golden heavens and treasure gods. I am this practice. The practice of the immortal leaves. "

"Master, if you are really like this, you are really Hong Fuqi. Because you got the Golden Tianshan, I also got the treasure of God. I also got a book. In addition, you still have a good magic. And the clues of the book. "The rabbit said excitedly.

"Time has passed too much. It is too difficult to find the Tiandou to the book and the book is too difficult. Maybe someone will bring the book and the book to the fairy world." Zhang Bin said, "However, I am strong in the future, get the universe warship of the black prison, but also to go to the planet. If you can get the book and the book, you can come back to get this treasure. Undoubtedly, the fairy stays In this treasure is the most precious, it is definitely more expensive than that of the two skills. It is worth escaped from the fairyland, it is worth the horror giant to chase. What kind of treasure is it? I really look forward to it. Perhaps, this is the foundation in the future in the fairyland, or it is my biggest adventure. "

"Master, maybe this treasure is really different. After all, I have never heard of the immortal. The next one is still very difficult." Rabbit said, "So, even if you have not got a book, you will be To get the treasure inside. "

"I can't get the Teminated and the book, that is not the treasure that is here. The ban on the fairy is not the monk of all the monks can crack, that is, cultivate to the flying situation." Zhang Bin said, "Forcing forbidden, maybe treasures will be destroyed. It may also cause disasters."

"Master, you are right, or wait for you to be strong, first go to the planet to find a book and book. You Hong Fu Qi Tian should be able to find it." The rabbit said.

Zhang Bin did not delay here again, and immediately left.

Magic is that he has healed himself before he has healed, and he has never seen it.

"What kind of magics are this?"

Zhang Bin shocked the extreme, but this time, he didn't dig his hole, but to show the earth.

I didn't get lost again, so I went out soon.

"Big bad eggs, how did you go in? I almost scared me."

Liu Ruo Mei Jiao said.

"There is a terrible array of steps below. In the future, don't enter it. So you will fall."

Zhang Bin said seriously.

He is not exaggerated, but it is really possible.

If lost inside, the abilities of the earth are exhausted, and it may be difficult to die.

The fairy is arranged, that is not a game.

"Yes, the master."

All disciples promise respectfully.

Going back to Dongfu, Liu Ruoyme also pursued: "Big bad eggs, what is it below?"

"Ms. Sister, you are my big Fuxing." Zhang Bin put Liu Ruo Mei into the arms, Xi Toss, "there is a treasure to me, but now I haven't gotten it yet."

Liu Ruomei is surprised and happy, but also asked in detail, but the lips have been sealed by Zhang Bin, she forgets everything, hook Zhang Bin neck, forgetting, and responding ...

Transmission arrays of the Mid-city mainfruit in the Sahara desert and Golden City.

Suddenly lit up with a touch of white light.

Then, the cold ice cloud, Ma Rufei Chen Yue Zhang Navy and others appeared.

They came out one by one, and they took more than 100 spiritualmas.

Among them, the princess of Peony, the Lotus Princess has Lin Houli.

For more than a month, they used tens of thousands of spiritual women and all the ghosts of all the gates.

These spiritualmasters are of course they pick up and receive too clear.

They basically have cultivation, cultivation to the pulse.

Of course, it does not include Lin Houli.

There is no one from a male disciple.

Mainly because of those who have extraordinary calendars for death, it is not from the master, from the powerful ancient people.

" ... we brought the most beautiful spirit to the most, the master brother is happy to be happy."

"We have a big power, the main thing is, we can also bubble these teachers, hey ..."

"Three princess is a big brother, and the rest of the beautiful girl is our ..."

Three tence faces showed an unhappy smile, it looks that people are creepy.

Zhang Bin received a phone call, so he also passed back to the city mainfate from the Taiqing Cave Day.

Now he is sitting in the hall.

Seven fairy, Liu Ruomei, Jiang Xue, Feng Feng stands behind him.

It seems that it is very powerful.

"I have seen the door."

Three teasing excitedly came in, Ma Rufei said: "Master, our disciples, are you satisfied?"

In addition, two teasings are also the color of a face, of course, I look forward to getting Zhang Bin's reward.

The cold ice cloud is a smile to Zhang Bin, and the pretty student stands.

Zhang Bin's eyes were projected on all the beauty, and glanced at it. He nodded again.

Three tempted suddens are even more proud and excited.

And many spirits were shameful, and they certainly met Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin, entering the gantry, destroying such evil spirits.

This teenager, looks like the bad look, but it is extremely extreme.

Zhang Bin said that he said, let the seven fairy take them to place them.

However, three beautiful princess still standing there, not willing to go.

Perhaps, they want to get Zhang Bin's special commitment.

Zhang Bin looked at them with the same eyes of the flowers. He said seriously: "Three printers, you all have a colorful posture, and there is a happy family. Do you really join us too clear? Truth and You said. The gates of the gates can make you live, promise that there will be genius will fly to the fairy, take you together. It is a lie. Three million years. None of the gates, no one flying in the fairy world. Because Too Have been difficult. We are too clearet, although talents are talented. But no one can grasp the future to fairyland. Even if there is, it will not take you. Go to the fairy, have a long life. That is just a dream I think anyone, we should not trust the virtual dream. But we should work hard to grasp the life of the world, let the life like the sun as the sun. Do you think? "

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