The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 10 The warm-hearted Jiangcheng

Xiuxi Library is located in the east of Wuyue City. It is one of the best public libraries in Wuyue City.

The library is an indispensable public facility in Wuyue City and even in the entire Liang Kingdom.

In a world of immortality without the Internet, they will provide the public with timely, rich and free knowledge of all kinds. If you want to learn about a certain university, it would be a good idea to go to the library and look up information first.

Of course, not all such places are called libraries. Some places are also called "Sutra Collection Pavilion", "Sutra Collection Building" or "Academy".

Somewhere in the lending area of ​​the Xiuxi Library, an old man with an old but elegant temperament came to his usual seat holding a copy of "The Legend of the Sword God".

This is close to the floor-to-ceiling windows on the wall, and outside is the small courtyard in the center of the library. From morning to afternoon, he can always enjoy the peaceful and warm sunshine, which is his proud seat.

But today is a little different.

Opposite this seat, a young male cultivator was already sitting. It is conceivable that this young man probably arrived very early.

The sun shines on the young man's face, making his handsome face holy and radiant.

Judging from his appearance alone, this young man does not look like a bad person in any way.

The old man is more than happy to share his seat with the eager and hard-working young man.

He pulled out his chair, sat across from the young man, opened "The Legend of the Sword God" and immersed himself in the history recorded in the book.

The old man's name is Bai Wendao, a retired professor. However, he could not enjoy such a leisurely retirement life for long. Because his former employer, Tianheng Sword Cultivator Academy, was going to carry out the "upgrading movement" and upgrade from a B-class Sword Cultivator Academy to an A-class Sword Cultivator Academy.

He received a re-employment notice from his former club a few weeks ago and will soon return to school to continue to shine.

To be precise, one week later, he will appear in the examination room of Tianheng Sword Cultivation Academy as an invigilator.

Bai Wendao doesn't hate teaching, nor does he hate students. It's just that this leisure time is coming to an end, which makes him quite regretful.

Fortunately, he has the cultivation level of the Foundation Establishment Stage and his lifespan is as long as three hundred years.

Even if he goes back to school and shines for ten or twenty years, he still has decades of leisure to live.

Sometimes the old man really needs to have more contact with the young people. It is not a bad thing for him to go back to school to teach and invigilate exams and face the energetic young monks.

"The Legend of the Sword God" is a biographical novel that tells the stories of the sword gods in the history of the Liang Kingdom.

Among them, some high-level sword cultivators with great strength and extremely long lifespan are still alive today.

Bai Wendao has been studying and teaching swordsmanship all his life. To him, these powerful swordsmen are no different from idols.

It's just that his foundation-building cultivation level and his status as a professor at Tianheng Sword Cultivator Academy are really not enough in front of a truly powerful sword cultivator.

While Bai Wendao was immersed in "The Legend of Sword God", several uninvited guests came to the borrowing area of ​​Xiuxi Library.

These few high school seniors, who seemed to have just finished the college entrance examination, borrowed a few magazines, sat down in the borrowing area, and began to chatter about their future choices.

Bai Wendao frowned. He didn't dislike energetic young people, but the borrowing area of ​​the library was not really a place to discuss issues.

Bai Wendao raised his head and glanced at the young male cultivator opposite who was reading seriously. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It would be great if everyone was as quiet, calm and full of sunshine as him.

That's what he said, but Bai Wendao accidentally glanced at the books borrowed by the young male cultivator.

"Criminal Law", "Human Anatomy", "Neurology", "The Truth Under the Forensic Surgeon"...


Bai was stunned when he heard the news.

To be honest, it was difficult for him to associate such a sunny and handsome young man with things like "forensic medicine", "anatomy" and "psychiatry" that were full of the underworld.

The young male cultivator put down the book gently to avoid making any noise, and then gave Bai Wendao an apologetic smile.

Then, Bai Wendao saw the young man getting up lightly and walking towards the group of female monks who were chatting about the future.

Bai Wendao has no expectations for young people's behavior.

After all, it is difficult for such a polite and kind young man to act as a deterrent to an unruly little girl. At his age, there are many guys who blush when talking to girls.

But soon, the discussion stopped.

The library became quiet again.

The young male cultivator sat back in his seat.

"I'm sorry that they disturbed your reading."

Jiang Cheng took the initiative to apologize to Bai Wendao on behalf of his unruly alumni.


This sentence of forgiveness came from Bai Wendao's mouth subconsciously.

Jiang Cheng smiled, said no more, and continued to study the muscles and nerves of the human body.

When working in a game company, learning ability is essential.

The reason why Jiang Cheng can sit in the chief numerical planner's seat of "Immortals" is that although excellent personality charm and outstanding business capabilities are indispensable, long-term and continuous learning also provides him with continuous progress on the road of planning. A great help.

Bai Wendao became a little curious about this young man.

He works in education and has met quite a few students. But no one has such a calm, calm and steady temperament as Jiang Cheng.

The most valuable thing is that he is not only outstanding, but also well-behaved and compassionate to the elderly.

No matter how you look at it, this is an outstanding young man who is enthusiastic, motivated and full of sunshine. Except for the book he was holding.

Bai Wendao took the initiative to walk to Jiang Cheng's side and asked, "Would you like to go out for a cup of tea together?"

Jiang Cheng didn't want to drink tea now, but the old man seemed to need help, because according to common sense, few people would take the initiative to invite strangers to drink tea.

"Okay. But I need to return the books first."

Bai Wendao pointed to the exit of the library, "There are storage racks for temporary storage of personal belongings. Books can be stored there temporarily."

The two put down their books and, under Bai Wendao's guidance, came to the tea shop outside the library.

Steaming green tea was placed in front of the two of them. Bai Wendao asked: "Young man, what is your name?"

"The boy's surname is Jiang, and he is famous in the city."

"Jiangcheng? What's the explanation for this name?"

Jiang Cheng didn't know either, after all, the name was chosen casually. But when he came to this world, he felt that his name could have a new interpretation.

"City means owning many houses. It represents a simple wish."

Bai Wendao laughed. He found Jiang Cheng's explanation very interesting.

"My name is Bai Wendao, and he is a retired old man. He usually likes fishing, drinking tea, and studying kendo."

Jiang Cheng saw the calluses on Bai Wendao's tiger's mouth and said, "You must be a senior swordsman."

"I don't dare to take it seriously. The path of swordsmanship is as deep as the sea. I have spent my whole life just getting a glimpse of the generals. I am not a senior. I am just an ordinary monk who uses a sword."

Jiang Cheng nodded.

I agree with Bai Wendao's view that "the path of swordsmanship is as deep as the sea."

The cultivation path of sword cultivation is indeed the most complicated among all the cultivation paths in "Immortal God".

In order to balance the sword cultivator's combat power, Jiang Cheng lost a lot of his hair.

"Yes, sword cultivation is very different from traditional cultivation methods. Traditional cultivation methods emphasize making up for shortcomings and making progress together. Sword cultivation is a method of specialization. But it is precisely because of being too specialized that sword cultivation itself has split into There are countless factions. The Sword Controlling Sect, the Sword Qi Sect, the Killing Sword Sect... each has its own system, and no one obeys the other."

Bai Wendao's eyes lit up: "Brother Jiang actually has such research on swordsmanship?"

Jiang Cheng didn't have much to rely on, so he said modestly, "I'm lucky enough to understand a little bit."

Although there is a big age gap, the two chatted quite congenially.

In the tea shop next to Xiuxi Library, comforting laughter can be heard from time to time.

Jiang Cheng's politeness, talkativeness, and just the right amount of knowledge gave Bai Wendao a good impression.

Bai Wendao couldn't help but think to himself that if he could meet students like Jiang Cheng when he returned to Jianxiu Academy to teach, then his teaching career after returning to the job would be very pleasant.

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