The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 158 Spiritual Planting Garden? Lingzhi Ranch!

The presence of small fruit trees is too abstract due to scrawling.

Within two days after Scrawled Little Fruit Tree moved into the Lingzhi Garden, the news had already spread among the sophomores and juniors in the Lingzhi Department.

Even if some juniors have no work to do, they still have to squat outside the wasteland to see what kind of plant performances the small fruit trees can produce.

Outside the wasteland rented by Jiangcheng, a dozen spiritual plant students squatted neatly on the pony.

Some were holding melons in their hands, some were holding melon seeds, and some were holding vision enhancement charms, ready to observe the movements of the small fruit trees at any time.

"The last time it moved was two hours ago, I guess the next time will be soon."

"I bet it will move in ten minutes!"

"I'll bet for half an hour!"

"It's his grandma's. I really want to raise one. Do you know how to get one?"

"I can't come!"

"It seems to be a new breed."

"It's not a new variety. I heard Teacher Zhang say it's about the talisman! Who drew that one? That one can't do anything. I can beat the teacher's freshman in a duel."

"Oh, I heard about it too, the freshman assessment, right? What's his name?"

"His name is Jiang Cheng." Jiang Cheng said.

"Ah, yes, brother is awesome! How did you know...fuck! Jiang Cheng!"

Jiang Cheng subconsciously took a step back, but the dozen or so seniors from the spiritual plant department around him all stood up and surrounded him.

They have serious expressions, most of them are at the ninth level of Qi training, and two are at the foundation building stage.

Unless Jiang Cheng uses the Liu Tai Talisman to summon his own body to save them, there is no way to destroy them all.

"Senior, what do you want to do?"

"Do you know what to do with that blood orange tree?"

"I know." Jiang Cheng said truthfully.

The senior who had always been serious suddenly showed an amiable smile.

"Hey, Junior Jiang Cheng, you can play with the whole tree for me."

"Yes, yes, we also want to raise one for fun."

"You're welcome. Just tell me how many spiritual stones you need."

"Yes, yes, not short of money."

Although Jiang Cheng has always been willing to help others, he has also always had a strong work ethic.

Selling half-finished talismans for money after the experiment is done is disrespectful to customers, and Jiang Cheng cannot do it.

After Jiang Cheng explained the situation, the seniors also expressed their understanding. Their only requirement is to pay a deposit first to ensure that they can get the goods first if the experiment is successful.

Since the plant self-discipline talisman is a modified version of the smart puppet talisman, the production and research and development costs are very low, so Jiang Cheng has not yet decided how much it will cost.

When he sold talismans before, the buyer would set the price in the mission hall, and he would just accept the mission. Don't worry about pricing.

In the end, Jiang Cheng just symbolically accepted a low-grade spiritual stone as a deposit.

After sending away the seniors, Jiang Cheng went to the wasteland to check the growth status of the scrawled small fruit trees.

Good news: Flowers are appearing and blood orange trees are entering flowering stage.

Bad news: There seems to be a lot of Huaguduo.

After planting blood orange fruit trees for so many days, Jiang Cheng has already completed the knowledge about blood orange fruits.

Normally, blood oranges growing naturally in the wild will bear two to three fruits per tree. If artificially cultivated with sufficient nutrients, they will bear four to five.

As for the scrawled little fruit tree, it grew thirty-three flowers.

This means that it can bear thirty-three fruits.

A bit outrageous.

But that's not the most outrageous thing.

The most outrageous thing is that these flower buds all grow on one branch.

It looks like a bunch of flowers, or something like a spike on the top of a grass plant.

In short, it’s weird!

Jiang Cheng wondered: Is there any variation in self-discipline? Or maybe, when the translator collected information, it collected something that shouldn't be collected?

Anyway, the scrawled little fruit tree had been growing for so many days, so Jiang Cheng decided to let it continue to grow and see what it would look like in the end.

After Jiang Cheng checked the small fruit trees, he hurried back to the dormitory. He had classes in the afternoon and couldn't stay in the Lingzhi Garden for too long.

In the dormitory, Song Junsheng and Ding Guangming had no changes. Only Zhu Hong changed dramatically - he suddenly became taciturn and studied hard.

"Guangming, what happened to Hongcai?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Ding Guangming said: "Brother Hong Cai fell in love with a senior student in the Talisman Painting Club. He is now trying to join the Talisman Painting Club."

"I see."

After Jiang Cheng learned about the situation, he was happy for Zhu Hongcai at first, and then put the matter behind him.

He didn't want to join the club, and he didn't know the people in the Talisman Club.

This matter has little to do with him.

The top priority is to focus on the blood orange fruit and Qi and Blood Pills.

Taking advantage of the gap between classes, Jiang Cheng assumed that the output of the scrawled fruit tree was thirty fruits, and then based on this output and the time to achieve the output, leaving aside the cost of renting land and drawing talismans, he calculated the original twenty-five low-grade spiritual stones. How low can the price of a blood orange fruit be reduced after being blessed by the self-discipline talisman?

After calculation, Jiang Cheng came to the conclusion: 0.28!

Putting aside land rent and talismans, the cost of each blood orange fruit is less than 0.3 low-grade spiritual stones!

With a 24-day cycle and a production capacity of 30 fruits per tree, can the price be reduced to this extent?

Jiang Cheng referred to the middle value of the muscle relaxation talisman and the animal encouragement talisman, and set the price of the plant self-discipline talisman to one thousand low-grade spiritual stones, and then calculated it by substituting it into the cost of the blood orange fruit.

The final cost of obtaining the blood orange fruit is: 34 low-grade spiritual stones.

Jiang Cheng was stunned. The blood orange fruit originally cost only twenty-five cents. Why did the cost actually increase after he used up the charm?

Has he been pushing prices down in reverse?

After carefully checking the calculation formula, Jiang Cheng discovered that he had put all the cost of the plant self-discipline talisman on the first batch of blood orange fruits.

A blood orange fruit tree can bloom and bear fruit ten times in its lifetime, yielding ten stages of blood orange fruit.

After readjusting the calculation formula, the cost for Jiang Cheng to obtain the blood orange fruit was: 3.63 low-grade spiritual stones.

Even if land rent, seeds, and labor are included, the cost of the blood orange fruit using the Autonomous Talisman should not exceed five low-grade spiritual stones.

This is equivalent to reducing the cost of a full twenty low-grade spiritual stones compared to the original blood orange fruit.

In this way, as long as Jiang Cheng provides the plant self-discipline talisman to Tongbao Pavilion, the cost of making a Qi and Blood Pill for Tongbao Pavilion can be reduced from forty-seven or eighty yuan to twenty-seven or eighty yuan!

I am fully capable of accepting the Order of Qi and Blood Pills from the Arsenal Department!

Now Jiangcheng only needs to wait for the fruit trees to bloom and bear fruit, and then all the problems will be solved.

One day later, the fruit trees bloomed.

Three days later, the fruit will be full.

After five days, the blood orange fruit begins to mature and is of one-year quality.

Jiang Cheng picked two blood orange fruits and took them to teacher Zhang Wen of the Spiritual Plant Department. After getting the answer that "it is indeed a one-year period", he took the fruits to Xiaohe.

The Tongbaoge Huayuan Road store was deserted as usual.

As Tongbaoge's overall brand power has weakened, Tongtianmen's product channel prices have no advantage, and there are errors in store location selection, etc., the outcome of Tongbaoge's Huayuan Road store can be imagined.

It's not that Bai Xiaohe hasn't tried other orders from the Arsenal, but the final outcome is similar to the Qi-Blood Pill. The price offered by the Arsenal Department was lower than the cost of Tongbao Pavilion, so Bai Xiaohe couldn't take it over.

The two trade routes facing ordinary monks and the imperial court were both blocked.

Now the only ones who can save Tongbaoge Huayuan Road Store are Jiangcheng and Miracle.


Bai Xiaohe heard the sound of something being placed on the table.

"Sister Xiaohe, it's working time now, you can't sleep." Jiang Cheng said seriously.

Bai Xiaohe raised her head blankly from her desk. She first saw an extra brocade bag on the desk, and then two familiar figures.

Jiangcheng, and Liu Qing.

"Jiang Cheng? Why are you here?"

"I have a solution for the Qi and Blood Pill."

"Do you have a solution!?" Bai Xiaohe's eyes widened and his voice suddenly rose an octave.

The imperial court’s Qi and Blood Pill is not a small business!

Although the world was generally peaceful, in order to defend the eight states, three prefectures and ninety-one counties, Liang still maintained an armament of nearly two million.

Although the Arsenal Department's order this time only involves 600,000 of them, it is still 600,000 pills, and it is 600,000 pills per month, a total of 7.2 million pills a year!

Even if each elixir can only earn one low-grade spiritual stone, he still earns 7.2 million a year.

If converted into Lingshi turnover, it can create a turnover of 288 million for Tongbaoge Huayuan Road store!

Even if the Tongbaoge Huayuan Road store doesn't make a dime on this order, it can still use this scale of turnover as a bargaining chip to obtain better product prices from Tongtianmen channels.

All in all, as long as it can get orders for Qi and Blood Pills, Tongbaoge Huayuan Road Store can directly turn around, from being last in Yujing to being among the top in Yujing's sales.

And you no longer have to worry about bankruptcy or employee relocation!

Jiang Cheng took out the Tongbao Pavilion employee handbook from the stack of books on Bai Xiaohe's desk, flipped through it and said, "Sister Xiaohe, the employee handbook says that your performance will be deducted for sleeping on the job."

"Oh well."

Deputy store manager Tao Fang stood in the corner and thought to herself: This male cultivator has never been to the store a few times, so why does he talk more like a store manager than Bai Xiaohe? How could he, an outsider, take the employee handbook and teach the store manager how to do things in a serious manner!

Jiang Cheng put down the manual and picked up the brocade bag. His serious face disappeared and a smile appeared.

"Look, what's inside?"

Bai Xiaohe opened the brocade bag and saw two one-year blood orange fruits.

"Blood orange?"


"What's the meaning?"

"It's very cheap. To be precise, it only costs less than five spiritual stones."

Bai Xiaohe nodded and said: "The one-year-old ones are indeed not expensive, but the Qi-Blood Pill requires ten-year-old blood orange fruits, which cost about twenty-five dollars each."

Jiang Cheng said helplessly: "These two are just samples. What I mean is that I can lower the price of blood oranges to only five yuan a piece for ten years."


"What!" Tao Fang's voice was louder than Bai Xiaohe's.

She ignored the etiquette and rushed directly from the corner to Jiang Cheng.

Liu Qing stood there as if no one else was around the whole time, until Tao Fang became excited, and her eyes became extremely sharp in an instant.

She was confident that before Tao Fang took action against Jiang Cheng, she would be wiped out of this space without leaving a trace.

But then the smell that wafted over told her that Tao Fang had no ill intentions.

Tao Fang came to Jiang Cheng and said excitedly: "The price of blood orange fruit in Liang Kingdom has always been very stable. For more than ten years, it has been 25 yuan for low-grade spiritual stones. How can it only be 5 yuan?"

Jiang Cheng calmly took out his new work: Plant Autonomous Talisman.

"I know what I say next may be a bit bizarre, but it doesn't matter. We can use this photo ball to learn about the current functions of this new talisman."

In the next half hour, Jiang Cheng successfully explained clearly the conclusion of one blood orange fruit and five spiritual stones through oral narration and the evidence of the photo ball.

Tao Fang murmured: "In other words, our Tongbaoge Huayuan Road store is finally saved?"

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Well, as long as we have the Plant Autonomous Talisman, we can reduce the cost of a Qi and Blood Pill to thirty low-grade spiritual stones."

Tao Fang couldn't believe her ears.

Each one costs thirty yuan!

This is equivalent to a net profit of ten yuan per pill in their store!

One month's worth of orders from the Arsenal Division can create a net profit of six million!

That’s 72 million a year!

Take off!

Compared to Jiang Cheng's smile and Tao Fang's joy, Liu Qing, who had no concept of money, remained indifferent.

Her heart rate was steady and her expression remained unchanged.

Seventy-two million was far less important to her than Jiang Cheng giving her the little puppet.

Among the many scents of joy and pleasure, a hint of worry caught her attention.

This smell of worry is very stable, unlike the intermittent smell that Jiangcheng sometimes emits.

Liu Qing's eyes followed a hint of worry and landed on Bai Xiaohe not far away from her.

Bai Xiaohe was sitting upright and smiling, but her mood was far less happy than her expression.

Why is this?

Liu Qing couldn't understand.

Didn't Jiang Cheng already help her solve the problem?

Could it be that even if you make a cheap Qi-Blood Pill, you won't be able to get orders from the court?

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