In the afternoon, Tongtianmen Wu Yuecheng Branch Mission Hall.

Huang Wutong hugged Jiang Cheng with tears in his eyes. If Jiang Cheng hadn't supported him, he would have knelt down and kowtowed to Jiang Cheng.

Xiaohe, a female cultivator who had been working in Wu Yuecheng for several years, had never seen such a battle before.

Someone spends 3,000 low-grade spiritual stones to buy a first-level talisman. After all, he does not feel that he has been taken advantage of, but he still wants to kneel down and say thank you to the talisman master who earned him 3,000 spiritual stones. What kind of world is this?

Xiaohe is only in her twenties, but she feels that there is already a deep generation gap between her and today's young people.

Anyway, she couldn't understand which one Huang Wutong and Jiang Cheng were acting in.

No matter how good Jiang Cheng is at drawing talismans, he can't draw first-order talismans better than third-order talismans, right?

You know, three thousand spirit stones can already buy many third-level talismans.

Jiang Cheng's performance surprised Xiaohe.

Before today, she had never expected that many tasks that first- and second-level Talisman Masters would not dare to take on would actually be completed by this guy who was not even a First-Level Talisman Master and only had a junior high school diploma and a second-class certificate. .

It's a bit incredible.

Huang Wutong burst into tears on the spot: "Brother Jiang, it's all because of you that I can be praised by the counselor and the dean. In the past, I just wanted to graduate, and I didn't dare to ask for any outstanding graduates. But now, I am actually praised by the dean." I personally awarded this title. If my wife is alive in heaven, she will definitely smile. And that guy Huang Qingqing will never dare to look down on me anymore. And the kid sitting next to me..."

Jiang Cheng patted Huang Wutong's shoulder.

"I'm not helping you, it's your efforts that have made you what you are now. I just provided a tiny bit of help for your achievements. Fellow Daoist Huang, you have to believe in yourself. You deserve the title of 'Excellent Graduate'."

Huang Wutong cheered up with Jiang Cheng's encouragement. Jiang Cheng also successfully sent away Huang Wutong, who had regained his confidence, and through Xiaohe, received the first mission reward in his life - a full three thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

Jiang Cheng counted 3,000 pieces of low-grade spirit stones to make sure the number was correct, and carefully put them into the storage bag. These spiritual stones are the first pot of gold he earned through his own hard work, which can be said to be of extraordinary significance.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, if you need anything else, you can tell Xiaohe at any time."

Xiaohe was also in a good mood. Jiang Cheng completed the task, which was equivalent to increasing the performance of her work, which was something to be happy about.

Jiang Cheng was not polite and said directly: "Sister Xiaohe, I would like to ask if there are any tasks similar to the 'Powerful Holding Talisman' in the next level talisman area?"

Xiao He thought for a moment. She worked in the mission hall and was very familiar with the missions that came and went.

"There are quite a few, but Fellow Daoist Jiang, which type do you need specifically?"

Jiang Cheng put it bluntly: "The type that can make a lot of money."


When most people talk about type, they always mean treatment type or control type.

Only Jiang Cheng said "making money".

However, Jiang Cheng's honest speech did not arouse Xiaohe's resentment.

Rather, in this world that prides itself on being noble and flatters each other, Jiang Cheng's frankness is like a ray of light shining into the prison cell.

"When it comes to making money, there was a first-level fluorescent talisman two days ago, and it was priced at four thousand low-grade spiritual stones."

Four thousand yuan for a first-order fluorescent talisman?

It’s even more profitable than the “powerful amulet”!

Fluorescent charms are very cheap, much cheaper than ordinary holding charms.

Huang Wutong's amulet, after all, has the word "powerful" added to it, and it is a magically modified version. This "fluorescent talisman" doesn't even require magic modification. Just like this, it can be sold for four thousand yuan, making more money than a money printing machine.

Xiaohe added: "But this task has been taken over by other Talisman Masters."

Jiang Cheng secretly thought that it was a pity that he missed the opportunity to make a lot of money.

"In addition to this, there are a few tasks that were just completed at noon and were worth three to five hundred spirit stones. However, these tasks are all time-limited and have high time requirements. The most urgent task..."

Xiaohe glanced at the sun outside the hall.

"It ends in one hour."

There were no good missions to take on, so Jiang Cheng decided to check out these limited-time missions.

【urgent! Looking for a healing charm! The effect is to knock people down with two! I am a student and I have an exam this afternoon! A quick connection! Price is negotiable! 】

[Two hundred low-grade spiritual stones]

Two healing charms that knock people down?

Jiang Cheng remembered that there was no such perverted talisman in "Immortal God".

A talisman can both heal and attack?

If there really is such a talisman, he, as a numerical planner, might as well stop doing it and leave it to a dog. Even a dog would not do something like this that would disrupt the balance of the game.

Jiang Cheng looked at the next task.

[Looking for a kind of talisman! It can make people twitch all over, turn their eyes white, and foam at the mouth! It should be a first-level healing talisman! 】

[Three hundred low-grade spiritual stones]

A healing talisman that can make people twitch all over, foam at the mouth, and turn their eyes white?

Is this still a healing talisman?

Jiang Cheng felt that this guy was joking.

Wu Yuecheng still has too many rich and idle people, and some people would actually mortgage three hundred spirit stones to come to the mission hall as a joke. I don't know what I'm picturing.

Are you happy with the picture?

Jiang Cheng looked at the last task.

[A lot of money for amulet! I am a student at Tianheng Swordsmanship Academy and I am about to face the graduation exam. I am looking for a talisman that can help me pass the exam easily! The first-order talisman, depending on the effect, may be an attack type, or it may be related to poisoning, I am not sure. But all in all, it allows me to defeat the teacher without working hard! Price negotiable! 】

[Five hundred low-grade spiritual stones]

Pass the exam easily?

First-order talisman? attack? Poison?

Defeat the teacher without trying hard?

Jiang Cheng carefully summarized this guy's mission requirements.

It was easy to figure out his purpose - wanting to cheat!

What's a way to easily pass the exam without working hard if it's not cheating?

Although five hundred low-grade spiritual stones are very tempting.

Although Jiang Cheng has the ability to make poisonous talismans.

Although Jiangcheng really needs to make money now.

However, Jiang Cheng feels that one cannot live without a bottom line.

Jiang Cheng would not accept a task like breaking the rules or trying to cheat even if he was extremely poor!

Unexpectedly, this guy was a student of Tianheng Sword Cultivation Academy like Huang Daoyou.

But it's a pity that the gap between his character and Huang Daoyou's is too big.

Although Huang Daoyou's cultivation level was not high, he did not give up and still won the title of "Excellent Graduate" through careful preparation and hard work for the exam.

Huang Daoyou's strong will and persistent hard work, which are unknown to outsiders, can be seen from this title.

But this guy is full of opportunistic thoughts.

I really don’t deserve to study at the same school as Huang Daoyou.

Jiang Cheng walked around but couldn't find any suitable tasks to take on. He planned to go to the cities near Wuyue City tomorrow to check out. Maybe there could be tasks similar to the "Powerful Amulet" elsewhere.

In the evening, just after Jiang Cheng had dinner, the reusable communicator sent him a message.

Xiaohe: Suddenly there are some lucrative tasks. Do you want to take them?

Jiang Cheng: I’ll go there now.

In the mission hall, Jiang Cheng looked at the newly posted missions and fell into deep thought.

These tasks are worth three hundred to six hundred spirit stones.

The mission content is surprisingly simple and consistent.

[Looking for a talisman called "Muscle Relaxation Talisman"! ! ! Extremely urgent! ! ! 】

It seems that apart from themselves, only Cao Wang and Huang Wutong know about the muscle relaxation charm...

So who leaked the news?

There is a high probability that it is Huang Wutong.

But that's not necessarily true. Cao Wang is also very trustworthy when it comes to bragging.

But Jiang Cheng doesn’t care.

"Muscle relaxers" are reasonable and legal. It's not something shameful.

Most Taoist friends use muscle relaxers to relieve physical and mental stress in their spare time when studying and working. Is there any problem with this?

No matter how you look at it, it's obviously a good thing.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, do you want to take on these tasks?"

Xiaohe looked at Jiang Cheng expectantly. These tasks were all her work performance!

Jiang Cheng nodded.


Since the spirit stone was delivered to his pocket, he had no reason not to accept it.

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