The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 20 For the future of all mankind

The moment he saw Liu Qing, Jiang Cheng's heart stopped beating.

To be honest, Jiang Cheng is not very courageous in front of many senior time travellers.

This can be seen from his efforts to avoid contact with Lin Yao.

He lived a good life as a child: he had two parents, a harmonious family, excellent studies, and handsome appearance. With such good conditions for time travel, even if the demonic enchantress was as beautiful as a fairy, Jiang Cheng did not want to provoke him. He just wanted to live a good life under the rule of the Immortal Sect, and live like an ordinary person. Ordinary life.

There is an old saying that goes well, people cannot live without astringency. But the premise of Se Se is to live, and if you can’t survive, what’s the use of Se Se?

Just by being stared at by Liu Qing's quiet eyes, Jiang Cheng was already sweating profusely.

Opposite him seemed not to be a beautiful girl, but a ferocious beast—a top cold-blooded predator from the Tianshan Mountains!

At this time, Cao Wang unexpectedly stood up.

He saw Liu Qing from a distance and spent a long time mentally building up. It wasn't until Jiang Cheng stayed too long that he couldn't bear it and walked to the door.

"Hello, girl, you're here for an interview. Please go sit inside first."

Liu Qing turned her eyes to Cao Wang's face, which made Cao Wang's heart tighten.

Damn it! This girl is so beautiful! Lin Yao, don’t contact me again!

Jiang Cheng thought to himself: Old Cao, do you still dare to come over? Why don't you think of a way to escape quickly?

But what Jiang Cheng didn't expect was that Liu Qing didn't make any extreme reaction. She just walked into the room calmly, as if she was really here for an interview.

Cao Wang poked Jiang Cheng with his elbow.

"Do you think you are so promising? Can't you walk after seeing a beautiful woman? Let me tell you, emotionally, you are far behind. Just practice more!"

Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down.

Rational analysis shows that Liu Qing's level in the game is level 83. When converted into human cultivation level, he is in the Mahayana stage!

There are ten levels of cultivation in "Immortal God". From low to high, they are: Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, Yuanying, transforming into gods, refining the void, integrating, transcending tribulations, Mahayana, and ascending to immortality.

These cultivation levels, converted into a hierarchy, correspond to levels 1 to 99 respectively.

Jiang Cheng has three levels of Qi training, which is equal to level 3, and Cao Wang has four levels of Qi training, which is equal to level 4.

And Liu Qing is an upright level 83!

It can be said that if Liu Qing wanted to kill him and Cao Wang, he would just blow a breath and the two of them would disappear without leaving any evidence.

Running and fighting are both dead ends.

Now I just hope Liu Qing is in a good mood and doesn't embarrass him and Cao Wang, two high school students who are still young.

Jiang Cheng took a deep breath, calmed down, closed the door, and sat down at the interview table.

Cao Wang frequently winked at Jiang Cheng. How could Jiang Cheng not understand his thoughts?

This guy has a simple mind and simply covets Liu Qing's body.

The problem is that Liu Qing is a snake demon!

If you dare to covet her, she will pester you!

So what to do now?

Jiang Cheng didn't know either.

In the face of absolute power, any small thoughts and means are in vain.

Therefore, the only way to solve this current dilemma is to figure out what Liu Qing wants to do.

She is a level 83 Mahayana realm demon master. She has nothing to do and comes to work in the human territory, right?


Maybe it's possible.

Jiang Cheng tried hard to recall the plot of the "Tianshan Beast Tide" event.

It seems to be about Liu Qing coming to the human world to travel, and finally changed his mind due to the suffering of the human world...

Jiang Cheng didn't remember the plot clearly, but he remembered the balance of forces between the parties very clearly. After all, he is a numerical planner and is good at controlling balance.

Among the various forces set in "Immortals".

On the human side, the five immortal sects restrict each other and maintain balance.

As for the Monster Clan, they do not divide their power according to race. After all, the Monster Clan has too many races. The demon clan divides its forces mainly according to ideological sects.

There are three main development schools within the Yaozu clan.

The first type, conservatives, advocates maintaining the status quo, with humans in their territory and monsters in their territory, without interfering with each other.

The second type, the centrist, advocates limited contact and cooperation with others and cannot blindly rest on its laurels.

The third type, the radical faction, advocates attacking the human race and regaining the territory of the demon race.

Liu Qing, on the other hand, is relatively young because he is only two thousand years old. He seems to belong to another sect besides the three sects in the Monster Clan.

Referred to as "Adventists" (crossed out)

Referred to as "coexistence faction".

This faction is mainly composed of many young monsters. The core idea is that the monsters are too backward and must make great changes, actively integrate into human society, become a member of human society, and coexist with humans.

Liu Qing is one of the main members of the "Coexistence Faction".

She even took the initiative to travel to human society in order to prove that her idea was feasible.

In the end, he was severely beaten and educated by human society.

For example, there are no holidays, no overtime pay for overtime work...

Of course, there are also some strange phenomena, such as the slide that cannot be touched.

In the end, Liu Qing believed that human society was hopeless, and changed from a "coexistence faction" to a "conservative", insisting that "radicals are too conservative."

So to say……

Jiang Cheng felt that Liu Qing's change seemed quite reasonable.

She is a powerful demon clan, but after coming to human society, she was tortured by various evil bosses. If she doesn't become a conservative, who will become a conservative?

However, according to the plot of the event, Liu Qing's darkening seemed to have happened many years later.

Although Jiang Cheng doesn't know how long Liu Qing has been in human society and how many beatings he has received. But as long as he is not a "black-hearted boss" and has not beaten Liu Qing viciously, then he cannot "make enemies" with the powerful demon clan!

The Immortal Sect will hold up the sky when it falls. As long as he has no personal enmity with the Demon Clan's powerful master, Jiang Cheng believes that Liu Qing will never look back for him after he leaves.

After all, he was just an ordinary citizen, and there was no reason for Liu Qing to kill him specifically.

good! Now as long as she refuses Liu Qing, everything will be fine!

"Ahem." Jiang Cheng thought about the pros and cons, and then entered the interview stage: "What's your name?"

"Liu Qing."

"What a name! You're hired! Lao Jiang, take out the contract you wrote before!"

Cao Wang rubbed his hands excitedly.

Did Miss Liu sign the contract written by Jiang Cheng?


What Miss Liu signed was her fate with him, Cao Wang!

"No." Jiang Cheng was stunned, and he whispered: "Old Cao, calm down!"

"I'm very calm, Lao Jiang, I'm very calm." Cao Wang held Jiang Cheng's arm: "Lao Jiang, listen to me, your brother, I have never liked anyone else in my life. I am really attracted by this one!"

Jiang Cheng: "Everyone you see says this!"

Cao Wang: "Hurry up and take out the contract!"

While the two brothers were arguing, Liu Qing spoke.


Her voice was cold and clear, like a piece of ice breaking to the ground under the eaves in winter.


The fermented bean curd Jiangcheng came out of the queue instantly.

Liu Qing added: "Do you have any objections to me?"

Jiang Cheng's throat rolled and he held it in for a long time: "No objection."

Cao Wang was overjoyed: "If you have no objection, why don't you come up with the contract quickly!"

Jiang Cheng tremblingly took out the contract from his storage bag, and Cao Wang snatched it away and placed it in front of Liu Qing.

"Come on, Miss Liu, after signing the contract, you will be my brother Jiang Cheng's legal employee."

Liu Qing looked at the contract and frowned slightly, seeming a little unhappy.

Jiang Cheng was shocked and said: Damn it, she probably dislikes my salary being too low!

But to be honest, three hundred spiritual stones a month is not too much if you just run errands. After all, the house price in Wuyue City is only about 610 square meters.

In the previous life, the average price in Shanghai was 60,000 yuan. Which errand company could open for 30,000 yuan a month?

But looking at her expression, she doesn't think of me as some "shady boss"! ?

Jiang Cheng thought about his own fate, and then thought about the future of all mankind.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Miss Liu, the salary in my contract is negotiable, but I can only pay up to three thousand low-grade spiritual stones a month. I really can't pay any more."

Cao Wang looked at Jiang Cheng in shock: Three thousand a month! ? Why isn’t this the price for my errands?

Liu Qing sat on the chair, her slender white neck supporting her indifferent face.

She glanced at Jiang Cheng with quiet eyes.

"make a deal."

The voice was clear and cold.

But Jiang Cheng was relieved.

Although this wave of recruitment is a small loss, it also saves mankind.

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