The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 253 Remembering Thousand Years

"Senior, please be aware that the quality of my wine is extraordinary. According to other people's comments, it is on the same level as Yuexiamei. Yuexiamei costs one hundred high-grade spiritual stones, which is equivalent to one million low-grade spiritual stones. But now you only have Is it too low to give out eight thousand low-grade spiritual stones?”

Jiang Cheng retorted with reason.

Zhang Wu smiled and said plausibly: "My friend's wine is indeed good. However, wine is not a magic weapon or a talisman. The effect can be felt intuitively. Yuexiamei has heard a little bit about it, and it is Ban Que Zhenren His specialty is that he is well-known in the sect. Although my wine is rich in spiritual energy, it is just that. To tell you the truth, it is the value of replenishing spiritual energy."

Jiang Cheng understood. What Zhang Wu meant was that, regardless of the taste of your wine, its ability to restore spiritual power was only worth eight thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

Yuexiamei is expensive because of its reputation. There are many high-ranking monks who spend a lot of money to taste it.

And your wine is not famous and is not recognized by others. No matter how good it is, Tongbao Pavilion will not pay for it.

Seeing Jiang Cheng fall into silence, Zhang Wu smiled again and said, "Well, your wine does taste good. Our Tongbao Pavilion is willing to spend an extra two thousand per pot and give you ten thousand low-grade spiritual stones per pot."

Ten thousand low-grade spiritual stones are still a loss to Jiang Cheng, but the loss is smaller.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while and decided to see if there were any other ways to sell alcohol first.

He has been waiting for three months to make wine, no less than a day or two.

Moreover, Zhang Wu's words also gave Jiang Cheng a lot of inspiration.

The price difference between Yuexiamei and Danyao wine is not essentially because the wines are good or bad, but because the wines have different customer groups.

Yuexiamei probably has a stable group of customers in Tongtianmen. They are willing to use one hundred high-grade spiritual stones to buy Yuexiamei, so Yuexiamei can be sold for one hundred high-grade spiritual stones.

But elixir wine is different. Ordinary people have never heard of elixir wine, let alone its taste.

In this case, elixir wine cannot be compared with Yuexiamei.

If the elixir wine is to be sold at the same high price as Yuexiamei, it is necessary to increase the popularity of the elixir wine.

The best way to make a product famous is to hire someone to endorse it.

But this is a world of cultivating immortals, and there is no mass media. Even if you can ask someone to speak for you, the scope of communication will be very limited. And more importantly, Jiang Cheng probably can't afford the endorsement fees.

If a single product of elixir and wine can be sold for one million low-grade spiritual stones, its endorsement fee should be a huge amount. Although Jiang Cheng has a lot of wealth, he definitely can't afford it.

He had that spare money, why not just buy all the stocks back to Yuandan and be done with it? Why bother to make wine and sell it?

So is there any way to get a spokesperson for free?

Jiang Cheng fell into deep thought.

The spokesperson he needs should at least have a certain influence in the Tongtianmen wine industry.

Can't he find someone who is like him and doesn't know how to drink to endorse the Pill Bar?

Due to the shallow foundation in the sect, Jiang Cheng had not thought of a suitable spokesperson for a long time, until one day while he was meditating as usual, a female cultivator suddenly returned to Lin Beifeng.

"Oh! Did you actually build the foundation yourself?"

Yun Shu looked at Jiang Cheng in surprise.

She told Jiang Cheng before that he asked Jiang Cheng to find her when he was about to build a foundation, so that she could help him grab a few foundation-building pills to use.

At that time, she saw that Jiangcheng only had the seventh level of Qi training, and there was still a lot of time before foundation building, so she went out for a while. Unexpectedly, when she came back, Jiangcheng had already completed foundation building!

Not only did it not cost her any effort, she even saved the effort of going out to grab the Foundation Establishment Pill!

It's like saying that she didn't do anything herself, and her apprentice grew up to the foundation-building stage with great self-discipline and freedom!

The foxtail grass really didn’t lie!

Yun Shu thought excitedly.

This Jiangcheng was so trouble-free, even the overgrown master buildings that had nothing to do with practice were cleaned by him.

Not bad.

"Well, since you have already established the foundation, I won't disturb your own practice rhythm. When you are about to complete the elixir, come see me again. I have gone to retreat in the back mountain, so don't come to me if you have nothing to do."

Yun Shu said a few words in a pretentious manner, and then wanted to run away as the shopkeeper.

Jiang Cheng looked at his unreliable and beautiful master, thinking deeply in his heart.

If he remembered correctly, Master Banque seemed to have said that Yun Shu had a certain reputation in the Xianmen wine circle.

Maybe you can't say that, because she is quite famous in every circle.

Moreover, relying on Yun Shu's special status, she can easily get in touch with many senior officials of the Immortal Sect who are inaccessible to ordinary Immortal Sect disciples.

She has a good image, outstanding appearance, high reputation, knows how to drink, and has a wide network of contacts. The most important thing is that she does not charge endorsement fees.

What does Jiang Cheng think of Yun Shu and why he thinks she is very suitable to be the spokesperson of the elixir wine?

"Master, stay!" Jiang Cheng called out to Yun Shu.

Yun Shu was shocked, thinking that Jiang Cheng was here to ask her about her cultivation knowledge, right?

She has long forgotten all the knowledge she gained during the foundation building stage! Although she didn't remember it in other realms. But the main thing is, if she can't answer this, won't her master be completely embarrassed?

Yun Shu asked herself, she was actually just a little lazy, but being lazy didn't mean she was shameless.

This can be seen from her bright clothes.

Even when she has no money to use it, she won't sell clothes if she sells magic weapons!

Although he was panicking inside, on the surface, Yun Shu still said very "masterly": "What's the matter with you?"

Jiang Cheng said respectfully: "Apprentice has a small matter that I would like to trouble Master."

"Oh? Let me tell you, but I am very busy as a teacher, so I may not have time to help you."

"This is natural. In fact, the apprentice went to the mission hall before..."

Jiang Cheng slowly but clearly explained the cause and effect to Yun Shu, and finally stated his purpose: "The apprentice wants to ask the master to help the apprentice promote the elixir wine."

Yun Shu frowned.

Honestly, she didn't want to help. Because she felt that this life must be very troublesome.

However, as a master, she certainly couldn't reject Jiang Cheng directly, as this would dampen Jiang Cheng's enthusiasm too much. You have to give him a hint and let him retreat.

"When drinking for my master, I always prefer to drink less than in excess. If the quality of the wine you brew is not good, then I will definitely not help you promote it."

"Of course, of course. Master, please come with me."

Jiang Cheng took Yun Shu to find an elegant small pavilion, then took out a pot of elixir wine and filled the wine glass in front of Yun Shu.

"Master, please taste it."

Yun Shu made up her mind that no matter what the taste of the wine was, she would just say it didn't taste good so that she could refuse Jiang Cheng's request.

Yun Shu picked up the wine glass and did not rush to taste it. Instead, he smelled the aroma of the wine very skillfully. Some experienced drinkers can judge the type of wine just from the aroma.

She is no exception.


Yun Shu's eyes lit up as the fragrance entered his nose, then he put the jade cup against his red lips, slightly raised his head, and put the clear alchemy wine between his fragrant tongue.

"What a drink!"

Yun Shu couldn't help but admired.

But she regretted it after she said it. She should have disparaged it and then rejected it ruthlessly!

"As long as Master is satisfied."

Jiang Cheng smiled and then filled Yun Shu's cup without leaving any trace.

Yun Shu looked at the translucent drink in his hand and took a sip of water.

"Your wine is indeed good, but... uh..."

"If there is anything wrong with this wine, Master can speak out."

"The wine is not bad, it's just about the publicity..."

Yun Shu hesitated.

Jiang Cheng smiled and said: "Master, if it is inconvenient, the apprentice can find others to help."

After saying that, Jiang Cheng conveniently put away the newly opened elixir wine on the table.

Yun Shu:?

Yun Shu swallowed again, struggling in his heart, and said: "This matter is not non-negotiable..."

"May I ask Master what you want?" Jiang Cheng said very politely.

"You asked me to help promote wine, you can't just give me two drinks, right?"

"Haha," Jiang Cheng took out the elixir wine again and said, "Master, if you are willing to help promote it, I can give you a hundred pots as a reward!"


Yun Shu's eyes lit up.

One hundred pots!

It was enough for her to drink for half a year!

How many times do you have to rob Master Banque to get one hundred pots?


"Okay, okay, let me give you three pots to taste first!"

Yun Shu waved his hand and got three jugs of good wine from Jiang Cheng.

For her, the elixir wine tastes much better than Banque's wine. If she hadn't been able to beat other real winemakers, she wouldn't have been drinking Banque's wine all the time.

But it's better now. With Jiangcheng's elixir wine, she can finally drink it to her heart's content after a hundred years!

Seeing Yun Shu asking for three bottles of wine, Jiang Cheng didn't think too much and gave it to her happily.

If Yun Shu didn't use her cultivation to turn into wine, three pots of elixir wine would be enough to knock her down twice.

However, Jiang Cheng was not worried about Yun Shu's drinking capacity. Although Yun Shu usually behaves well, she is still several hundred years old after all. How could she not know her own level and whether she is a light or heavy drinker?

As a result, Yun Shu did not disappoint Jiang Cheng at all.

Three wine bottles and a pile of cups were scattered on the stone table. She drank one cup after another and drank until she was drunk.

In the end, he couldn't hold it anymore after drinking so much that he lay down on the stone table, motionless.

Jiang Cheng and Liu Qing watched the whole process silently. In the end, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but said, "Why do I feel that she is less mature than you?"

Liu Qing didn't think there was anything wrong with what Jiang Cheng said.

Yun Shu is younger than her, so isn't it natural that he is not as mature as her?

Jiang Cheng looked at Yun Shu from close range and thought that it would be okay to leave her here forever.

So she said to Liu Qing, "How about I lend her your bed to sleep on?"


The next day, Yun Shu woke up in a daze and saw himself in a strange bed.

This frightened Master Yun Shu. She quickly checked her underwear and breathed a sigh of relief after finding nothing unusual.

Master Yun Shu patted her forehead and said to herself that she was indeed a little out of control yesterday, but if she was not at home, she would not be so carried away.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Yun Shu discovered Jiang Cheng, who was studying the talisman, and Liu Qing, who was silently accompanying him next to Jiang Cheng.

"Tsk, tsk, this kid really knows how to enjoy himself. He even needs a beautiful woman to accompany him when he draws a talisman. No wonder he can make good wine."

Yun Shu appeared next to Jiang Cheng and asked: "It's okay to be a teacher. When will you promote the elixir wine?"

Jiang Cheng put down his talisman pen and said, "The faster, the better."

"Then now."

On the way, Yun Shu suddenly thought of something: "By the way, is this elixir wine of yours called elixir wine? That's a bit stingy."

Jiang Cheng thought for a while and felt that Yun Shu was right. If he wanted the wine to be sold at a high price, the name must be more stylish, such as "Yuexiamei".

Otherwise, it would be difficult for others to recommend it.

"My wine is made from elixirs, and after thousands of years, it finally becomes wine. Why don't we call it 'Recalling Thousand Years'."

After Yun Shu heard the name "Yi Qian Qian", he looked at Jiang Cheng in surprise.

"You have a good way of naming your boy! Shouldn't this name knock me down to the ground and slap my Yuexiamei?"

Jiang Cheng said embarrassedly: "Master, please don't step on me."

Yun Shu curled his lips and said, "Just pull it, just push it! I'm so picky about it, and it takes a lot of effort every time I ask him for a drink. Today I have to use Yi Qianqian to humiliate him. !”

After Jiang Cheng heard this, he suddenly felt bad.

If Yun Shu is asked to help him promote his thousand-year memory, she won't take the opportunity to take revenge, right?

Facts have proved that Yun Shu actually did not intend to take revenge because she had no public interest in her heart, but only private and revenge.

At the foot of Xiaolong Peak, Yun Shu directly raised his spirits and shouted: "Senior Banque, junior Yun Shute is here to visit."

As soon as these words came out, instead of opening the door to welcome guests, Xiaolongfeng closed the mountain door tightly and pretended not to hear.

But this was not a problem for Yun Shu. She stepped directly into Xiaolongfeng's peak-protecting formation and destroyed Xiaolongfeng's formation with three strikes, five and two.

Jiang Cheng was shocked to see such smooth and flowing operations.

He had never thought that there was such a way to visit someone.

"Master, what you did is considered trespassing."

In the end, Yun Shu was not ashamed, but rather proud: "Yeah. How about it? Isn't it a good teacher? The restraint my father used to restrain me was much more difficult than this formation. The formation at Xiaolongfeng is just a pediatric difficulty."

Jiang Cheng silently followed Yun Shu, not daring to answer.

Afraid of being associated with sin.

Chang Lu, a disciple of Xiaolong Peak, stopped Yun Shu halfway up the mountain and said, "Master Yun Shu, my uncle is not here today."

But Yun Shu didn't accept this trick at all: "If I'm not here, I'll help myself to the drinks. I don't need to bother you to entertain them. Go back and have a rest."

Chang Lu collapsed: But our Xiaolongfeng is not a cafeteria!

But Yun Shu didn't care about this and went straight to find Ban Que.

"Ban Que, I'm here to return your wine. This is my apprentice's newly brewed Yiqianqian, which is a hundred times better than your Yuexiamei! I'll give you this bottle, and we'll write it off in the future!"

Jiang Cheng stood aside and didn't dare to say anything.

Good guy, a hundred times?

He, the brewer, didn't dare to say it a hundred times, but Yun Shu dared to say it.

Banque was very confident in his Yuexiamei and never believed that Jiang Cheng's Memory of Thousand Years could be a hundred times stronger.

"I'm going to give it a try now and see how much truth there is in this girl's mouth!"

Ban Que poured a cup of Yi Qian Qian, and after tasting it carefully, he sneered: "It's not a hundred times better! At most, it's only slightly stronger!"

Yun Shu immediately refused to accept it and insisted on saying it a hundred times.

The two argued back and forth, but in the end they could not reach a consensus. The focus of their argument was a hundred times greater, but it was so subtle that no one questioned whether Recalling a Thousand Years was better than Plum under the Moon.

It seems that everyone agrees that Yi Qian Qian is better than Yuexia Mei, just how many times stronger.

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