The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 257 Sect Competition and Volunteers

Almost every sect that cultivates immortality has an internal ranking mechanism.

Especially among bulk immortal sects like Tongtian Sect.

There are many mountains inside Tongtian Gate, and the strength, background, and level of each mountain gate are very different.

Some are long-established sects that have been established for thousands of years, and are even more powerful than some external first- and second-rate sects. Others may have just been established and haven't even recruited a few disciples, so they are not considered a force at all.

It is extremely unrealistic to ask each mountain gate to do the same amount of work and share the same number of responsibilities.

In this complicated sect form, Tongtianmen's sect competition is particularly important.

The performance of each mountain sect in the sect competition will be one of the important criteria for the sect to consider the strength of the mountain sect.

Simply put, if after consideration and calculation, Tongtianmen has a high assessment of the strength of a certain mountain gate, then the corresponding mountain gate will receive more rights, benefits, and assume more obligations in Tongtianmen.

For example, a job such as being assigned to the Liang Kingdom will be specifically responsible for a certain mountain gate. Although this will drain a lot of manpower and energy from this mountain gate, at the same time, the benefits that can be obtained from the Liang Kingdom will also be reversed. Let this mountain gate benefit.

All in all, the sect competition is very important to most mountain sects. It means the distribution of interests within Tongtian Sect.

But this importance does not include Lin Beifeng, who was founded by Yun Shu.

The reason is also very simple. Yun Shu is the kind of monk who only takes benefits and does not work.

Suppose Jiang Cheng went to participate in the sect competition and achieved a good result, which increased Lin Beifeng's importance in Tongtianmen and obtained more resources. Yun Shu was very happy.

Then Tongtianmen assigned Lin Beifeng a task at this time, such as going to a certain country to establish a branch organization.

Will Yun Shu go to work?


Jiang Cheng knew her very well.

By that time, Zhenren Yun Shu would be 100% without a trace, and neither Yun Shu nor Zhenren could be found.

In the end, it was not him, the responsible "loving disciple", who had to figure out how to solve the sect's mission.

Therefore, it is good for Lin Beifeng to maintain the status quo. He has no resources and no tasks. The master has nothing to do. He can spend a lot of time to earn historical contribution points and pave the way for becoming an elder in the future.

For a self-disciplined person, a master who does nothing is much better than a master who takes care of things.

Thank you Yun Shu for not teaching me!

However, although Jiang Cheng does not plan to participate in the sect competition, it does not mean that he does not intend to participate in the sect competition.

As the sect competition approaches, Tongtianmen's internal affairs hall, which is responsible for organizing the competition, begins to get busy.

As a large-scale competition, the House of Internal Affairs will definitely need to design competition rules, issue competition notices, inspect competition venues, select competition referees, and make a series of contingency plans to deal with unexpected situations in the competition.

The workload of the Internal Affairs Hall has suddenly increased. If nothing unexpected happens, they will definitely outsource some of the difficult work in the form of tasks like other departments of Tongtianmen.

Jiang Cheng is waiting for these outsourcing tasks.

Others took advantage of the sect competition to show their strength, and Jiang Cheng took advantage of the sect competition to gain contribution points. Everyone has a bright future.

The facts turned out to be as expected by Jiang Cheng. As the competition approached, there were suddenly more tasks related to the competition in the mission hall. But Jiang Cheng is not in a hurry, he is waiting for the big fish to take the bait. As a senior task expert, some trivial tasks can no longer satisfy Jiang Cheng's appetite.

After nearly a month of quiet waiting, Jiang Cheng finally saw a satisfactory mission.

The task content is to "keep the competition venue tidy until the sect competition begins." This simple-sounding task costs a full 100,000 contribution points.

After Jiang Cheng roughly inquired about the content of the mission, he set off for the mission location and handed over the task to the mission issuer, Elder Yang.

At first, when Elder Yang heard that a Danjie monk had taken over the task, he said no, because his Danjie cultivation might not be enough, and he had no confidence in the Danjie monk. But when Elder Yang heard that the person who took over the task was Jiang Cheng, he felt relieved again.

Not being able to form pills doesn't mean Jiang Cheng is not good at it. Jiang Cheng is not an ordinary monk who can form pills.

During this period of time, the name of Jiangcheng's mission expert has become famous in Tongtianmen. Jiangcheng's signature is a 100% mission completion rate.

Never failed.

And he is different from those who "protect the record." Jiang Cheng's workload is very tight, and there is no deliberate "protection of record". Instead, he implements a "take all the tasks as needed" strategy for many high-value tasks, which greatly increases his value as a task master.

Therefore, Yun Shu's previous worry that Tongtianmen only knew Jiangcheng and not Yun Shu was not groundless.

In Pingfeng Valley, Jiang Cheng successfully met the mission publisher, Elder Yang.

Elder Yang introduced it to Jiang Cheng: "This place has dense trees, moderate temperature, and abundant spiritual energy. It was selected by the sect competition committee as the location for the jungle simulated battlefield."

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "Okay."

Elder Yang continued: "Since it is a competition venue, it is necessary to control the variables generated during the competition to ensure a fair competition as much as possible. However, after all, these forests are not places where only plants and no animals grow. Some spirit beasts will Wandering here, in order to prevent them from suddenly appearing during the competition and interfering with the performance of the contestants, it is necessary for you to clean up the competition venue to ensure that the forest competition can be conducted as fair as possible."

Jiang Chengdao: "Okay, I understand the work content."

"There is one more thing I have to remind you. When you drive away the spirit beasts, you must not kill them. Some spirit beasts grow naturally and wander in the sect. No one will care if you kill them. But there are also some that may be raised by other cultivators. If you kill them, you may face huge claims. Of course, the mission cannot be considered completed successfully."

"Thank you for your reminder, Jiang Cheng understands."

"Well, okay, as long as you know the limits, we will contact you for other matters."

After Elder Yang left, Jiang Cheng and Liu Qing were the only ones left here.

Jiang Cheng was not in a hurry to drive away the spirit beasts in the valley. The first thing he did was to survey the terrain of the valley and decide which direction he should start from and where to drive the spirit beasts from.

After determining the surrounding terrain and the direction of driving, Jiang Cheng was not in a hurry to drive away the spirit beasts again.

But he roughly counted the types of spirit beasts that needed to be dealt with.

The spirit beasts here first refer to those above the Qi training stage.

There are many small insects with special talents, which are not among the targets of driving away.

Some small animals, such as rabbits and mice, are not among the targets of expulsion.

The spiritual beasts that Jiangcheng mainly needs to expel are mostly medium and large spiritual beasts such as wild boars, wild dogs, wild cats, deer, snakes, tigers, etc. At the same time, it also includes more dangerous poisonous bees and other harmful animals.

The cultivation of these spiritual beasts should not exceed the Jindan stage at most, because if it is higher, it will be issued by Tongtianmen like Senior Yusheng, and then sent out to work.

Of course, spiritual beasts and monsters are still different.

Spiritual beasts are always beasts, but monsters can transform into humans.

Whether or not there is the ability to transform is one of the important indicators to distinguish spiritual beasts from monsters.

Expelling spiritual beasts is a technical job. The main difficulty is not to capture them, but to discover and capture them.

The word "spiritual" is in the name of spiritual beasts, so it is naturally not an ordinary beast.

If it is an ordinary beast, Jiangcheng can accurately find the location of the beast with a sweep of his divine sense.

However, after evolution, spirit beasts naturally have the ability to "hide", and ordinary spiritual sense cannot accurately discover and find them. Sometimes spiritual sense is not as good as eyes.

Jiang Cheng is responsible for the expulsion of a large valley alone. The workload is huge and obviously very difficult.

If he is asked to capture one area after another, it is unknown when he can catch them all.

Then even if he catches them, as long as he is not careful, spirit beasts from other areas will flow into the emptied area.

This means that all the previous efforts will be wasted and other spirit beasts will expand their territory in vain.

From this point of view, it is simply a fantasy for Jiang Cheng to deal with the spirit beasts in a large valley alone.

No matter how hard he tries, there will be spirit beasts from other areas who follow their instincts to fill the ecological gap without spirit beasts.

Even if he can catch most of the spirit beasts in the valley, there will be spirit beasts outside the valley running into the valley and quickly filling the number of spirit beasts in the valley.

It can be said that as long as the ecological environment of the valley is not damaged, it is almost impossible to simply rely on catching beasts to eliminate spirit beasts.

Once the ecology of the valley is destroyed, the valley will not meet the conditions for the sect competition.

This is an unsolvable vicious circle.

The solutions that normal people can think of are either to send out a large army, advance step by step, stretch the battle line, dig three feet into the ground, and force the spirit beasts out of the valley alive.

Or directly ask Liu Qing to take action. Ordinary spirit beasts can hide from Jiang Cheng's divine sense at the Jindan realm, so how can they hide from Liu Qing's divine sense at the Mahayana realm?

Or more directly, ask Liu Qing to scare the spirit beasts, and it is guaranteed that one scare will be accurate.

Of course, asking Liu Qing to take action is just a joke.

And it is not realistic to send out a large army. Where can Jiang Cheng find so many people to drive them away in a carpet-style manner?

Especially there is the objective requirement that the spirit beasts cannot be harmed.

However, the difficult task cannot stump Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng quickly gave his own solution.

It is known that the number of spirit beasts in the forest is in a dynamic balance. If there are fewer, there will be more, and if there are more, there will be fewer. As long as the carrying capacity of the environment does not change, the number of spirit beasts will remain stable.

Then Jiangcheng can take advantage of this and do the opposite.

Since the spirit beasts outside the valley can follow their instincts to run into the valley to fill the ecological niche, the spirit beasts in the valley can also follow their instincts to run to the wilderness outside the valley to survive because there are too many competitors.

Therefore, Jiangcheng's choice is to "rent" a batch of spirit beasts cultivated in the spirit beast breeding base.

The advantage of cultivating spirit beasts is that they have marked magic weapons on them, so there is no need to worry about running out and not being able to find them.

So Jiangcheng's approach is to release a large number of cultivated spirit beasts of the same type into the valley.

Assuming that the small spirit beasts that can be preyed on in this valley can sustain the survival of three tigers, then the carrying capacity of this valley environment for tigers is three.

And Jiangcheng released ten breeding tigers into the valley, so that thirteen tigers appeared in the valley at once. In this way, the resources of the valley could not sustain the survival of thirteen tigers at all.

Then the tigers have only two choices, one is to compete with each other and kill their own kind, and the second is to migrate out and leave the valley.

Because of the presence of the markers, Jiang Cheng could observe the status and position of the tigers he released, avoiding competition among the tigers, and simply letting them squeeze out the original native tigers!

After the tiger balance was achieved, Jiang Cheng continued to squeeze out the native deer and wild boars in the valley by releasing deer, wild boars and other animals. And so on.

By continuously releasing and recycling spirit beasts, Jiang Cheng used the environmental balance mechanism to the extreme, creating a large area of ​​"spiritless beasts" forest area without any bloodshed, and delivered it to the Internal Affairs Hall on the eve of the competition, and the Internal Affairs Hall arranged the formations to meet the needs of the competition. Venue requirements for the sect competition.

Elder Yang is very satisfied with Jiangcheng's work.

He suggested to Jiang Cheng: "Jiang Cheng, our Internal Affairs Hall has to prepare for the competition. Now we are very short of manpower. If you are not busy, I recommend you to come to our Internal Affairs Hall as a volunteer. You can mainly do the work of maintaining the order of the competition. . How about we give you a salary of one thousand contribution points every day?”

Jiang Cheng mentally calculated the salary level and felt it was a good deal, so he agreed.

After becoming a volunteer, Jiang Cheng's job became much easier than driving away spiritual beasts.

Because volunteers are mainly engaged in maintaining order, it can be said that as long as there are no accidents in the competition, you can make a lot of money just by strolling around Jiangcheng.

Of course, on the other hand, if something unexpected happens and Jiang Cheng doesn't handle it properly, something big will happen.

Different from Jiang Cheng, although Yue Ling'er's sect is also a newly established sect, their master is not as arrogant as Yun Shu and still wants more resources to make a difference.

Therefore, Yue Ling'er and Shen Menghan were sent by their sect to actively participate in the sect competition. Their results would be converted into points and added to their sect's head.

Yue Linger and Shen Menghan are not as good at fighting as Lin Yao and Liang Lu.

But fortunately, they have Jiangcheng's talismans to protect them. Although they are dangerous, they can often win despite the yells and curses from the opponent.

The only thing stopping them from moving forward is how many talismans Jiang Cheng is willing to give.

Anyway, Jiang Cheng's intention was to tell them not to make any rash advances, just stay in the Dan-Jie stage and give in when encountering a genius, and focus on an average-to-upper level, as long as they perform well enough to be trained by their master.

Yue Ling'er and Shen Menghan also implemented Jiang Cheng's combat ideas very much. Of course, they couldn't do it if they didn't because there were no new talismans to use.

But accidents happen.

One day, Yue Ling'er competed with a fellow Dan Jie disciple on the stage. After using the Jiangcheng Talisman to "luckily" win, Yue Ling'er resigned without thinking much.

Unexpectedly, the defeated fellow disciple was not convinced at all and wanted to challenge Yue Ling'er to a private fight in front of the audience.

Volunteer Jiang Cheng came over in time to maintain order and suggested: "Private fighting is against the rules of the sect. If you insist on competing, I will give each of you a powerful electric shock talisman. You use the talisman on yourself, and then you will be matched according to the injury." It’s not a violation of the rules to compete.”

A fellow disciple said: "Why should I listen to you?"

Jiang Cheng tugged on the red armband, "I'm a volunteer, how can I still lie to you?"

The fellow student thought the same thing and decisively used the electric shock talisman on himself. Then, his whole body was blackened and his head was smoking, he said to Yue Ling'er: "It's your turn!"

Before Yue Ling'er could say anything, Jiang Cheng selflessly answered for her: "No more electricity, she gives up."

His fellow disciples were overjoyed at first, thinking that he had proved that he was better than Yue Ling'er.

Then he saw Yue Ling'er chatting and laughing with Jiang Cheng, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"No, you guys are in the same group?"

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