The author has previously opened a single chapter to discuss the problems of this book, including the dilemmas faced by the author.

Every single chapter is told truthfully and sincerely.

It’s not that the author has never written novels, but he is still a newcomer in the online literature industry, although the results of this book are pretty good (I am quite satisfied with it personally).

The author doesn't have much experience in controlling long novels, so he can't control it once he writes it.

To be honest, the author has been writing novels for a long time. He first wrote them in a notebook in junior high school, and the class teacher confiscated them. Later, when conditions allowed, he used a computer to write them.

The author likes to write novels. At first, he never thought about writing online articles. Later, his thoughts changed and he felt that self-interested writing is not his skill. The ability is to find the greatest common denominator among readers, so he tried to enter the online writing industry.

Compared with most online article authors, the author's path to success is relatively easy. This is also the author's confidence to dare to work full-time.

Perhaps because of the writing habit developed since childhood, the author has some writing experience and can use relatively fluent words to tell stories and pictures without any effort.

Therefore, I can fully make up for the shortcomings of not being able to tell stories and achieve faster progress.

Closer to home, let’s review the mistakes made by the author in this book.

The first and biggest mistake is the author's mistake in grasping the "tone" of the book.

In the early stage of writing and saving the book, the author has preset the tone of the book. The tone of the book should be "the protagonist has a crooked attitude".

However, during the serialization process, because the author liked to read reviews, coupled with his lack of experience in writing, his inability to master long-form stories, and his lack of natural storytelling talent, one result was that the tone of the book changed. For example, the question at the end of Fishing Talisman made what should have been a relaxed topic serious, and dissuaded a large number of readers.

What's even more uncomfortable is that the tone of the book changes several times, thus discouraging different readers over and over again. This is too fatal for a book. It is equivalent to erasing the possibility of growth.

For example, for a while, the author was disturbed by some comments and felt that this book was a "funny" type. Therefore, I imitated some "funny" books, but it was just a toddler, which accelerated the life of the book.

This book does have some laughs, but it is not a comedy. The author did not think of deliberately being funny when writing the early plots.

It is this kind of back and forth in style that caused the book to lose quite a few readers.

Regarding the issue of "tone", the author will pay special attention to it in future writing and will never make the mistake of switching styles again.

Besides the "tone", another big problem with this book is the lack of a main plot.

The main plot of the book in the early stage can be said to be "buying a house", but after buying a house later, it really fell into a situation without a main plot.

The protagonist has no goals, so he does not have enough inner self-drive. As a result, readers do not know what the protagonist's desires are, what he wants to do, and what he wants to do. Therefore, the author lacks a line to control the overall situation of the novel, which indirectly results in the book having no skeleton and the body cannot hold up. Finally collapsed.

Main line problems must be corrected in subsequent writing. Avoid making the mistake of not having a main story again.

The third problem is the author's own problem. In recent years, the amount of online articles has not been read enough, which has led to several extended problems: many story routines are too old, the supporting characters are flat and have no characteristics, and the author himself has run out of inspiration, and he did not expect Fu Lu to be the same. Unexpected plot.

Especially the fact that the plot is unexpected is also an important reason why I wrote it here.

The author has run out of ink, his thoughts are no longer flowing, he has finished outputting, and he can no longer write. It can only be ended hastily.

In view of this, the author will increase the plot intake in the next two months and read like crazy to replenish inspiration.

Avoid similar problems in your next book.

The author will definitely write a new book.

Not surprisingly, it’s still the same number.

But the author needs to read and study for two months, and the fastest he can start writing a new book is two months later.

If there are any accidents or difficulties, you need to postpone it further.

But I will definitely notify you in the book club and in this book.

The genre of the new book has not yet been decided, and the subject matter has not yet been decided. We will wait for two months to decide.

Thank you to the readers who can see this and thank you for your support along the way.

The author will continue to work hard and try to write better.

Use books to speak, good writing can be broken.

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