Jiangcheng is not famous.

Lin Yao is so famous!

Since entering the first year of high school, Principal Yang has heard that their school has a student who is known as "the most beautiful female student since the establishment of the senior high school."


Yang Lingbao thought so at first.

But then he happened to see Lin Yao once, and he felt that this description was quite appropriate. He had a certain literary background and was particularly realistic.

Following the intuition of an excellent principal, Yang Lingbao immediately found Lin Yao's class teacher and asked him to pay special attention to Lin Yao.

Because Yang Lingbao believes that the boys in high school are very capable in communicating feelings.

If something happened because of Lin Yao, he, the principal, would not be able to bear the consequences.

What Yang Lingbao didn't expect was that the boys were somewhat capable, but Lin Yao seemed to be more capable.

In the three years of high school, he, including Lin Yao's class teacher, had not heard of any excessive scandals about Lin Yao. Not only that, she didn't seem to be in love yet.

He doesn't seem to be interested in high school kids.

This made Yang Lingbao secretly happy.

The bomb was big, but it didn't explode!

But who would have thought that just now, a previously unknown boy from their high school would actually appear outside the campus with Lin Yao!

They looked like they were on an interrupted date and rushed to the mission hall.

Yang Lingbao didn't believe that Lin Yao was in love at first. She appeared with others outside the campus, and it might be because of other things.

And we didn’t talk to each other for three years in high school, so why did we suddenly fall in love with someone near the end of high school?

But just now, Yang Lingbao saw the way Lin Yao looked at Jiang Cheng.

She looks like a young girl in love.

Even if he didn't believe it before, he believed it now.

Because no one (push hand) understands (OK) the secret love between students (an index finger) better than the high school principal (spread hands).

"Jiang Cheng, come on, sit here."

Yang Lingbao's tone was quite complicated.

Jiang Cheng was very obedient and sat in the seat designated by the principal.

Lin Yao obediently found a seat next to Jiang Cheng and sat down.

The chairs in the conference room of the mission hall were relatively spacious, but Lin Yao did not sit in the middle of the chair, but insisted on sitting on the side of the chair closer to Jiangcheng.

This kind of subconscious body language was clearly visible to the experienced senior monks in the education field.

For a time, various thoughts appeared in their minds.

Lei Buxiao: Damn, what does this guy mean by bringing his girlfriend? Don't you take me seriously?

Lu Benwei: Tsk tsk, you are so blessed.

Bai Wendao: "Jiang Xiaoyou has good taste." But this girl doesn't seem to be a trouble-maker.

Yang Lingbao: You kid can’t tell it at school, but outside of school, you are really capable!

"Jiang Cheng, you and Lin Yao's class teacher are still out on vacation and can't come back for the time being. Uncle Qi is busy with work and will come over later." Yang Lingbao said.

"Oh." Jiang Cheng didn't understand why the principal said this.

"Tell me, what have you done in the past few days after the college entrance examination?"

"I accepted the mission in the mission hall."

"What mission?"

"Design talismans."

"You designed it all yourself!?" Lu Wang, the president of the Talisman Masters Association, suddenly stood up and shouted loudly.

Jiang Cheng looked at Lu Wang, cupped his hands and said, "Part of it was based on the 'physical increase'. I also looked up information in the Xiuxi Library. I happened to meet Professor Bai."

Everyone looked at Bai Wendao.

Bai Wendao felt complicated, but he had no choice but to say: "I can testify for him on this point."

Since Yang Lingbao already knew something about the talisman painting in Jiangcheng, he continued to ask: "What talisman did you design?"

Jiang Cheng told the truth: "Muscle relaxing charm."

Yang Lingbao: "Do you know what the muscle relaxation charm is for?"

Jiang Cheng looked at Yang Lingbao in confusion. He was the designer, how could he not know what it was for?

"I know." He said.

Yang Lingbao thought, "Idiot, you should say you don't know at this time!"

But Jiang Cheng's words came out, and he could only continue to ask: "What's it for?"

"It's used to relax your muscles."

"Fart! This talisman is obviously a control-type talisman that exceeds the standard!" Lei Buxiao stood up immediately.

Everyone looked at Lei Buxiao.

Soon, Lei Buxiao was pushed down by Liu Qi and Lu Benwei who were sitting next to him.

"Dean, calm down, you must calm down!"

Jie Dan was angry, and Lin Yao next to Jiang Cheng felt great pressure.

However, facing the pressure, Jiang Cheng remained as stable as a rock.

He is calm and calm, not surprised by changes, which is in sharp contrast to the angry Lei Buxiao.

Lin Yao pursed her lips, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but stare straight at Jiang Cheng.

Mount Tai collapses in front but remains unchanged; elk rises to the left but does not blink.

She now had to admit that Jiang Cheng was indeed a bit handsome.

The reason why Jiang Cheng is not afraid of Lei Buxiao is not because he believes in Lei Buxiao's character, but because he believes in his own innocence.

Muscle relaxation is reasonable, legal and compliant. Today is the day when God comes, and God, law, fairness and justice must be on his side.

Although Lei Buxiao is strong, is he as strong as the five great immortal sects?

Is he as strong as the law and order stipulated by the five immortal sects?

Someone as strong as Liu Qing has to be suppressed by the Immortal Sect, so what does a little pill-forming monk mean?

For this reason, Yang Lingbao stopped trying and asked Jiang Cheng directly.

"Jiang Cheng, tell the principal honestly, is the Muscle Relaxation Talisman a super-standard control talisman?"

"Nonsense. The muscle relaxing charm is undoubtedly a harmless healing charm."

Jiang Cheng said with certainty.

This time Liu Qi couldn't sit still.

Harmless healing charm?

I fainted from the fucking pain. You tell me it’s harmless?

Liu Qi stood up and shouted: "Impossible! This talisman cannot be a harmless healing talisman!"

Everyone looked at Liu Qi.

Soon, Liu Qi was pressed down by Lei Buxiao and Lu Wang beside him.

"Director Liu, calm down, calm down."

After calming down Liu Qi's anger, Lu Wang, who was more authoritative in terms of talismans, spoke and made the final decision.

"Ahem, this, from a theoretical point of view of talisman design, the muscle relaxation talisman should indeed be classified as a healing talisman."

After Lu Wang spoke, everyone stopped arguing.

After all, the key to the problem is not what type of muscle relaxer it is, but how it helps cheat!

Yang Lingbao asked again: "Jiangcheng, according to the reactions of some monks, it is said that the muscle relaxation talisman will cause the whole body of the person who is hit by the talisman to twitch. Is this true?"

Jiang Cheng nodded: "Illegal use will indeed have certain side effects. In severe cases, the whole body may twitch."

Lu Benwei immediately stood up and retorted: "Impossible! There must be something fishy here. How could the healing talisman have such strong side effects!"

Bai Wendao and Lei Buxiao acted in tacit agreement: "Teacher Lu, calm down. Calm down first."

Faced with doubts, Jiang Cheng said neither humble nor arrogantly: "I also have a muscle relaxation charm here, but it's impossible for the seniors to just try it themselves."

No one wanted to try, and the situation was a bit awkward for a while.

Yang Lingbao spoke again: "Let's put aside the properties of the muscle relaxation talisman for now. Jiang Cheng, please answer honestly. Is it possible that this talisman may disrupt the teaching order and help some students cheat in the exam?"

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "Absolutely impossible. I have signed a Talisman Use Authorization Agreement with each customer. The agreement clearly stipulates that Jiangcheng's Talismans shall not be used in any illegal scenarios. And I also attached the following instructions on how to use the Talismans. There is a detailed instruction manual. It emphasizes the characteristics, functions, usage, dosage and adverse reactions of the talisman."

In order to ensure the authenticity of his words, Jiang Cheng opened the storage bag and took out various documents that he had prepared.

"The instruction manual clearly records the consequences of illegal use of the talisman. Including: strenuous exercise during the talisman period will cause muscle cramps. Excessive use of the talisman may double the side effects..."

"all in all……"

Jiang Cheng sat up straight and intertwined his fingers in front of him.

"If someone disrupts the normal teaching order, I am willing to fully assist the seniors in the investigation. This is my obligation as a resident of Wuyue City. But if someone falsely accuses my reputation, I will also reserve the right given to me by the law to sue him .”

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