The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 34 Something is very wrong

Lei Buxiao looks at Jiangcheng more and more now.

He found that this kid from Jiang Cheng was just like a muscle relaxer.

When Jiang Cheng appears opposite you and is your opponent, he is very troublesome and annoying.

But when Jiangcheng or Muscle Relaxation Talisman is in your hands, or you are with your teammates, then things will become very relaxed and enjoyable.

Lei Buxiao had previously seen Jiang Cheng's "strong words" and felt that he was a kid who didn't understand the world.

Although Lei Buxiao didn't care about Jiang Cheng's offense, he actually didn't have a good impression of Jiang Cheng.

But later, when four high-grade spiritual stones appeared and the two parties were about to sign a contract, Jiang Cheng suddenly became very friendly and easy to talk to.

Not only did he take the initiative not to take advantage of the college, but he also extended the exclusive period of the talisman authorized to the college to two years.

Moreover, he creatively proposed that he could provide the Tianheng Swordsmanship Academy with the drawing blueprint of the muscle relaxation talisman, and he was willing to jointly apply for talisman certification with the Swordsmanship Academy.

In other words, the applicant for the Muscle Relaxation Talisman changed from "Jiang City" to "Jiang City and Tianheng Sword Cultivation Academy".

Although the muscle relaxing charm caused a lot of unnecessary trouble to Tianheng Sword Cultivation Academy.

But no one denies the value of this talisman itself.

Even Lu Wang, a third-level Talisman Master and president of the Wu Yue Branch of the Tongtianmen Talisman Masters Association, said that the Muscle Relaxation Talisman is a very "pioneer", "original" and "pioneering" Talisman.

It may even “subvert” some of the talisman industry.

Faced with such a talisman that may have great influence in the field of immortal research, Tianheng Swordsmanship Academy only paid a very small amount of money to successfully reach an intimate "joint research and development" with Jiang Cheng.

There is no doubt that this cooperation is a big bargain for Tianheng Swordsmanship Academy.

If such "results" appear in the process of the college's promotion to the first-level, it will definitely greatly increase the weight of Tianheng Swordsmanship Academy's promotion within the Imperial College.

Let the academy's promotion campaign, which was already a sure thing, become completely "impeccable"!

Finally, under the witness of Sun Decai, the elder of the outer sect, Yang Lingbao, the principal of the high school, Lu Wang, the president of the Talisman Masters Association, and Lin Yao, the future demon witch, Jiangcheng and Tianheng Swordsmanship Academy successfully reconciled, signed a cross-authorization agreement on talismans, and reached an agreement on joint Strategic cooperation to develop "Muscle Relaxation Talisman".

Afterwards, the Mission Hall recorded the bilateral talks in detail:

The two parties fully exchanged views on this cooperation and had cordial and friendly exchanges. Jiang Cheng said that he was willing to fully respect Jianxiu College’s concerns about the severe challenges faced by its teaching order. Lei Buxiao, the dean of Jianxiu College, pointed out that this meeting was beneficial and that the development situation of the college is stable and improving. As a responsible quasi-A college, Tianheng Jianxiu College must fully understand the influence of relevant talents from society on the future of the college. Development concerns and suggestions…

Jiangcheng's uncle Sun Qing was a government official.

To be precise, he is a chief clerk of Wu Yuecheng Forestry Administration.

Since the Forestry Service is a subordinate agency of Liang State's Ministry of Household Affairs, it is responsible for the planning and protection of Liang State's undeveloped mountainous areas, somewhat similar to the Bureau of Land and Resources on Earth. Therefore, the main responsibility of Master Sun is to register the resources of the forests and mountains around Wuyue City.

Recently, the Liang Kingdom's court began a five-year resource census. Although Sun Qing did not have to travel to the mountains himself, he was responsible for collecting records. With the increase in data, he also became busy.

But today, Sun Qing encountered a strange thing.

Jiangcheng's head teacher sent him a communication talisman, saying that something happened in Jiangcheng and asking him to quickly go to the Tongtianmen Mission Hall.

This is weird.

In his mind, Jiang Cheng is an honest boy who can save himself as much trouble as possible.

What's more, Jiang Chengdu was on vacation after the college entrance examination. How could something happen and ask the head teacher to notify him?

But after all, the situation was told by Jiangcheng's head teacher. Although he didn't know it clearly, he couldn't ignore it completely.

Jiang Cheng's parents fostered Jiang Cheng in their home and paid him a large amount of living expenses every month. If something happened, Sun Qing would have no way to explain to Jiang Cheng's parents.

However, the situation is unclear now. It is not clear what is going on in Jiangcheng. It is definitely not a good idea to make a rash statement.

Sun Qing quickly finished the work at hand, wrote a request for leave early, waited for the superior leader to finish the meeting, asked his superior leader to approve a leave, and then drove to the mission hall.

Sun Qing didn't come to places like the Mission Hall very often. He was a civil servant who was fed by government officials, and he had no connection with the Mission Hall, a place like the Immortal Sect with unstable income.

In fact, although there are many immortal sect forces in the Liang Kingdom, the Liang Kingdom and the Emperor Liang himself are trying their best to avoid and check the influence of the immortal sects on the Liang Kingdom.

It is a well-known unspoken rule of the Liang Dynasty that civil servants have less contact with Xianmen forces, especially certain Xianmen forces.

At the door of the mission hall, as soon as Sun Qing entered, he felt a few unusual auras.

It seems that there are several foundation builders sitting here.

A small mission hall can have such a large number of high-level monks stationed there. The Immortal Sect's foundation is truly bottomless.

Sun Qing sighed with emotion and walked quickly into the palace.

In the main hall, several foundation-building monks stood in a circle and were laughing and talking.

Since he was from the Immortal Sect, Sun Qing was not very familiar with these people, but he felt that one of them seemed to be Yang Lingbao, the principal of Wuyue Senior High School.

Wuyue Senior High School is under the jurisdiction of the Wuyue Academic Affairs Office. It and the Forestry Service where Sun Qing is located belong to the same power of the Liang Dynasty court, so they are closely connected.

"Is this Principal Yang?" Sun Qing asked tentatively.

Yang Lingbao was chatting with Lei Buxiao and others when he suddenly saw Sun Qing and said with some confusion: "Who are you?"

"Sun Qing, Jiangcheng's uncle and Jiangcheng's head teacher asked me..."

Before Sun Qing finished speaking, he saw several high-level monks around Yang Lingbao looking at him. Among them, there was even a pill-forming monk with an extremely deep aura!

Sun Qing, like the vast majority of people in the Liang Kingdom, had average talents and only had the cultivation level of the Qi training period. When so many high-level monks paid attention to him, he subconsciously became nervous.

But what Sun Qing didn't expect was that instead of targeting him, these high-level monks showed friendly smiles to him.

When Yang Lingbao saw that it was Jiang Cheng's uncle, he immediately smiled and said: "Jiang Cheng's parents, right? It's all a misunderstanding. Your Jiang Cheng is very good. It is said that his grades are also good, right? I don't think there will be any problem with him entering the Immortal Sect in the future."

Seeing the principal praising Jiang Cheng so much, Sun Qing said politely: "You are overly complimentary. Our Jiang Cheng has been an honest kid since he was a child..."

Liu Qi, Sun Decai, Lu Wang and others twitched their lips. As foundation-building monks, they almost lost control of their expressions in front of Sun Qing.

Is his mother Jiang Cheng considered an "honest" child?

Do you have any misunderstanding about "honesty"?

On the contrary, Lei Buxiao spoke highly of Jiang Cheng and didn't even think there was anything wrong with Sun Qing calling Jiang Cheng "honest".

Jiang Cheng is willing to cooperate with the Swordsmanship Academy to produce talismans. If he is not "honest", who will be "honest"?

He has never seen such an honest child as Jiang Cheng!

"Fellow Daoist Sun, your Jiangcheng is really good. It has a bright future! Haha!"

This was the first time in Sun Qing's life that he was called "you" by the Danjie monk.

He was extremely frightened and flattered and said: "I don't dare to take it. I don't dare to take it. Principal Yang, this is..."

Because of his relationship with Jiang Cheng, Yang Lingbao made a lot of connections today and was in a very good mood. He introduced Sun Qing carefully: "This is Dean Lei Bu Xiaolei of Tianheng Sword Cultivation Academy. This is Elder Sun Decai of Tongtian Sect. This is He is the president of the Talisman Masters Association..."

Sun Qing:?

The names of these people are not simple at first sight.

So what on earth did this kid from Jiangcheng do!

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