The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 54 Speaking of Fishing

The morning rest library is as calm and peaceful as ever.

Opposite the seat where Bo Wendao usually sat, sat a young man with a smiling, confident and reassuring face.

Counting from yesterday, today is Jiang Cheng's second day reading in the library.

After his morning run every day, he still has a lot of time.

It would not be appropriate to go to Wuyue Xiaozhu to find Liu Qing early in the morning, so Jiang Cheng would come to the library to stay for a while.

He will take this opportunity to supplement the legal knowledge of Liang Guo, Xianmen, and even surrounding countries on "forestry, fishery," "aquatic products," "animal protection," and "fishing."

Just like creating muscle relaxation charms, Jiangcheng sincerely hopes that the "Animal Encouragement Talisman" will also be a good talisman that is reasonable, legal and compliant.

No matter what, Jiang Cheng would never do anything illegal.

Not to mention being an enemy of the Immortal Sect!

As a numerical planner, Jiang Cheng may understand the power of the Immortal Sect better than the Immortal Sect Master.

No matter it is the devil, demon clan, dynasty or other forces, they are not the enemies of the Immortal Sect.

In the setting of "Immortal God", only the Immortal Sect can deal with the Immortal Sect.

But then again.

After all, the muscle relaxation charm last time was used during the school exam.

Whether muscle relaxers are good or bad, there will always be people who are dissatisfied when it comes to exams.

But this time the animal encouragement talisman is just a talisman to assist the fisherman in fishing.

Its function is to adjust the "fishing explosion rate" that is so low that some fishermen have. Return the fishing probability to normal.

The function of the animal encouragement talisman is not even to control the fish to bite the hook, but only to encourage the fish so that the fish can learn to fight and choose whether to bite the hook.

The Animal Encouragement Talisman (Fish Limited Edition) is, after all, just a first-level blessing talisman.

How harmful can it be?

Among the books borrowed in front of Jiang Cheng, in addition to those related to "Laws" and "Regulations", there was also an "Introduction to Rhythm".

The design blueprint of the muscle relaxation talisman is a common auxiliary talisman "physical increase".

The design blueprint of the animal encouragement charm comes from a sea magic weapon called "Song of the Tide".

The function of "Song of the Tide" is to add collective buffs to the sea warriors through music, improving their overall combat effectiveness.

The animal encouragement talisman mainly borrows part of the melody of the "Song of the Tide" to simply encourage fish schools.

For example, if the "Song of the Tide" is: snowflakes are falling, the north wind is blowing, and the world is vast...

The "Animal Encouragement Charm" is: How can you sleep well at your age?

The similarity between these two melodies is that they both make people feel sad.

However, considering that Zhou Yunshan might fish with other fishing friends, in order to reduce the interference of the "melody" to other people, Jiang Cheng planned to change the propagation of the rhythm to the form of infrasound waves.

Using infrasound waves to propagate music is fast, far, and not noisy. It achieves multiple goals with one stone.

"Little friend Jiang?"

Bai Wendao's voice came from the other side.

Jiang Cheng looked up and saw his old friend.

"Senior Bai. You are here today."

Bai Wendao smiled and said, "I've been busy with college affairs recently, not to mention the library, and I haven't been back home much."

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "Is the promotion of the academy going well?"

"Yeah, not bad. But Dean Lei is going to put some pressure on your muscle relaxing charm and submit it for certification when school starts at the end of September."

"Okay, I can do that."

Since the copyright was sold, Jiang Cheng naturally didn't care.

When Bai Wendao saw Jiang Cheng starting to look at the strange laws again, his expression suddenly became a little unbearable.

He thought about the lethality of the muscle relaxant and felt that it was necessary to ask Jiang Cheng about his motivation for reading.

Similar to the "reasonable" talisman like the Muscle Relaxation Talisman, which was extremely disruptive to balance, Bai Wendao would never let Jiang Cheng draw it again.

Some people are afraid that if they put it in a bad position, the mud will not be able to support the wall.

But some people are afraid of his terrifying and strong ambition!

"Little friend Jiang, are you looking at these books... have you received another mission?"

Jiang Cheng didn't intend to hide it, he smiled and said: "Senior Bai, you are really good at predicting things."

Bai Wendao silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked cautiously: "Jiang Xiaoyou, is it inconvenient for you to tell me what mission you have accepted?"

Jiang Cheng was naturally tight-lipped about information related to his client.

But that's not all he can't say.

"I'm making a talisman related to fishing."

When Bai heard about fishing, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Fishing is one of his few hobbies besides sword practice and reading.

"How does it relate to fishing? Can you tell me anything more?"

Jiang Chengdao: "The client's fishing gear is broken, and I'm trying to restore the fishing gear's proper functions."

"I see."

Bai felt relieved when he heard the news.

It turned out that he was just repairing things, and I thought he was going to invent something again.

And if it’s just fishing gear, there won’t be any problems. Even if there is a problem, it will only affect the individuals using the fishing gear at most, and the impact will be limited and not cause for concern.

Jiang Cheng listened to Bai Wendao's words and felt that he seemed to be quite interested in fishing.

"Senior Bai, do you also know how to fish?"

No matter in his previous life or this life, Jiang Cheng didn't know how to fish, so he urgently needed to know some basic knowledge about fishing.

For example, how many fish should a fisherman catch in a day?

Jiangcheng needs to set a normal intensity for the animal encouragement charm so that the fish neither strives too hard nor becomes too decadent. The purpose of this is to allow Zhou Yunshan to regain a reasonable "fishing explosion rate" instead of turning him into a "fishing master".

Bai Wendao smiled and said: "Fishing, I know a little bit, I know a little bit."

Jiang Cheng took out a pen and paper, his expression became serious, "Senior Bai, how many fish can you catch in a typical day? Or how many kilograms of fish?"

Bai Wendao thought for a moment and remembered what happened about eighty years ago. The elegance of that time is still vivid in his mind. He said quite proudly: "One time I was outside Wuyue City... At that time, three or five friends and I... That night, in about six hours, we caught a total of forty kilograms of fish!"

Jiang Cheng's pen tip flew and he quickly concluded Bai Wendao's fishing level.

Six hours, forty pounds.

After a simple calculation, we can get the conclusion: twenty-four hours, one hundred and sixty pounds.

To be on the safe side, Jiang Cheng asked again: "Senior Bai, do you have any other records? The kind that are slightly worse."

Bai Wendao thought for a while, "Generally speaking, if you fish for a day, you will have to have more than ten or twenty catties of fish. Anyway, it is impossible for the air force."

Jiang Cheng faithfully recorded it.

Later, he also asked Bo Wendao about the communication code codes of some of his fishing friends, and searched for their communication codes based on their fishing results.

Later, in order to obtain more real data, Jiang Cheng worked tirelessly to travel through mountains and rivers at the fishing spots around Wuyue City and visited the fishing guys there.

"There must be more than a dozen kilograms every day. On good days, there are dozens of kilograms. It's impossible for the air force to be there anyway."

"I just fish casually, and I'm sure there will be three or five fish. Oh, it's just for fun. It's just fishing, it doesn't matter. Are you talking about the dark circles under my eyes? I work overtime, and it has nothing to do with fishing."

"Oh, don't worry. There are no fish in the bucket because I haven't started to exert my strength yet. Anyway, it is impossible to be an air force, and it is impossible to be an air force in this life."

After many investigations and repeated arguments, Jiang Cheng relied on the data given to him by the fishing guy and finally came up with the fishing intensity that the Animal Encouragement Talisman (fish limited edition) should achieve.

At least one to two fish per hour.

You can catch thirty to sixty pounds of fish in twenty-four hours.

This data was obtained by combining the experiences of dozens of fishermen. The entire data collection process is scientific and standardized, so there should be no problems.

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