The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 63 Target Determination

"Okay, okay, thank you, Senior Bai."

Jiang Cheng hung up the communication symbol.

Bai Wendao is undoubtedly very reliable. After Jiangcheng asked him to inquire about Tongtianmen and Linlanmen, Baiwendao made good use of his connections in Wuyue and in just one day, he got what Jiangcheng needed. All the information was extracted from all the friends.

Jiang Cheng did not simply ask the question "Which one has better treatment, Tongtianmen or Linlanmen?"

He mainly asked Bai to learn about the organizational structure of Tongtianmen and Linlanmen.

According to the organizational structure of a fairy sect, we can more accurately determine whether the fairy sect is successful or not.

If a celestial sect is good at labor dispatch and has more core inner sect disciples than ordinary inner sect disciples, then it will be difficult for this celestial sect not to get involved.

Fortunately, at least Tongtianmen and Linlanmen are not good at labor dispatch. The disciples under the banner are divided into two main categories: inner sect and outer sect.

The inner sect focuses on cultivation, and the outer sect focuses on industry. There is no conflict between them.

However, the organizational structures of the two immortal sects are still completely different.

The structure of Tongtianmen is similar to that of a milk tea shop franchise.

A master first leads many disciples. After many disciples grow up, some of them always like to set up their own business. As a result, mitosis occurred. The long-term isolation of masters and the selection and improvement of practice paths gradually formed other masters and other schools of practice.

Tongtian Sect can be seen as a large alliance of many small sects with the same sect and the same origin, each of which is very powerful.

The advantage of this is that the scale of the sect is growing rapidly, there is a lot of room for individuals to display their skills, and the sect's rules are not very strict.

The disadvantage is that a single small school has poor ability to resist risks. The management of the school depends entirely on the ability of its master. The good ones will be popular and the bad ones will be rubbish.

Just like a milk tea shop opened in a remote street, it will eventually close down due to lack of business. However, the bankruptcy of this one will not affect the layout and strength of the entire Tongtianmen, because Tongtianmen is a large group with thousands of milk tea shops.

The sect structure of Linlan Sect is more compact than that of Tongtian Sect.

Linlanmen is more like a giant university.

Each group of disciples has their own "master".

But the "Master" of Linlan Clan is different from the Almighty Master of Tongtian Clan. The master of Linlan Clan is similar to a college counselor.

He will be responsible for the daily life of the new disciples in Linlan Sect, and even part of the teaching of immortal magic. If something goes wrong with his disciples, the master will also bear some responsibility.

If the disciples of Linlan Sect want to learn magic knowledge, they need to attend the "school" taught by experts within the sect.

Some schools are free and open, and any disciple can enter and study. Some schools require you to meet certain requirements before you can enter, such as holding a first-level Talisman Master Certificate.

There are also some schools that require sect contribution points to enter.

The sect's contribution points require the disciples of the Linlan Sect to complete tasks, or directly exchange the endless spiritual stones.

The advantage of Linlan Sect's structure is that the sect is unified as a whole and the various parts are very closely connected. The sect leader can mobilize a large number of disciples and sect resources with a single call. Unlike the Tongtian Sect, which has many hills and hills, it is difficult to mobilize.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is very rolly.

Under Linlan Sect's contribution point system, outstanding disciples can obtain resources far beyond those of ordinary disciples. They relied on a large number of contribution points at the beginning to learn better and stronger spells, and then in turn received a large number of contribution points to continue learning.

A few rounds of snowballing are enough to create a huge gap between you and others.

The average or poor Linlan sect disciples can only struggle on the poverty line with barely enough contribution points. Unless God gives you a chance, it is difficult to change your destiny.

After seeing clearly the difference between Tongtianmen and Linlanmen, Jiang Cheng chose Tongtianmen without hesitation.

The cultivation talent of "Longtao Jiangcheng" is not equivalent to amputation below the eyebrows, but is comparable to a paralyzed vegetative state.

Even Cao Wang, who has nothing to do every day, has the fourth level of Qi training.

However, "Longtao Jiangcheng" who practiced diligently only had the third level of Qi training.

The difference appears in the cultivation talent.

If Jiang Cheng went to Linlan Sect and interacted with other cultivators, it would be the same as Chen Rui touching a wire - Shu Ma.

So he could only go to the relatively "friendly" Tongtianmen.

If he is lucky enough to be accepted as a disciple by a wealthy master, Jiang Cheng will have great prospects for his future life.

Now that the Immortal Sect has been determined, there are only two universities left in front of Jiang Cheng.

Lianyun University and Bailing University.

The advantages of Lianyun University are quite outstanding. The "vocational skills" of this school are very strong. Such as talismans, alchemy, weapon refining, etc.

Bailing University prefers the traditional school of immortal cultivation, majoring in magic, swordsmanship, body training, etc.

There is no doubt that Jiang Cheng, whose only specialty is drawing symbols, has the only option of "Lianyun University".

The good news is that Jiang Cheng has an acquaintance he doesn't know very well at Lianyun University - Yue Ling'er.

As Senior Sister Lian, if Jiang Cheng established a good relationship with her in advance, his future college life would definitely be much smoother.

Now that Lianyun University has been selected, what Jiang Cheng needs to consider now is the actual admissions assessment of Lianyun University.

Practical assessments in universities usually start at the end of September, after September 20th, and last about seven to eight days. After the results are released, students will enroll in school in early October.

It should be noted that Liangguo University does not have military training. Students attend classes upon admission.

The contents of the university practical examination will basically be announced fifteen to twenty days in advance in early September.

Naturally, Jiang Cheng would not wait until the beginning of September for the school to announce the assessment content before starting to study the actual assessment.

He is going to find a way to find Lianyun University's "past years' real questions", and start preparing for the actual assessment from now on, and start preparing for the assessment content two months in advance!

Make sure that the first step of his three-step plan for retirement, "entering the key point of immortality and successfully graduating", is foolproof!

"Liu Qing, I'm going to go out and buy some books, you..."

Jiang Cheng also wanted to ask Liu Qing if he was going, but before he could finish speaking, Liu Qing lazily stood up from her recliner.

Okay, no need to ask now.

She must go.

In a used bookstore in Wu Yuecheng, Jiang Cheng walked through the vast bookshelves, looking for what he needed, the "past years' real questions" about Lianyun University's previous practical assessments.

The questions for the practical assessment are announced in advance every year, and there are always some magazines or books that happen to record the questions.

However, it is obviously not easy to find this bit of knowledge in a lot of messy books.

At this time, Jiang Cheng missed the days when he used to surf the Internet.

When it comes to retrieving information, the Internet is easier.

"found it!"

There is a pile of old magazines in the corner of a bookshelf somewhere.

The name of the magazine is "Dialogue with College Students", and it is a small magazine that Jiangcheng has never heard of.

The content inside is naturally an interview with a college student, which happens to be about the assessment of freshmen at Lianyun University.

Jiang Cheng looked through it briefly, found a few books he needed, and got up to pay.

About half an hour later, a bookstore employee pushed a trolley to the place where Jiangcheng was looking for books.

She looked at the neatly stacked bookstalls on the ground, scratched her head and said, "Who arranged these piles of subsidized magazines so neatly? Are they too busy?"

After complaining a few words, she started to work, loading the pile of random scraps of paper onto the trolley.

The final destination of these magazines, which are nutritious, based entirely on imagination, mass-produced and used only to defraud subsidies, is a waste recycling station not far from the bookstore.

It is not easy to find this garbage among countless bookshelves.

If the bookstore hadn't been complained about "selling fake books," the store manager wouldn't have gone out of his way to find someone to clean it up.

"Oh, I hope no one will be deceived by these junk magazines. I also want to get off work early!" the clerk complained.

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