The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 68 Fishing Talisman Upgrade Completed

Tongtianmen Wuyue City Artifact Refiner Association, President’s Office.

Yu Hui, a foundation-building monk, third-level weapon refiner, and president of the association, is currently engrossed in reading documents.

Among the various industries of cultivating immortals, alchemy and weapon refining have always been the two most popular industries. Compared with the talisman industry, the prospects and profits of these two industries are quite high. It can be said that they are the first choice for monks to develop side jobs.

Even in a small and medium-sized city like Wuyue, Yuhui's work is quite heavy.

Unless the monk's physical fitness is usually excellent and he is not prone to sudden death, otherwise he will be subject to constant hot searches.

After the door rang three times, President Yu's secretary pushed the door open and entered.

She said: "President, a talisman master has made a reusable talisman and wants to come to our association to verify the reliability of the product."

Yuhui frowned, seeming quite dissatisfied with the secretary's work.

"Let him follow the rules and queue up to submit the product and wait for verification."

The secretary hesitated and said, "He's in a hurry."

Yu Hui was selfless: "Who is not in a hurry? Is he the one who is? If anyone can jump in the queue at will, why should we follow the rules?"


"What else is good?"

"That Talisman Master? He was introduced by President Lu of the Talisman Master Association. President Lu seems to take him seriously."

Yu Hui looked awkward.

The secretary whispered: "President, is he still in line?"

"Ahem. The rules still cannot be messed with, but we must also pay attention to starting from reality and being fact-oriented. Our thoughts cannot be rigid, and our rules cannot be rigid. Then you call him in, and I will understand the situation with him personally."

After a while, Jiang Cheng walked into Yu Hui's office.

Yu Hui looked Jiang Cheng up and down and thought to himself: This boy looks good. No wonder he gets Lao Lu's attention. He is polite and talented. He has a promising future. He is especially suitable for joining the bride's family. It just so happens that I have a daughter who is about the same age as him...

Jiang Cheng didn't waste any more nonsense and submitted his "Reusable Fluorescent Animal Encouragement Talisman" to Yu Hui.

Yu Hui has rich experience. When he took a look at Jiang Cheng's samples and application form, he knew that this reusable talisman was just a very ordinary mass version reusable talisman.

Shells, button spirit stones, and fluorescent charms are all very common general styles on the market and can be bought anywhere.

The only thing that's a bit strange is the "Animal Encouragement Charm" sandwiched in the middle. Its function is to encourage fish to fight, which is a bit interesting.

Because the product submitted by Jiang Cheng was too ordinary, Yu Hui frowned and asked, "Are you going to verify this?"

"Yes." Jiang Cheng nodded.

Yu Hui wondered: Others use cutting-edge products to verify, but yours is clearly simply assembled from mature parts, with no technical content or production threshold at all. What is there to verify? Tomatoes and eggs, no matter how complicated it is, in the end it is just the difference between scrambled tomatoes with eggs and fried tomatoes with eggs.

Yu Hui excused himself to go out, found a deserted place, took out his communication talisman and called Lu Wang.

"Hello? Lao Lu."

"Lao Yu? Today I think of my brother."

"Jing said it's useless. What's going on with that Talisman Master named Jiang Cheng?"

"It's okay, just follow the rules."

"Do you still have to act official with me?"

"Haha, people are on your side anyway, you just have to figure it out."

Yu Hui said directly: "Old Lu, if I don't ask anything else, just give me an accurate answer. How is the character of this Jiangcheng?"

Lu Wang thought about it carefully. Although Jiang Cheng's talismans were against the heavens, his character seemed to have nothing wrong with him. Not only is there nothing wrong with it, but it also shines with the nobility of humanity and the brilliance of morality.

"He's a good character."

As fellow disciples for many years, Yu Hui knew Lu Wang well.

The adjective "very good" was difficult to say in Lu Wang's mouth.

Since there is nothing wrong with Jiang Cheng's character, there must be nothing wrong with the reusable talisman he made.

Yu Hui had to sell Lu Wang's face.

Tomato scrambled eggs, even if it's a bit unpalatable, it can't be eaten to death, right?

And what can go wrong with a product assembled from a bunch of mature parts?

Trust Lao Lu for once.

They were all taught by a master, could he still trick me?

Opposite Zhou Yunshan, a monk with dark circles under his eyes sat.

"Master Lu, are you okay?"

Facing the crumbling Lu Benwei, Zhou Yunshan didn't even dare to speak too loudly. He was afraid that speaking too loudly would scare Lu Benwei to death.

Lu Benwei stared, his lips moved and said: "It's okay, I'm okay, I just slept a little late the day before yesterday."

Did you sleep late the day before yesterday?

Is it because I didn’t sleep at all yesterday and today?

Master Lu Fu is so dedicated!

Zhou Yunshan was moved by Lu Benwei.

Wu Yue's talisman industry has two pillars, Master Jiang and Master Lu. This is Wu Yue's greatest luck!

Lu Benwei took out the "reusable fluorescent version of the animal encouragement talisman" that Zhou Yunshan gave him and said to Zhou Yunshan: "Friend Zhou, I have improved this talisman. Look here..."

Lu Benwei added a push rod to Jiang Cheng's original talisman.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, this push rod can adjust the intensity of the encouragement talisman. But I suggest you not to use it at maximum power."

"Why?" Zhou Yunshan was puzzled.

Is there anyone in this world who dislikes fish that is too big?

Lu Benwei explained: "Although our Wuyue City is an inland city, it is actually not too far from the seaside. If you turn on the power too much, I'm worried that it will cause some unnecessary trouble."

From Wuyue to the seaside, it is at least 800 miles or 400 kilometers. Can animal encouragement charms affect that far?

Zhou Yunshan didn't believe it.

Anyone with some common sense knows that marine fish cannot live in fresh water.

Master Lu Fu's move was completely out of concern.

After handing over the task with Lu Benwei, Zhou Yunshan rushed to the river where he last caught a big fish without stopping.

There are many people fishing here at night, but relatively few during the day.

Zhou Yunshan greeted a few fishing friends along the way and hurried to the place where he fished last time.

After getting everything ready, Zhou Yunshan first safely adjusted the intensity of the animal encouragement charm to two-thirds.

After the fish hook entered the water, Zhou Yunshan waited quietly.

A minute passed and there was no movement in the water.

He didn't expect that the enhanced talisman would be even better than before.

Just when Zhou Yunshan took out his communication talisman and wanted to contact Lu Benwei for support, the fishing rod in his hand was suddenly bent!

The fish is so powerful!

At least it’s more than double the last time!

Zhou Yunshan was overjoyed and began to wrestle with the big fish in the water.

After a few minutes of shouting and pulling, Zhou Yunshan was surrounded by several fishing friends who had come to watch the show because they couldn't catch any fish.

The onlookers of fishing friends are simply more useful to the fisherman than the Giant Power Talisman!

Zhou Yunshan was so angry that he pulled with all his strength and immediately pulled a fish that was longer than a human thigh to the shore.


"It's too cruel!"

"How many pounds does this weigh?"

The exclamations of countless fishing friends came from all directions.

Zhou Yunshan didn't have time to be happy, so he quickly found a fish scale and, with the help of onlookers and fishing friends, lifted the fish and weighed it.

Thirty-nine pounds!

It’s almost twice as big as the one I caught last time!

And this is only two-thirds of the power of the fishing talisman!

If the fishing talisman is fully powered!

Zhou Yunshan simply couldn't imagine that scene!

This time, Zhou Yunshan didn't even bother to drag the fish to show off.

There is only one idea in his mind now, which is to turn the power of the fishing talisman to the maximum and try the limit of the fishing talisman!

Today is the last day of Qidian’s January double monthly pass event. Friends who want to vote for monthly votes, please vote quickly, tomorrow will not be double. In addition, save the manuscript +2, hope everyone knows.

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