The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 79 Jiangcheng has a way to die

Wuyue Xiaozhu.

Today's apartment is not much different from usual.

Liu Qing stayed on the balcony not far from Jiangcheng, her territory, quietly basking in the sun, while Jiangcheng sat alone at the table in the living room packing books.

After days of reading, summarizing, summarizing and researching the magazine "Dialogue with College Students", Jiang Cheng finally understood the underlying logic of the practical assessment for freshmen at Lianyun University.

Although the questions in the practical assessment for freshmen at Lianyun University change every year, the underlying logic of the assessment remains the same.

The underlying logic of the practical assessment for freshmen is based on the school’s good expectations for students.

The school hopes to recruit freshmen with excellent scores in all five categories: morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and physically!

After careful comparison by Jiang Cheng, it was found that the five rounds of examination questions in each practical assessment of Lianyun University were, without exception, all related to "moral, intellectual, physical, artistic, and labor".

The only difference is the order.

Sometimes "morality" is tested first, sometimes "physicality" is tested first, and so on.

The so-called virtue refers to the quality of moral character.

Wisdom refers to the level of intelligence.

Body means strong body.

Beauty is the level of aesthetics.

Labor means hands-on ability.

They are simple wishes that are easy to understand.

During the practical assessment, if you only try to solve the questions from the test questions, you will obviously fall into the inferior category.

Only by reasoning upward from the underlying logic can we accurately answer questions and get twice the result with half the effort.

Jiang Cheng still remembers that one year the Chinese reading comprehension for the college entrance examination was "a strange light shining in the fish's eyes."

As soon as this question came up, the whole Internet was in a sensation. Even the original author didn't know why the fish eyes were shining.

But if you use Jiang Cheng's "underlying logical analysis method" to solve the problem, it will be easy to interpret.

As for the original author, he is just a layman. What kind of reading comprehension can he know?

Why do fish eyes flash?

If you are encouraged by the animal encouragement charm, you will also shine!

This light clearly represents the will of the fish deep in the heart of the fish that belongs to struggle alone!

Answer: The author connects the previous and the following. At the end of the article, he uses personification to vividly describe that after the fish dies, its will to fight is still shining unyieldingly. The use of metaphorical metaphors praises the protagonist's perseverance and fighting spirit when facing difficulties in life. It clarifies the center of this article, deepens the purpose of the full text, and echoes the environmental description at the beginning...

As long as Jiang Cheng's "underlying logical analysis method" is used to solve the problem, the so-called full score is only the upper limit of the score, not the upper limit of the answerer's strength.

After deducing the underlying logic of Lianyun University's question-setting ideas, Jiang Cheng also analyzed the examination rules of Lianyun University's practical assessment.

Lianyun University's actual combat assessment is similar to that of Tianheng Swordsmanship Academy. There are relatively strict regulations for external props such as "magic weapons", "talismans" and "elixirs".

Whether it is the number of candidates carrying it or the type of props themselves, there are detailed regulations just like the Swordsmanship Academy.

The good news is that while the regulations change from year to year, overall they don’t change much.

Magic weapons, elixirs, formations and other props were originally not within Jiang Cheng's ability, so Jiang Cheng did not intend to study them in depth.

But Fu Lu is different.

Talisman is Jiangcheng's traditional advantage. He must rely on Talisman to gain exam grade points steadily!

But now there is a small problem.

Lianyun University's practical assessment consists of five questions and five rounds of examinations.

However, according to Lianyun University's examination regulations and practices in previous years, candidates can only bring a total of three talismans and one magic weapon.

In other words, Jiang Cheng must use three disposable talismans and one reusable talisman to deal with five exams!

Equivalent to each exam, Jiang Cheng can only use 0.8 kinds of talismans!

Although there are reusable talismans, the total number of talismans that can be used in Jiangcheng is not small. However, due to examination regulations, the types of talismans he could use were too few.

How to use four kinds of talismans to cope with five exams has become the primary problem facing Jiangcheng now.

Three of these four talismans are ordinary talismans that can only be used once. Only the reusable one can be used repeatedly.


Slowly exhale a breath.

Jiang Cheng started brainstorming.

In the game, the skills of many game characters have several modes, which can produce different effects, such as one-stage Q, two-stage Q, and three-stage Q.

However, if you analyze it carefully, you will find that these segmented skills are essentially different manifestations of the same effect, but they are actually the same skill.

What Jiang Cheng wants is to achieve two completely different effects on one kind of talisman.

Similar to the difference between physical changes and chemical changes.

Physical change refers to the change in the form of matter, but its essence remains unchanged.

Chemical changes refer to changes in the nature of matter, and corresponding changes in form.




Jiang Cheng had a flash of inspiration and suddenly realized a brand new way of making talismans!

He would like to call it: Talisman Soul Fusion Technique!

Since chemical changes can occur between substances, new substances can be produced.

Then chemical changes should also occur between the talismans, producing new talismans!


It makes perfect sense in principle!

Although the Talisman Soul Fusion Skill can increase the types of Talisman, it still has a very fatal flaw, that is, its "all-in-one" usage conditions can only reduce the number of Talisman from more to less.

Just imagine, Jiang Cheng used two talismans to form one "Wrathful Fire Lotus Talisman".

Although it was extremely powerful, Jiang Cheng, who originally planned to use four talismans to cope with five exams, used two talismans in one exam. He needs to use the remaining two talismans to cope with the remaining four exams.

This is obviously not possible.

Although it cannot be used in the exam, the "talisman soul fusion skill" does have great development prospects. Jiang Cheng decided to record this valuable idea and conduct in-depth development of this skill when he has time later.

Use it as his secret trump card.

However, although the "Fu Soul Fusion Technique" did not bring direct help to Jiang Cheng, it indirectly broadened Jiang Cheng's thinking!

Since a talisman can be "many combined into one", can it be possible to "one become many"?

After all, "nuclear energy" has two technical routes: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.

It makes sense for the "Fusion Technique of Talisman Soul" to have a younger brother named "Multiple Talisman Clone Technique", right?

Taking this as a guide, Jiang Cheng thought of changing the track of the railway.

A railway hub on Earth is a place where many criss-crossing railways overlap. The train switches tracks here and can travel in a completely different direction than the original track.

So, can reusable talismans be superimposed on each other like a railway?

When the monk wants to use an effect, he turns on the first gear.

When you want to use another effect, turn on the second gear.

When you want to use the third effect, turn on the third level.

Jiang Cheng thinks this should be achievable.

The current problem is that Jiang Cheng is not sure whether this reusable talisman counts as one talisman or three talismans.

According to the examination regulations of Lianyun University, students can only bring three talismans and one magic weapon. Bringing too much is definitely a violation.


Jiang Cheng clapped his hands and figured it out.

No matter how many modes the reusable talisman he makes can switch, the reusable type itself is included in the classification of the magic weapon and has nothing to do with the classification of the talisman. Therefore, no matter how many effects the reusable type has, it is considered a magic weapon, not a talisman.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng smiled happily.

Okay, the theoretical things are settled.

Now we just need to focus on developing talismans for Lianda University's actual combat assessment.

On the balcony, Liu Qing looked at Jiang Cheng silently.

From an hour ago, she smelled a dangerous smell unique to Jiangcheng.

Her only human friend seemed to be thinking about something particularly worrying.

But it doesn't matter, she is very powerful and will protect him.

After confirming with the editor, it will be released on the 17th of this month.

There is less than a week left, and the author is rushing to save the manuscript.

Please be sure to support an initial subscription when the time comes.

Definitely, the more you order for the first time, the more you can add.

Please. Everyone, please give the author a chance to update!

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