The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 84 Crowdfunding for book writing

As we all know, a person's inspiration has its limits, and authors sometimes need to refer to many things for inspiration.

In order to collect more inspiration for new symbols, this book has officially launched a crowdfunding plan!

You can leave a message here and leave your own strange talismans. It is best to describe both the name and the effect.

Once the symbol inspires the author, or is directly chosen by the author, the author will sponsor a Mad Thursday meal with V50.

(A fan group will be opened after it is put on the shelves. The author will notify readers who have left inspiration at the end of the chapter where the inspiration is used. Readers who see the notification can enter the group to privately chat with the author to receive the Crazy Thursday sponsorship fee.)

Everyone is welcome to speak freely!

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