Chapter 5.29 – Probably…Abused? (1)

With the new supplies, Shuo Feng quickly stabilised and Xu Yan Ze was swift to manage the fallen army. He incorporated those who could join his army and dismissed those that should be dismissed.

The emperor had intended to watch from a distance and reap the victory in the name of lending reinforcement when the two parties were exhausted. However, he didn’t expect for Xu Yan Ze to easily capture Shuo Feng and stabilise the country just as he issued the order for reinforcements.

The other neighbouring states were also taken aback. They wanted to take advantage of the situation when they saw that the city was nearly taken down. But just as they’d wanted to make a move, Shuo Feng had already fortified their defences and was even stronger than before since they didn’t lack provisions.

Some people sighed in their hearts. Jin Wu wasn’t like the wealthy Jiangnan, where did they get so much food from?

Xiang Han was also worried about this matter. After the battle, they didn’t have much provisions left. The supplies they got from Jiangnan was simply akin to using a cup of water to put out a burning cart of firewood, utterly inadequate. Their actions were futile but easily noticeable.

After sending the provisions, he found Xu Yan Ze for a discussion. “Take some time to rest and reorganise. You must ignore whatever the emperor says. You have so many soldiers, just use those who are free for farming. Shuo Feng has a lot of land but few people, there’s no reason we can’t be self-sufficient.”

Xu Yan Ze hugged him as they laid in bed. He stroked his hair mindlessly and agreed, “I also plan to. But it’s not possible to simply open up that land. Manpower, equipment and bulls are limited, so production will also be scarce.”

Xiang Han pretended to not understand. “What should we do, then?”

“We need to take things slowly. For example, we should set up a research centre to teach… nevermind, let’s talk about this tomorrow.” Xu Yan Ze hugged him even tighter and closed his eyes in satisfaction.

Xiang Han was held until he couldn’t breathe. After a futile struggle, he finally found a comfortable position and closed his eyes to go to sleep. It looks like Xu Yan Ze was planning to use his halo as a transmigrator. He only had to sit back and watch.

Xu Yan Ze did as he said. He set up the department of agriculture the very next day and converted the weapons research team into the department of military. He transferred Jin Da and the rest over to Shuo Feng to be the backbone of the team, instructing them to research new agriculture tools.

In ancient times, technology was limited. It was difficult to increase crop yield since these farmers had been serving the farm for generations and had more experience than a transmigrator. As long as there were no disasters that year, crop yield would be at maximum production capability.

However, Jin Wu and Shuo Feng were different since they lacked water. Much of the land was barren and crop production couldn’t be compared to the south.

After providing the department of agriculture some direction on fertiliser systems and alternative crops, Xu Yan Ze left them to conduct their research. He took his soldiers to recon the area, intending to create a water channel.

Xiang Han waited for him to leave before mixing into the crowd with the farmers. He would occasionally drop some hints. In reality, he wasn’t knowledgeable on this topic since it was the system who’d gathered the information. But it was these vague thoughts that provided them great help.

While the emperor was still thinking of ways to use Xu Yan Ze to oppress the other neighbouring states, Jin Wu and Shuo Feng were currently working in full swing to repair roads, excavate minerals, and develop an irrigation system.

Therefore, when the emperor’s soldiers arrived in Jin Wu, they couldn’t find a person to receive the imperial decree. They rushed over to Shuo Feng without rest, only to learn Xu Yan Ze had brought his men to dig and their whereabouts were unknown.

The eunuchs could only return to Jin Wu and hand the decree to the Jin family. They angrily returned to the capital to complain.

“Dig? Is he a rat?”

The emperor finally understood what it means to smash his own foot with a rock. Previously, when Xue Qing Lin occupied the two states, he possessed 200,000 troops but wasn’t invulnerable. Now that Xu Yan Ze had secured a couple of victories and obtained more troops, he completely disregarded the emperor.

This was the first time he regretted conferring the two states to Xu Yan Ze. It was better to keep Xue Qing Lin there, at least, he was easier to deal with.

However, regret was futile. Xu Yan Ze didn’t receive the edict, so he could only send more people to pass on the message until he received it.

Half a year after the battle, Shuo Feng recovered its former glory. At least it appeared to be thriving.

Presently, the emperor’s patience had grown thin. He’d recently obtained a few victories and stabilised the south. He was now utterly smug and had his eyes on the neighbouring states in the north.

Xiang Han glanced at Xu Yan Ze idling in the house and couldn’t help feeling anxious.

“You’re really not going to receive the decree?”

The neighbouring states had their own way of doing things. With one victory after another, the emperor surely had a strategy to ensure his odds of winning. However, it would be a problem if they were to work together, which was why he needed Xu Yan Ze’s help.

Xu Yan Ze sighed, “If I help him occupy the neighboring states, the next one to suffer a calamity would be me.”

Xiang Han quickly urged him, “So we can pretend to agree while using this chance to expand our strength. Who knows, in the next battle, we can even contend with the capital.”

Xu Yan Ze turned to look at him in shock. “You want to become the empress?”

“Ahem, that’s just an example. I mean that we can learn through our battles. Otherwise, even if we were to stay away from this matter, the emperor would surely come for our heads after he’s settled those states.”

“You’re right.” Xu Yan Ze sighed and pulled Xiang Han into his arms. He rested his chin on the other person’s shoulders and said with melancholy, “I just don’t wish to fight another war. How good would it be if this peace could last?”

Xiang Han pushed his head away. “You’re still young. Why are you talking like an old geezer?”

Xu Yan Ze stuck to him again. “This was something I learnt in my past life. One must enjoy the present while they’re still alive. Things like wealth and power can disappear in the blink of an eye.”

Xiang Han’s face turned dark. He feigned disbelief, “You can still remember your previous life?”

This made Xu Yan Ze freeze for a second before he let out a distant laugh. “Indeed, it’s been a long time.”

“Then, do you remember how you died? What does it feel like after death? Did you feel like you were sleeping?” Xiang Han pretended to ask with interest.

Xu Yan Ze shook his head. “Of course I do, but you won’t believe me even if I told you.”

The corners of Xiang Han’s lips curled. “I knew you were bluffing.”

Xu Yan Ze gave a dull smile and remained silent. After some time, he let out an inaudible sigh, “That world was too dull. Luckily, I came here and met you.”

Xiang Han turned around, wanting to ask further, but the other person had already closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Half a month later, it was the emperor’s sixth attempt at sending his men. Xu Yan Ze finally accepted the decree and began to prepare his troops for an expedition.

Three years later, he emerged victorious. Xu Yan Ze was appointed as the Marquis concurrent to his position as Regional Commander.

A few days later would be when the emperor accused him of sneaking into court and plotting to assassinate him during a banquet.

Xiang Han walked with him. Before they left, Xu Yan Ze reminded him, “I’m afraid that this time it’s a feast set up to trap us. You have to find an excuse to leave and return to Jin Wu with Jin Er.”

“What about you?” Xiang Han was anxious.

Xu Yan Ze patted his head and laughed gently. “Don’t worry, I’ll catch up to you very soon.”

“Okay.” Xiang Han agreed but mulled over it in his heart. If the emperor really wants to make a move during the banquet, it was better for him to stay behind. Although he couldn’t be of much help, with the system to take over his body… his combat skills were still pretty good.

With this train of thought, his confidence soared once more.

But Big A who hadn’t spoken for a long time suddenly appeared with a suggestion. [The target’s consciousness seems to be showing signs of mild fluctuations. We can find an opportunity later during the banquet to abuse his heart.]

Xiang Han’s steps grew weak. Xu Yan Ze was pulling him along and noticed his grip tightening. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Xiang Han shook his head. Noticing Xu Yan Ze’s worry, he gave a few more comforting words before replying Big A hesitatingly, “… how will we do it?”

Big A chose his words cautiously, [We… have discussed and feel that if you were to get hurt a little, the general would definitely be hard broken.]

Xiang Han: […Who are we trying to abuse again?]

[So… if you agree, we’ll let 009 take care of your body after you get hurt. We have already implanted a new sequence into the system so that it can shut off your senses and also… so you won’t feel the pain.]

System: […That’s right] TAT

Xiang Han was speechless.

[Let’s wait and see the situation. What if the emperor doesn’t have the guts?]

True enough, the emperor was still hesitant. On one hand, he wanted to kill Xu Yan Ze immediately, on the other hand, he had to consider the 800,000 troops under him in the north. It was easy to kill him, but not the power behind him.

Seeing that the emperor still hadn’t made a move all this time, the third prince began to grow anxious. In his opinion, it was the emperor’s hesitation to act that allowed Xu Yan Ze to grow to this extent. If they allowed the tiger to return to the mountains, it would be too late by then.

His expression grew dark the more he thought of this. Suddenly, a person by his side whispered something in his ear and before long, the court dancers dispersed and a new batch appeared.

Xiang Han watched his surroundings vigilantly and was thus, the first to notice. However, just as the dagger charged towards Xu Yan Ze, he threw himself forward to block the attack. Big A abruptly tried to stop him, [Stop! There’s poison on the weapon!]

Xiang Han’s movements became sluggish, but seeing Xu Yan Ze was already pulling him back to block him, his mind turned blank. He completely forgot Big A’s words. Before he knew what was happening, his body had already reacted to block the dagger.

Xu Yan Ze’s pupils shrank. He kicked away the dancer and nearly didn’t dare to touch Xiang Han with his trembling hands. After some time, he managed to squeeze out some words, “Does it hurt?”

“It doesn’t.” Xiang Han cried, but after a second, an intense wave of pain overwhelmed his right shoulder, causing him to pale. He fell limply against Xu Yan Ze and whimpered, “It hurts!”

In a split second, Xu Yan Ze’s eyes had turned red. His entire being was shrouded in a murderous aura as he stared at the emperor.

Although this wasn’t arranged by the emperor, the situation had already developed in this way and he could only force himself to carry on. He stood up weakly when a soldier abruptly rushed into the hall to report, “Reporting to Your Majesty, General Jin has brought his troops to surround the palace. He said…”

The emperor’s face changed as he stared ferociously at Xu Yan Ze. “What did he say?”

The soldier also looked at Xu Yan Ze and hesitated. “He said that it’s late and they were here to escort the marquis back.”

The emperor turned to look at Xu Yan Ze with gritted teeth. “Is the marquis intending to rebel?”

Xu Yan Ze wasn’t in any mood to bicker with him, he only wanted to find someone to help Xiang Han. So, he gave a cold snort and left with the person in his arms.

The grand hall fell into silence and the emperor’s expression became worse. Just as Xu Yan Ze was about to step out, he suddenly sat down weakly. “No matter whether or not you believe it, Zhen has nothing to do with what happened earlier.”

Jin Er watched Xu Yan Ze appear and quickly hurried him. “Hurry up, everything is ready. We need to leave the capital.”

He suddenly saw Xiang Han in his arms and asked, “What happened to Third Cousin?”

The system who’d taken over the body was silent.

“Call the military doctor here.” Xu Yan Ze’s voice was hoarse.

“He’s hurt?” Jin Er was shocked at first, then furious. “That old emperor really dared to. Luckily, I came the moment I received your message. I even fought a round when entering the city. When we return to Jin Wu, we must declare war…”

“The doctor!” Xu Yan Ze gritted his teeth.”

“Yes, yes!” Jin Er swiftly turned around and took two steps before looking back. “Don’t worry too much, it’s just a shoulder injury. It probably isn’t a big deal.”

After leaving the palace, the two people quickly left the capital under Jin Er’s help.

Chapter 5.29 – Probably…Abused? (1)

With the new supplies, Shuo Feng quickly stabilised and Xu Yan Ze was swift to manage the fallen army. He incorporated those who could join his army and dismissed those that should be dismissed.

The emperor had intended to watch from a distance and reap the victory in the name of lending reinforcement when the two parties were exhausted. However, he didn’t expect for Xu Yan Ze to easily capture Shuo Feng and stabilise the country just as he issued the order for reinforcements.

The other neighbouring states were also taken aback. They wanted to take advantage of the situation when they saw that the city was nearly taken down. But just as they’d wanted to make a move, Shuo Feng had already fortified their defences and was even stronger than before since they didn’t lack provisions.

Some people sighed in their hearts. Jin Wu wasn’t like the wealthy Jiangnan, where did they get so much food from?

Xiang Han was also worried about this matter. After the battle, they didn’t have much provisions left. The supplies they got from Jiangnan was simply akin to using a cup of water to put out a burning cart of firewood, utterly inadequate. Their actions were futile but easily noticeable.

After sending the provisions, he found Xu Yan Ze for a discussion. “Take some time to rest and reorganise. You must ignore whatever the emperor says. You have so many soldiers, just use those who are free for farming. Shuo Feng has a lot of land but few people, there’s no reason we can’t be self-sufficient.”

Xu Yan Ze hugged him as they laid in bed. He stroked his hair mindlessly and agreed, “I also plan to. But it’s not possible to simply open up that land. Manpower, equipment and bulls are limited, so production will also be scarce.”

Xiang Han pretended to not understand. “What should we do, then?”

“We need to take things slowly. For example, we should set up a research centre to teach… nevermind, let’s talk about this tomorrow.” Xu Yan Ze hugged him even tighter and closed his eyes in satisfaction.

Xiang Han was held until he couldn’t breathe. After a futile struggle, he finally found a comfortable position and closed his eyes to go to sleep. It looks like Xu Yan Ze was planning to use his halo as a transmigrator. He only had to sit back and watch.

Xu Yan Ze did as he said. He set up the department of agriculture the very next day and converted the weapons research team into the department of military. He transferred Jin Da and the rest over to Shuo Feng to be the backbone of the team, instructing them to research new agriculture tools.

In ancient times, technology was limited. It was difficult to increase crop yield since these farmers had been serving the farm for generations and had more experience than a transmigrator. As long as there were no disasters that year, crop yield would be at maximum production capability.

However, Jin Wu and Shuo Feng were different since they lacked water. Much of the land was barren and crop production couldn’t be compared to the south.

After providing the department of agriculture some direction on fertiliser systems and alternative crops, Xu Yan Ze left them to conduct their research. He took his soldiers to recon the area, intending to create a water channel.

Xiang Han waited for him to leave before mixing into the crowd with the farmers. He would occasionally drop some hints. In reality, he wasn’t knowledgeable on this topic since it was the system who’d gathered the information. But it was these vague thoughts that provided them great help.

While the emperor was still thinking of ways to use Xu Yan Ze to oppress the other neighbouring states, Jin Wu and Shuo Feng were currently working in full swing to repair roads, excavate minerals, and develop an irrigation system.

Therefore, when the emperor’s soldiers arrived in Jin Wu, they couldn’t find a person to receive the imperial decree. They rushed over to Shuo Feng without rest, only to learn Xu Yan Ze had brought his men to dig and their whereabouts were unknown.

The eunuchs could only return to Jin Wu and hand the decree to the Jin family. They angrily returned to the capital to complain.

“Dig? Is he a rat?”

The emperor finally understood what it means to smash his own foot with a rock. Previously, when Xue Qing Lin occupied the two states, he possessed 200,000 troops but wasn’t invulnerable. Now that Xu Yan Ze had secured a couple of victories and obtained more troops, he completely disregarded the emperor.

This was the first time he regretted conferring the two states to Xu Yan Ze. It was better to keep Xue Qing Lin there, at least, he was easier to deal with.

However, regret was futile. Xu Yan Ze didn’t receive the edict, so he could only send more people to pass on the message until he received it.

Half a year after the battle, Shuo Feng recovered its former glory. At least it appeared to be thriving.

Presently, the emperor’s patience had grown thin. He’d recently obtained a few victories and stabilised the south. He was now utterly smug and had his eyes on the neighbouring states in the north.

Xiang Han glanced at Xu Yan Ze idling in the house and couldn’t help feeling anxious.

“You’re really not going to receive the decree?”

The neighbouring states had their own way of doing things. With one victory after another, the emperor surely had a strategy to ensure his odds of winning. However, it would be a problem if they were to work together, which was why he needed Xu Yan Ze’s help.

Xu Yan Ze sighed, “If I help him occupy the neighboring states, the next one to suffer a calamity would be me.”

Xiang Han quickly urged him, “So we can pretend to agree while using this chance to expand our strength. Who knows, in the next battle, we can even contend with the capital.”

Xu Yan Ze turned to look at him in shock. “You want to become the empress?”

“Ahem, that’s just an example. I mean that we can learn through our battles. Otherwise, even if we were to stay away from this matter, the emperor would surely come for our heads after he’s settled those states.”

“You’re right.” Xu Yan Ze sighed and pulled Xiang Han into his arms. He rested his chin on the other person’s shoulders and said with melancholy, “I just don’t wish to fight another war. How good would it be if this peace could last?”

Xiang Han pushed his head away. “You’re still young. Why are you talking like an old geezer?”

Xu Yan Ze stuck to him again. “This was something I learnt in my past life. One must enjoy the present while they’re still alive. Things like wealth and power can disappear in the blink of an eye.”

Xiang Han’s face turned dark. He feigned disbelief, “You can still remember your previous life?”

This made Xu Yan Ze freeze for a second before he let out a distant laugh. “Indeed, it’s been a long time.”

“Then, do you remember how you died? What does it feel like after death? Did you feel like you were sleeping?” Xiang Han pretended to ask with interest.

Xu Yan Ze shook his head. “Of course I do, but you won’t believe me even if I told you.”

The corners of Xiang Han’s lips curled. “I knew you were bluffing.”

Xu Yan Ze gave a dull smile and remained silent. After some time, he let out an inaudible sigh, “That world was too dull. Luckily, I came here and met you.”

Xiang Han turned around, wanting to ask further, but the other person had already closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Half a month later, it was the emperor’s sixth attempt at sending his men. Xu Yan Ze finally accepted the decree and began to prepare his troops for an expedition.

Three years later, he emerged victorious. Xu Yan Ze was appointed as the Marquis concurrent to his position as Regional Commander.

A few days later would be when the emperor accused him of sneaking into court and plotting to assassinate him during a banquet.

Xiang Han walked with him. Before they left, Xu Yan Ze reminded him, “I’m afraid that this time it’s a feast set up to trap us. You have to find an excuse to leave and return to Jin Wu with Jin Er.”

“What about you?” Xiang Han was anxious.

Xu Yan Ze patted his head and laughed gently. “Don’t worry, I’ll catch up to you very soon.”

“Okay.” Xiang Han agreed but mulled over it in his heart. If the emperor really wants to make a move during the banquet, it was better for him to stay behind. Although he couldn’t be of much help, with the system to take over his body… his combat skills were still pretty good.

With this train of thought, his confidence soared once more.

But Big A who hadn’t spoken for a long time suddenly appeared with a suggestion. [The target’s consciousness seems to be showing signs of mild fluctuations. We can find an opportunity later during the banquet to abuse his heart.]

Xiang Han’s steps grew weak. Xu Yan Ze was pulling him along and noticed his grip tightening. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Xiang Han shook his head. Noticing Xu Yan Ze’s worry, he gave a few more comforting words before replying Big A hesitatingly, “… how will we do it?”

Big A chose his words cautiously, [We… have discussed and feel that if you were to get hurt a little, the general would definitely be hard broken.]

Xiang Han: […Who are we trying to abuse again?]

[So… if you agree, we’ll let 009 take care of your body after you get hurt. We have already implanted a new sequence into the system so that it can shut off your senses and also… so you won’t feel the pain.]

System: […That’s right] TAT

Xiang Han was speechless.

[Let’s wait and see the situation. What if the emperor doesn’t have the guts?]

True enough, the emperor was still hesitant. On one hand, he wanted to kill Xu Yan Ze immediately, on the other hand, he had to consider the 800,000 troops under him in the north. It was easy to kill him, but not the power behind him.

Seeing that the emperor still hadn’t made a move all this time, the third prince began to grow anxious. In his opinion, it was the emperor’s hesitation to act that allowed Xu Yan Ze to grow to this extent. If they allowed the tiger to return to the mountains, it would be too late by then.

His expression grew dark the more he thought of this. Suddenly, a person by his side whispered something in his ear and before long, the court dancers dispersed and a new batch appeared.

Xiang Han watched his surroundings vigilantly and was thus, the first to notice. However, just as the dagger charged towards Xu Yan Ze, he threw himself forward to block the attack. Big A abruptly tried to stop him, [Stop! There’s poison on the weapon!]

Xiang Han’s movements became sluggish, but seeing Xu Yan Ze was already pulling him back to block him, his mind turned blank. He completely forgot Big A’s words. Before he knew what was happening, his body had already reacted to block the dagger.

Xu Yan Ze’s pupils shrank. He kicked away the dancer and nearly didn’t dare to touch Xiang Han with his trembling hands. After some time, he managed to squeeze out some words, “Does it hurt?”

“It doesn’t.” Xiang Han cried, but after a second, an intense wave of pain overwhelmed his right shoulder, causing him to pale. He fell limply against Xu Yan Ze and whimpered, “It hurts!”

In a split second, Xu Yan Ze’s eyes had turned red. His entire being was shrouded in a murderous aura as he stared at the emperor.

Although this wasn’t arranged by the emperor, the situation had already developed in this way and he could only force himself to carry on. He stood up weakly when a soldier abruptly rushed into the hall to report, “Reporting to Your Majesty, General Jin has brought his troops to surround the palace. He said…”

The emperor’s face changed as he stared ferociously at Xu Yan Ze. “What did he say?”

The soldier also looked at Xu Yan Ze and hesitated. “He said that it’s late and they were here to escort the marquis back.”

The emperor turned to look at Xu Yan Ze with gritted teeth. “Is the marquis intending to rebel?”

Xu Yan Ze wasn’t in any mood to bicker with him, he only wanted to find someone to help Xiang Han. So, he gave a cold snort and left with the person in his arms.

The grand hall fell into silence and the emperor’s expression became worse. Just as Xu Yan Ze was about to step out, he suddenly sat down weakly. “No matter whether or not you believe it, Zhen has nothing to do with what happened earlier.”

Jin Er watched Xu Yan Ze appear and quickly hurried him. “Hurry up, everything is ready. We need to leave the capital.”

He suddenly saw Xiang Han in his arms and asked, “What happened to Third Cousin?”

The system who’d taken over the body was silent.

“Call the military doctor here.” Xu Yan Ze’s voice was hoarse.

“He’s hurt?” Jin Er was shocked at first, then furious. “That old emperor really dared to. Luckily, I came the moment I received your message. I even fought a round when entering the city. When we return to Jin Wu, we must declare war…”

“The doctor!” Xu Yan Ze gritted his teeth.”

“Yes, yes!” Jin Er swiftly turned around and took two steps before looking back. “Don’t worry too much, it’s just a shoulder injury. It probably isn’t a big deal.”

After leaving the palace, the two people quickly left the capital under Jin Er’s help.

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