Chapter 6.16 – Centre For Disease Control And Prevention (2)

Wu Ming Qi, who’d just picked up his cup, nearly poured everything on himself. Mother Wu stopped wiping the table while the old lord put on his glasses to stare at him.

“Hey, you guys… what’s with your reactions?”

Wu Yue directly lifted him up with displeasure. “Didn’t you say you’d eaten expired crackers the whole way? Did you trick me?”

“I didn’t! I just got it. I didn’t use it since I’m afraid others would find out.” Xiang Han waved his hands and explained sincerely.



“Xu Yan Ze also doesn’t know?”

“Uh…” Xiang Han hesitated but madly shook his head when he saw Wu Yue’s terrible expression. “He doesn’t!”

“Hmm.” Wu Yue nodded in satisfaction. “You aren’t that stupid.”

“Who’s Xu Yan Ze?” Mother Wu asked.

Wu Yue raised his eyebrows profoundly. “He is…”

“He’s my captain. He saved me and sent me back here.” Xiang Han quickly answered.

Wu Yue: “Hehe.”

“In that case, we must thank him.” Mother Wu continued wiping the table.

“Alright, let’s talk about this later. Come with me for now.” Wu Ming Qi pulled Xiang Han away.

The old lord heard and shouted, “Where are you going? Just do it in the living room, I also want to see.”

Wu Ming Qi paused for a second before he instructed Wu Yue, “Go find a flowerpot.”

After a while, everyone witnessed a fresh green cabbage sprout from the pot and sucked in a deep breath.

Wu Ming Qi slapped Xiang Han’s back heartily and his tone couldn’t conceal his elation. “I never expected another ability user in our family apart from your brother.”

Wu Yue instinctively said, “Mom, quick, fry it. I couldn’t eat much earlier.”

Xiang Han asked, “Should I grow a watermelon?”

“Grow some tomatoes.”



“Too many vines, grow some strawberries.”

“The watermelon vine is still growing.”

Xiang Han: “…” Can you think about the issue of the seeds?

After the revelation, Xiang Han began to grow vegetables and grains without worry. The next day, he carried a box full of food, intending to give it to Xu Yan Ze and others.

Wu Yue said sourly, “The brother who’s married out is like discarded water1.”

Xiang Han glanced at Mother Wu, who was busy in the kitchen, and whispered, “Don’t say anything, mom doesn’t know yet.”

Wu Yue, “Isn’t it a matter of time? Don’t worry, mom is soft-hearted and will definitely be reluctant to beat you, but dad may not be so.”

Xiang Han shivered and then wondered, should I confess earlier? After all, they’d just reunited, so everyone was relatively indulgent of him. Compared to having no news of him for so long, liking men didn’t seem to be a big deal…

“Why are you just standing there? I’ll bring you over.” Seeing Xiang Han standing still, Wu Yue couldn’t help urging.

Although he was very upset about the meal delivery, he still endured it because his brother liked them.

“Thank you, brother.” When Xiang Han heard this, he hurriedly took his lunchbox to try and keep up.

But after arriving in the isolation area, they were shocked to learn that Xu Yan Ze and the others were not there.

“Where did they go?” Xiang Han grew anxious.

“Oh, there were some accidents in the results of the examination. They are now in the CDC2.”

Xiang Han’s mind went blank and then angrily asked, “What accident? If you don’t want to accept us, just drive us out. What’s the meaning of sending them to the CDC? Do you want to do human experiments?”

The soldier was confused, and instinctively replied, “No, it’s impossible…”

Wu Yue hurriedly dragged him away and reprimanded him in a low voice, “Calm down, if you are infected with the virus, you will be killed immediately. Being taken to the CDC means that the situation still has a chance of being saved.”

Xiang Han calmed down quickly, brought the food box back and asked deeply, “Brother, tell me the truth, does Shuguang base conduct human experiments?”

Wu Yue pinched his eyebrows while driving, “Yes.”

Xianghan’s face paled. However, Wu Yue quickly continued, “But it’s not the CDC, it’s the people from the research institute. In fact, there are differences within the base. The CDC is in our jurisdiction, so you don’t have to worry.”

Xiang Han was silent. Wu Yue saw it and couldn’t bring himself to continue. He just drove the car faster.

When he reached, Wu Yue directly led him into the hall. The staff stopped them, causing Wu Yue to frown. “A mercenary squad was brought here this morning from Pingshan, where are they now?”

“That…Professor Yang said we can’t disclose this.”

The staff was very awkward. When Xiang Han heard what the professor had ordered, his expression suddenly became ugly. He drew his gun and threatened, “Get out of the way.”

The staff hurriedly raised their hands and subconsciously turned to look at Wu Yue. He often assisted General Zhang around here, so everyone recognised him.

Wu Yue felt a headache and waved his hand. “Professor Yang is not doing things properly, so quickly get out of the way, or I won’t be polite.”

Everyone quickly retreated, and the security personnel were also stopped outside by Wu Yue’s men. The two hurried upstairs and finally met the baby-faced man and the team on the third floor.

Now that he’d seen they were safe and sound, Xiang Han released a breath of relief before asking with urgency, “Where’s Yan Ze?”

“Eh, he’s behind you.” Beardy pointed.

Xiang Han turned back, and sure enough, saw Xu Yan Ze standing behind him with a look of astonishment.

“What are you doing here?” He instinctively asked upon seeing Xiang Han’s pale and teary expression. After a moment, he understood and quickly came forward to hug him. “I’m fine, it’s just a check. Did you get scared?”

“How could he not? Someone even thought you’d been tied up and cut apart.” Wu Yue chimed in coldly.

Just as he spoke, a female’s voice boomed from behind. “Wu Yue! What the hell are you doing? Barging in here without a sound, do you take this place as a wet market?! Huh?!”

Xiang Han released Xu Yan Ze and looked at the new person. “Are you… Professor Yang?”

“That’s her. Her skills aren’t much, but her ability to cause chaos is top tier.” Wu Yue explained as a matter of fact.

Xiang Han didn’t expect Professor Yang to be a woman. But even so, the anger in his heart did not diminish in the slightest and he immediately spoke up coldly, “They are not from Shuguang Base. You have no right to detain them, so I will be taking them away.”

Professor Yang looked at him for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, “Little brother, you don’t have any say in this matter.”

“Professor, don’t say it like that. You took people directly from the isolation area without telling me. Isn’t that against the rules?” Wu Yue asked, leaning lazily against the wall.

Professor Yang’s eyebrows scrunched. “This is a special situation. I will report this matter to General Zhang.”

“No need. They will be leaving now.”

Xiang Han pulled Xu Yan Ze to leave but was stopped. “Everyone is fine, but he…needs to stay.”

Xiang Han’s expression changed and his hands wrapped around his gun before Wu Yue stopped him. “Leave your brother some face.”

Saying so, he pulled Professor Yang aside and said something.

Xiang Han ignored them, turning to look at Xu Yan Ze, who was looking at him with a grin, and frowned. “What are you smiling at? And why were you silent? Aren’t you amazing?”

Xu Yan Ze couldn’t help himself from hugging him tightly and pressing his lips against Xiang Han’s ears to whisper, “Your appearance just now was too seductive. I couldn’t look away.”

Xiang Han’s ears turned red and he elbowed him. “Let go, everyone is watching.”

Some of the melon-eating team immediately looked at the walls while others looked at the door. They all expressed the same thing: We haven’t seen anything.

Noticing that Wu Yue hadn’t finished the discussion, Xiang Han simply pulled Xu Yan Ze to a corner and whispered, “Why did she bring you here?”

Xu Yan Ze looked around and lowered his voice to answer. “After being infected, I seem to have developed some immunity. She wanted to take some of my blood for research.”

Xiang Han’s heart froze. “Did she do anything to you?”

Xu Yan Ze laughed helplessly. “No, we were only at the early stages of discussion when you guys barged in.”

”That’s good.” Xiang Han sighed in relief before asking. “Then…what do you plan to do?”

Xu Yan Ze thought for a moment, “If she really has good intentions for the future of humanity, there’s no reason to refuse. But…”

Before he could continue, there was a clamour from Wu Yue’s side. Professor Yang had raised her voice in agitation. “Don’t you know what this means?! He can’t leave!”

Wu Yue felt a headache. “He’s only leaving the CDC, but he’ll still be in the base. What are you afraid of?”

“Don’t speak so early. If those people from the research institute know about it, who knows if you guys will compromise? It’s not like this hasn’t happened before.”

“It definitely won’t happen this time!”

“That was what you said before…”

Xiang Han and Xu Yan Ze exchanged a look. The two were caught in a deadlock and finally called General Zhang over.

General Zhang’s eyes lit up when he saw Xiang Han and waved. “Brother Wu already told me, it’s a great thing. You and your brother are great seedlings. Right, don’t rush off later, take my car. Coincidentally, I haven’t visited my teacher for a while, so I’ll drop by.”

Xiang Han: “…” Didn’t you just come by yesterday? I can’t believe I believed you the first time I heard it.

After speaking, he saw Xiang Han and Xu Yan Ze’s interlocked hands and paused for several seconds. “You two…”

Xiang Han instinctively released his hand, but Xu Yan Ze held on, refusing to let go. With this, Xiang Han made up his mind and simply admitted, “He’s my boyfriend.”

General Zhang was silent for a moment before he slapped his thigh. “Haha, your dad was so arrogant earlier, saying how amazing his two sons are and wanted to introduce you two to some partners… No, wait till I return and have a good laugh at him.”

“General Zhang, we called you over today for some serious matters.” Wu Yue interrupted him impatiently.

“Oh, right, right.” General Zhang suddenly piped. “Let’s go in and talk. Xiao Wu, Xiao Yang, and you two, come on in. How can we talk if you guys are standing here?”

The few people went in while the melon-eating team continued to stand in the seemingly empty corridor.

After he understood the situation, General Zhang muttered, “Xiao Yang, I can understand your feelings. But if you don’t allow them to leave, what’s the difference between you and those from the research institute?”

Professor Yang immediately explained, “I’m only drawing blood, not conducting human experiments…”

“If it’s drawing blood, we can return anytime. But being held here is out of the question,” Xiang Han refuted.

“Xiao Xu, what do you think?”

Xu Yan Ze looked at Professor Yang and asked, “Is Professor Yang really doing this purely for the sake of humanity and not for other personal reasons?”

“Of course.” Her tone was full of confidence and she patiently explained, “I understand you may have your concerns, but…”

Xu Yan Ze raised a hand to stop her. “I believe you, but my thoughts are the same as Wu Han. Drawing blood is fine, but staying here…that’s impossible.”

Professor Yang grew anxious upon hearing this. “But what if those from the research institute find out about this? You will be in great danger…”

Xu Yan Ze glanced at Wu Yue and laughed lightly, “But looking at the situation earlier, this place isn’t all that impenetrable.”

“That’s because he’s always here!” Professor Yang gritted her teeth and glared at Wu Yue.

“Always here? If that’s the case, does that mean that if the other party successfully bribes a member of your team… Professor Yang, this isn’t a small loophole.” Xu Yan Ze smiled subtly and continued indifferently, “Moreover, you’ve underestimated me.”

“Exactly, he is captain of Pingshan base’s main mercenary force. Does he need your department’s protection?” Wu Yue had long investigated Xu Yan Ze, otherwise, he would have stopped Xiang Han from being with him.

“In that case, Xiao Xu still doesn’t have a place to stay, does he? He can temporarily stay at the Wu family’s house. Xiao Wu, you are in charge of protecting him so that Xiao Yang can be at ease. If she needs blood, Xiao Yang can directly contact him. Isn’t this much better?” General Zhang blindly suggested.

Xiang Han was stunned, while Xu Yan Ze hesitated. “That doesn’t seem to be a good idea.” He hadn’t even prepared himself yet and he was already going to meet his lover’s parents?

“There’s nothing bad about it. Don’t worry, I’ll speak to Brother Wu about it. Ah, he is a very liberal and intelligent person. He’ll definitely welcome you after knowing the situation. Let’s go, I’m getting hungry.”

Wu Yue: “Hehe.”

“What are you ‘hehe-ing’ for?”

Wu Yue, “Nothing. I just felt that you have a great way of thinking.”

T/n: Ya girl just got her covid vaccine. AAbsolutely ready to be shredded~


it’s a play on the phrase ‘a married daughter is like poured-out water’ which means that they only think about their new family (in-laws) and neglect their maiden family


Centre for disease control and prevention

Chapter 6.16 – Centre For Disease Control And Prevention (2)

Wu Ming Qi, who’d just picked up his cup, nearly poured everything on himself. Mother Wu stopped wiping the table while the old lord put on his glasses to stare at him.

“Hey, you guys… what’s with your reactions?”

Wu Yue directly lifted him up with displeasure. “Didn’t you say you’d eaten expired crackers the whole way? Did you trick me?”

“I didn’t! I just got it. I didn’t use it since I’m afraid others would find out.” Xiang Han waved his hands and explained sincerely.



“Xu Yan Ze also doesn’t know?”

“Uh…” Xiang Han hesitated but madly shook his head when he saw Wu Yue’s terrible expression. “He doesn’t!”

“Hmm.” Wu Yue nodded in satisfaction. “You aren’t that stupid.”

“Who’s Xu Yan Ze?” Mother Wu asked.

Wu Yue raised his eyebrows profoundly. “He is…”

“He’s my captain. He saved me and sent me back here.” Xiang Han quickly answered.

Wu Yue: “Hehe.”

“In that case, we must thank him.” Mother Wu continued wiping the table.

“Alright, let’s talk about this later. Come with me for now.” Wu Ming Qi pulled Xiang Han away.

The old lord heard and shouted, “Where are you going? Just do it in the living room, I also want to see.”

Wu Ming Qi paused for a second before he instructed Wu Yue, “Go find a flowerpot.”

After a while, everyone witnessed a fresh green cabbage sprout from the pot and sucked in a deep breath.

Wu Ming Qi slapped Xiang Han’s back heartily and his tone couldn’t conceal his elation. “I never expected another ability user in our family apart from your brother.”

Wu Yue instinctively said, “Mom, quick, fry it. I couldn’t eat much earlier.”

Xiang Han asked, “Should I grow a watermelon?”

“Grow some tomatoes.”



“Too many vines, grow some strawberries.”

“The watermelon vine is still growing.”

Xiang Han: “…” Can you think about the issue of the seeds?

After the revelation, Xiang Han began to grow vegetables and grains without worry. The next day, he carried a box full of food, intending to give it to Xu Yan Ze and others.

Wu Yue said sourly, “The brother who’s married out is like discarded water1.”

Xiang Han glanced at Mother Wu, who was busy in the kitchen, and whispered, “Don’t say anything, mom doesn’t know yet.”

Wu Yue, “Isn’t it a matter of time? Don’t worry, mom is soft-hearted and will definitely be reluctant to beat you, but dad may not be so.”

Xiang Han shivered and then wondered, should I confess earlier? After all, they’d just reunited, so everyone was relatively indulgent of him. Compared to having no news of him for so long, liking men didn’t seem to be a big deal…

“Why are you just standing there? I’ll bring you over.” Seeing Xiang Han standing still, Wu Yue couldn’t help urging.

Although he was very upset about the meal delivery, he still endured it because his brother liked them.

“Thank you, brother.” When Xiang Han heard this, he hurriedly took his lunchbox to try and keep up.

But after arriving in the isolation area, they were shocked to learn that Xu Yan Ze and the others were not there.

“Where did they go?” Xiang Han grew anxious.

“Oh, there were some accidents in the results of the examination. They are now in the CDC2.”

Xiang Han’s mind went blank and then angrily asked, “What accident? If you don’t want to accept us, just drive us out. What’s the meaning of sending them to the CDC? Do you want to do human experiments?”

The soldier was confused, and instinctively replied, “No, it’s impossible…”

Wu Yue hurriedly dragged him away and reprimanded him in a low voice, “Calm down, if you are infected with the virus, you will be killed immediately. Being taken to the CDC means that the situation still has a chance of being saved.”

Xiang Han calmed down quickly, brought the food box back and asked deeply, “Brother, tell me the truth, does Shuguang base conduct human experiments?”

Wu Yue pinched his eyebrows while driving, “Yes.”

Xianghan’s face paled. However, Wu Yue quickly continued, “But it’s not the CDC, it’s the people from the research institute. In fact, there are differences within the base. The CDC is in our jurisdiction, so you don’t have to worry.”

Xiang Han was silent. Wu Yue saw it and couldn’t bring himself to continue. He just drove the car faster.

When he reached, Wu Yue directly led him into the hall. The staff stopped them, causing Wu Yue to frown. “A mercenary squad was brought here this morning from Pingshan, where are they now?”

“That…Professor Yang said we can’t disclose this.”

The staff was very awkward. When Xiang Han heard what the professor had ordered, his expression suddenly became ugly. He drew his gun and threatened, “Get out of the way.”

The staff hurriedly raised their hands and subconsciously turned to look at Wu Yue. He often assisted General Zhang around here, so everyone recognised him.

Wu Yue felt a headache and waved his hand. “Professor Yang is not doing things properly, so quickly get out of the way, or I won’t be polite.”

Everyone quickly retreated, and the security personnel were also stopped outside by Wu Yue’s men. The two hurried upstairs and finally met the baby-faced man and the team on the third floor.

Now that he’d seen they were safe and sound, Xiang Han released a breath of relief before asking with urgency, “Where’s Yan Ze?”

“Eh, he’s behind you.” Beardy pointed.

Xiang Han turned back, and sure enough, saw Xu Yan Ze standing behind him with a look of astonishment.

“What are you doing here?” He instinctively asked upon seeing Xiang Han’s pale and teary expression. After a moment, he understood and quickly came forward to hug him. “I’m fine, it’s just a check. Did you get scared?”

“How could he not? Someone even thought you’d been tied up and cut apart.” Wu Yue chimed in coldly.

Just as he spoke, a female’s voice boomed from behind. “Wu Yue! What the hell are you doing? Barging in here without a sound, do you take this place as a wet market?! Huh?!”

Xiang Han released Xu Yan Ze and looked at the new person. “Are you… Professor Yang?”

“That’s her. Her skills aren’t much, but her ability to cause chaos is top tier.” Wu Yue explained as a matter of fact.

Xiang Han didn’t expect Professor Yang to be a woman. But even so, the anger in his heart did not diminish in the slightest and he immediately spoke up coldly, “They are not from Shuguang Base. You have no right to detain them, so I will be taking them away.”

Professor Yang looked at him for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, “Little brother, you don’t have any say in this matter.”

“Professor, don’t say it like that. You took people directly from the isolation area without telling me. Isn’t that against the rules?” Wu Yue asked, leaning lazily against the wall.

Professor Yang’s eyebrows scrunched. “This is a special situation. I will report this matter to General Zhang.”

“No need. They will be leaving now.”

Xiang Han pulled Xu Yan Ze to leave but was stopped. “Everyone is fine, but he…needs to stay.”

Xiang Han’s expression changed and his hands wrapped around his gun before Wu Yue stopped him. “Leave your brother some face.”

Saying so, he pulled Professor Yang aside and said something.

Xiang Han ignored them, turning to look at Xu Yan Ze, who was looking at him with a grin, and frowned. “What are you smiling at? And why were you silent? Aren’t you amazing?”

Xu Yan Ze couldn’t help himself from hugging him tightly and pressing his lips against Xiang Han’s ears to whisper, “Your appearance just now was too seductive. I couldn’t look away.”

Xiang Han’s ears turned red and he elbowed him. “Let go, everyone is watching.”

Some of the melon-eating team immediately looked at the walls while others looked at the door. They all expressed the same thing: We haven’t seen anything.

Noticing that Wu Yue hadn’t finished the discussion, Xiang Han simply pulled Xu Yan Ze to a corner and whispered, “Why did she bring you here?”

Xu Yan Ze looked around and lowered his voice to answer. “After being infected, I seem to have developed some immunity. She wanted to take some of my blood for research.”

Xiang Han’s heart froze. “Did she do anything to you?”

Xu Yan Ze laughed helplessly. “No, we were only at the early stages of discussion when you guys barged in.”

”That’s good.” Xiang Han sighed in relief before asking. “Then…what do you plan to do?”

Xu Yan Ze thought for a moment, “If she really has good intentions for the future of humanity, there’s no reason to refuse. But…”

Before he could continue, there was a clamour from Wu Yue’s side. Professor Yang had raised her voice in agitation. “Don’t you know what this means?! He can’t leave!”

Wu Yue felt a headache. “He’s only leaving the CDC, but he’ll still be in the base. What are you afraid of?”

“Don’t speak so early. If those people from the research institute know about it, who knows if you guys will compromise? It’s not like this hasn’t happened before.”

“It definitely won’t happen this time!”

“That was what you said before…”

Xiang Han and Xu Yan Ze exchanged a look. The two were caught in a deadlock and finally called General Zhang over.

General Zhang’s eyes lit up when he saw Xiang Han and waved. “Brother Wu already told me, it’s a great thing. You and your brother are great seedlings. Right, don’t rush off later, take my car. Coincidentally, I haven’t visited my teacher for a while, so I’ll drop by.”

Xiang Han: “…” Didn’t you just come by yesterday? I can’t believe I believed you the first time I heard it.

After speaking, he saw Xiang Han and Xu Yan Ze’s interlocked hands and paused for several seconds. “You two…”

Xiang Han instinctively released his hand, but Xu Yan Ze held on, refusing to let go. With this, Xiang Han made up his mind and simply admitted, “He’s my boyfriend.”

General Zhang was silent for a moment before he slapped his thigh. “Haha, your dad was so arrogant earlier, saying how amazing his two sons are and wanted to introduce you two to some partners… No, wait till I return and have a good laugh at him.”

“General Zhang, we called you over today for some serious matters.” Wu Yue interrupted him impatiently.

“Oh, right, right.” General Zhang suddenly piped. “Let’s go in and talk. Xiao Wu, Xiao Yang, and you two, come on in. How can we talk if you guys are standing here?”

The few people went in while the melon-eating team continued to stand in the seemingly empty corridor.

After he understood the situation, General Zhang muttered, “Xiao Yang, I can understand your feelings. But if you don’t allow them to leave, what’s the difference between you and those from the research institute?”

Professor Yang immediately explained, “I’m only drawing blood, not conducting human experiments…”

“If it’s drawing blood, we can return anytime. But being held here is out of the question,” Xiang Han refuted.

“Xiao Xu, what do you think?”

Xu Yan Ze looked at Professor Yang and asked, “Is Professor Yang really doing this purely for the sake of humanity and not for other personal reasons?”

“Of course.” Her tone was full of confidence and she patiently explained, “I understand you may have your concerns, but…”

Xu Yan Ze raised a hand to stop her. “I believe you, but my thoughts are the same as Wu Han. Drawing blood is fine, but staying here…that’s impossible.”

Professor Yang grew anxious upon hearing this. “But what if those from the research institute find out about this? You will be in great danger…”

Xu Yan Ze glanced at Wu Yue and laughed lightly, “But looking at the situation earlier, this place isn’t all that impenetrable.”

“That’s because he’s always here!” Professor Yang gritted her teeth and glared at Wu Yue.

“Always here? If that’s the case, does that mean that if the other party successfully bribes a member of your team… Professor Yang, this isn’t a small loophole.” Xu Yan Ze smiled subtly and continued indifferently, “Moreover, you’ve underestimated me.”

“Exactly, he is captain of Pingshan base’s main mercenary force. Does he need your department’s protection?” Wu Yue had long investigated Xu Yan Ze, otherwise, he would have stopped Xiang Han from being with him.

“In that case, Xiao Xu still doesn’t have a place to stay, does he? He can temporarily stay at the Wu family’s house. Xiao Wu, you are in charge of protecting him so that Xiao Yang can be at ease. If she needs blood, Xiao Yang can directly contact him. Isn’t this much better?” General Zhang blindly suggested.

Xiang Han was stunned, while Xu Yan Ze hesitated. “That doesn’t seem to be a good idea.” He hadn’t even prepared himself yet and he was already going to meet his lover’s parents?

“There’s nothing bad about it. Don’t worry, I’ll speak to Brother Wu about it. Ah, he is a very liberal and intelligent person. He’ll definitely welcome you after knowing the situation. Let’s go, I’m getting hungry.”

Wu Yue: “Hehe.”

“What are you ‘hehe-ing’ for?”

Wu Yue, “Nothing. I just felt that you have a great way of thinking.”

T/n: Ya girl just got her covid vaccine. AAbsolutely ready to be shredded~


it’s a play on the phrase ‘a married daughter is like poured-out water’ which means that they only think about their new family (in-laws) and neglect their maiden family


Centre for disease control and prevention

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