Chapter 6.18 – Signal

Xiang Han was right. The female lead had arrived at Shuguang base and successfully established a relationship with General Shen after using her spring water to save Shen Yan Yu.

Shen Yan Yu was the officer who entered a cooperation with the Wu family under the female lead’s manipulation. He was actually General Shen’s son and the epitome of the adage ‘still water runs deep’. He only revealed his true talents a year after the apocalypse began.

General Shen wanted him to take over his squad but General Zhang wasn’t willing. Logically, General Zhang should be the one to take over rather than Shen Yan Yu. Even if it were to be someone from a generation below, it should be Wu Yue.

To ensure Shen Yan Yu had sufficient seniority, General Shen often let him go out to gain experience, which was how he got into an accident and was subsequently saved by the female lead.

Originally, after saving him, the female lead should meet Wu Yue and become entangled with the third male lead. But since Xiang Han demanded that the car be returned, everything changed. With the car, Wu Yue found his brother and the two naturally didn’t have any sort of meeting.

But Shuguang base was only so large. With frequent dealings with the Shen family, meeting each other was only a matter of time. That’s why, after a couple of days, Wu Yue came home with a dark expression. He sat down on the sofa in silence for some time and waited. No one bothered him, so he finally couldn’t take it. “Xiao Er, you’re not the average blind person.”

“What’s wrong?” Xiang Han was plucking bean sprouts with Xu Yan Ze when he was rendered speechless by these words.

Wu Yue moved a stool over and plucked it while saying, “I met your ex-girlfriend today. She was simply…does she have some form of persecutory delusion?”

“She’s here?” Xiang Han grew solemn. “We haven’t dealt with her for the issue at the petrol station.”

Since the female lead knew he was still alive, she’d definitely plot something, so he couldn’t just sit around and wait for death. If he died unexpectedly, what would happen if Xu Yan Ze’s spiritual force went out of control? Ahem, it was not him being narcissistic.

Xiang Han couldn’t help but peek at Xu Yan Ze, who spoke up, “Don’t do anything, leave it to me.”

“Ahem, can you guys stop for a moment and listen to me?” Wu Yue simply couldn’t bear to look at them flirting every day.

“Hmm, what is it?” Xiang Han quickly turned away.

The female lead hadn’t done anything bad. On the contrary, she had done something of merit: stopping the research centre from conducting human experiments. This had nothing to do with Wu Yue, but he didn’t know from where the female lead heard that the CDC was also conducting human experiments. Thus, she came with Shen Yan Yu to stop them.

Logically, the research centre was under General Shen’s jurisdiction while the CDC was under General Zhang. The two shouldn’t cross each other. But since the CDC had been unable to show any results, General Zhang was at a disadvantage every single time. However, no matter how disadvantageous it was, it wasn’t to the extent of hitting each other in the face.

After the clash, Wu Yue immediately brought his people over. But once the female lead learnt of his identity, she believed more so that he wasn’t a good person and felt that the CDC was suspicious.

“Did Professor Yang really conduct human experiments?” Xiang Han asked.

“Yeah, it can be considered. But that person accidentally contracted the virus while on a mission and agreed to be a part of it. Moreover, once the antidote is created, it must be tested on someone.”

“Oh, what happened after?” With a couple of interactions, Xiang Han’s doubt towards Professor Yang had diminished. He knew she wasn’t malicious.

“What else could have happened? You know how Yang Bing is, directly cursing them out and then I brought my men to drive them out. But after a short while, orders from above came. They actually wanted to defund the CDC. Of course, General Zhang was shocked.”

Xu Yan Ze frowned. “I heard from Professor Yang the antidote is only waiting to be tested clinically? Now that the higher-ups want to defund it all of a sudden… could it be that they already know of a cure for the virus?”

“I’m not clear about this, but there’s a possibility…tsk, how could he allow them to be a step ahead?” Wu Yue was frustrated. He began to ridicule the female lead once more. “I’m at least 80% sure it has something to do with her. Now that she’s managed to cling onto Shen Yan Yu and sticks her nose into everything, does she really see herself as the first lady of the base?”

Saying so, he glared at Xiang Han. “Shen Yan Yu is as blind as you. Gu Ming clearly has something going on with her team leader, yet Shen Yan Yu still treats her like a treasure.”

Who knows, you were also blind in your past life!

Xiang Han shook his head internally. However, for the female lead to interfere with Shuguang base using Shen Yan Yu’s name, her goal may not be to simply be his wife. What she wanted was to be the leader.

Speaking of this, she originally wanted to establish her own base but was reborn too late. The window for cultivating wasn’t long and she had offended people in Jiangzhou. It wasn’t until she’d accidentally saved Shen Yan Yu that she set her sights on Shuguang base.

Wu Yue hadn’t gotten through many bean sprouts before Professor Yang called and he hurried back.

At night, Xiang Han hugged Xu Yan Ze and asked softly, “What are you going to do? Gu Ming has the Shen family behind her and possibly the cure. She won’t be easy to deal with.”

The key here was that she had a space where she could hide in the face of danger. It was extremely troublesome and he had no idea how to deal with it.

Xu Yan Ze restrained the coldness that seeped into his eyes and snorted. “Don’t worry, it’s only an outsider. The Shen family won’t go to war just for her, but you cannot interfere. If an accident happens…”

He frowned. The things that happened in their last world could not be repeated.

Xiang Han considered reminding him that the female lead wasn’t normal, but thinking about it from another point of view, he felt that since she hadn’t been training for long, her abilities couldn’t be compared to Xu Yan Ze. Apart from escaping and healing, there wasn’t much she was good at. Thus, he relaxed. “No matter what, we still need to be careful. You cannot be alone with her. Of course, I wouldn’t either.”

Wu Yue came rather late. The incident at the CDC was forcefully suppressed by General Zhang and because of this, he had openly fallen out with the Shen family.

Recalling the cause of General Zhang’s death, Xiang Han still reminded Wu Yue, “The Shen family definitely wishes to rip Uncle Zhang to pieces. Brother, you must be careful.”

“No need for you to remind me.” Wu Yue yawned and carelessly finished his breakfast. “I’m going to catch some sleep. Oh right, Captain Xu, Uncle Zhang wants to see you. Go pay him a visit when you’re free.”

“What does he want to see Xiao Xu for?” Mother Wu was curious.

“Probably something to do with work, you don’t have to worry. Come, eat.” Wu Ming Qi guessed it must have something to do with the antidote and gave a perfunctory answer to tide over her question.

After dinner, Xiang Han went with Xu Yan Ze but Wu Ming Qi quickly called him over. “What are you tagging along for? Are you done planting the land?”

“Ahem, I’m going to… gain experience.” Xiang Han randomly found an excuse and left with Xu Yan Ze.

Wu Ming Qi raised an eyebrow and turned to mother Wu. “Why do I feel that… they seem to be like a pair of conjoined twins?”

“Really? Probably because they’re used to it.” Although this was what she said, a seed of doubt sprouted in her heart. She hadn’t noticed it before until he mentioned it… she also felt that something about this situation was strange.

The purpose of looking for Xu Yan Ze was very simple. He was simply irritated by the Shen family and planned to set up a special ops team to recruit only ability users to go against them.

Originally, he wanted Wu Yue to be the captain, but Wu Yue’s focus was on the military, and he obviously couldn’t lead the force himself. After thinking about it… he thought of Xu Yan Ze, who was his own person.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yan Ze refused before he was done speaking.

“Why not?” General Zhang couldn’t understand. “Xiao Yang reported to me yesterday that the antidote has begun clinical trials and has a high possibility of ending the apocalypse. Since you are not busy now, joining the special ops team will allow you to have a higher position in the future.”

Xu Yan Ze shook his head. “I don’t have that kind of ambition. I only want to lead a normal life. Of course, if you need, I’m willing to provide my labour but I will not join the special ops.”

General Zhang felt that it was a pity but didn’t force it further. “Alright, if you ever change your mind, feel free to look for me.

After leaving his office, Xiang Han couldn’t help asking, “Why didn’t you agree?”

Xu Yan Ze laughed. “If I’d agreed, I’d be too busy to spend any time with you. Moreover, now that I have food and a wife, a good life is right in front of me. Why should I fight so hard for superficial things?”

“Huh?” Xiang Han was dumbfounded. “I’d always thought you were an ambitious person…”

“What? Are you disappointed?” Xu Yan Ze laughed.

Xiang Han struggled. “Not really, but… previously, I was afraid I’d hold you back. I didn’t expect…”

Xu Yan Ze couldn’t help but pull him into his embrace and laugh. “So that’s the case. No wonder you wanted me to become a general no matter what.”

“What do you mean by no matter what? That was to be forced by circumstances.” Xiang Han denied.

Xu Yan Ze couldn’t resist seizing his hand. “Actually, what I want is a peaceful life, especially after experiencing those things. Now that I think about it, what’s the point of wielding immense power? Isn’t it better to spend time with you eating and basking comfortably in the sun?”

Xiang Han thought about it and nodded with narrowed eyes. He agreed, “That’s right. It doesn’t matter, you can just follow me and mooch off me until I die. In any case, I can afford you.”

Coincidentally, the female lead and Shen Yan Yu passed by. Seeing their locked hands, they let out a cold snort.

The smile in Xu Yan Ze’s eyes froze over as he stared intently at the other party.

Xiang Han also gave a light snort. Then, he simply held Xu Yan Ze’s hand and went forward, stopping in front of the female lead. “Gu Ming, the incident at the petrol station was your doing, wasn’t it?”

“So what if it was?” Gu Ming laughed coldly, but afterwards, she froze. She couldn’t understand why she had blurted out the truth.

Seeing the results, Xiang Han increased the intensity of his spiritual force and asked heavily, “There’s no what. Revenge will be served, so I won’t show any mercy in the future. But before that, shouldn’t you return the ring to me? Since we’ve already broken up, it isn’t appropriate to hold onto your ex-boyfriend’s ring.”

Saying so, he deliberately glanced towards Shen Yan Yu. Unsurprisingly, he saw the hesitation in Shen Yan Yu’s eyes as he looked doubtfully at the female lead.

Xiang Han wanted to use his spiritual force to force the female lead to exchange the ring, since it was impossible to snatch it after a blood contract had been forced.

However, she seemed to have noticed something and turned vigilant. After training, her mental strength had increased somewhat and she only struggled for a bit before gritting her teeth. “I was the one who chose the ring, you only paid for it…”

“But I remember, you chose the female design, yet you’re wearing the male one. Take it off. Now that we’ve broken up, isn’t it unsightly to keep wearing it?” Xiang Han continued.

Frustration flashed through her eyes, but Xiang Han didn’t know how she did it. She quickly regained her calm and said coldly, “You know hypnosis.”

Hearing this, Shen Yan Yu’s face changed and he quickly pulled her to leave.

Xiang Han felt it was a pity. He thought that after planting so much, his spiritual strength would have increased. But…

“You were using hypnosis?” Xu Yan Ze had also detected the abnormality in Xiang Han’s eyes and after hearing the female lead’s words, he casually asked.

Xiang Han turned to look at him. At the same time, an idea popped into his head and his eyes lit up.

“What is it?” Xu Yan Ze was taken aback.

“Nothing.” Xiang Han quickly shook his head thoughtfully. Although his spiritual strength was too weak to control the female lead, Xu Yan Ze was strong enough!

The author has something to say:

Professor Yang, “The antidote has been created, I hope you’ll keep it a secret.”

Xu Yan Ze, “Of course.”

He turned around and told Xiang Han. Xiang Han told Wu Yue, Wu Yue told…

Wu Yue, “Professor, it’s almost 11/11, please give me a 5% discount and I’ll buy it!”

Professor Yang, “What happened to keeping it a secret?”

Xu Yan Ze: “What’s mine is little fool’s. Telling him is the same as telling myself.”

Today is the day to scroll through Taobao (an E-commerce platform). You guys definitely understand, right?

Chapter 6.18 – Signal

Xiang Han was right. The female lead had arrived at Shuguang base and successfully established a relationship with General Shen after using her spring water to save Shen Yan Yu.

Shen Yan Yu was the officer who entered a cooperation with the Wu family under the female lead’s manipulation. He was actually General Shen’s son and the epitome of the adage ‘still water runs deep’. He only revealed his true talents a year after the apocalypse began.

General Shen wanted him to take over his squad but General Zhang wasn’t willing. Logically, General Zhang should be the one to take over rather than Shen Yan Yu. Even if it were to be someone from a generation below, it should be Wu Yue.

To ensure Shen Yan Yu had sufficient seniority, General Shen often let him go out to gain experience, which was how he got into an accident and was subsequently saved by the female lead.

Originally, after saving him, the female lead should meet Wu Yue and become entangled with the third male lead. But since Xiang Han demanded that the car be returned, everything changed. With the car, Wu Yue found his brother and the two naturally didn’t have any sort of meeting.

But Shuguang base was only so large. With frequent dealings with the Shen family, meeting each other was only a matter of time. That’s why, after a couple of days, Wu Yue came home with a dark expression. He sat down on the sofa in silence for some time and waited. No one bothered him, so he finally couldn’t take it. “Xiao Er, you’re not the average blind person.”

“What’s wrong?” Xiang Han was plucking bean sprouts with Xu Yan Ze when he was rendered speechless by these words.

Wu Yue moved a stool over and plucked it while saying, “I met your ex-girlfriend today. She was simply…does she have some form of persecutory delusion?”

“She’s here?” Xiang Han grew solemn. “We haven’t dealt with her for the issue at the petrol station.”

Since the female lead knew he was still alive, she’d definitely plot something, so he couldn’t just sit around and wait for death. If he died unexpectedly, what would happen if Xu Yan Ze’s spiritual force went out of control? Ahem, it was not him being narcissistic.

Xiang Han couldn’t help but peek at Xu Yan Ze, who spoke up, “Don’t do anything, leave it to me.”

“Ahem, can you guys stop for a moment and listen to me?” Wu Yue simply couldn’t bear to look at them flirting every day.

“Hmm, what is it?” Xiang Han quickly turned away.

The female lead hadn’t done anything bad. On the contrary, she had done something of merit: stopping the research centre from conducting human experiments. This had nothing to do with Wu Yue, but he didn’t know from where the female lead heard that the CDC was also conducting human experiments. Thus, she came with Shen Yan Yu to stop them.

Logically, the research centre was under General Shen’s jurisdiction while the CDC was under General Zhang. The two shouldn’t cross each other. But since the CDC had been unable to show any results, General Zhang was at a disadvantage every single time. However, no matter how disadvantageous it was, it wasn’t to the extent of hitting each other in the face.

After the clash, Wu Yue immediately brought his people over. But once the female lead learnt of his identity, she believed more so that he wasn’t a good person and felt that the CDC was suspicious.

“Did Professor Yang really conduct human experiments?” Xiang Han asked.

“Yeah, it can be considered. But that person accidentally contracted the virus while on a mission and agreed to be a part of it. Moreover, once the antidote is created, it must be tested on someone.”

“Oh, what happened after?” With a couple of interactions, Xiang Han’s doubt towards Professor Yang had diminished. He knew she wasn’t malicious.

“What else could have happened? You know how Yang Bing is, directly cursing them out and then I brought my men to drive them out. But after a short while, orders from above came. They actually wanted to defund the CDC. Of course, General Zhang was shocked.”

Xu Yan Ze frowned. “I heard from Professor Yang the antidote is only waiting to be tested clinically? Now that the higher-ups want to defund it all of a sudden… could it be that they already know of a cure for the virus?”

“I’m not clear about this, but there’s a possibility…tsk, how could he allow them to be a step ahead?” Wu Yue was frustrated. He began to ridicule the female lead once more. “I’m at least 80% sure it has something to do with her. Now that she’s managed to cling onto Shen Yan Yu and sticks her nose into everything, does she really see herself as the first lady of the base?”

Saying so, he glared at Xiang Han. “Shen Yan Yu is as blind as you. Gu Ming clearly has something going on with her team leader, yet Shen Yan Yu still treats her like a treasure.”

Who knows, you were also blind in your past life!

Xiang Han shook his head internally. However, for the female lead to interfere with Shuguang base using Shen Yan Yu’s name, her goal may not be to simply be his wife. What she wanted was to be the leader.

Speaking of this, she originally wanted to establish her own base but was reborn too late. The window for cultivating wasn’t long and she had offended people in Jiangzhou. It wasn’t until she’d accidentally saved Shen Yan Yu that she set her sights on Shuguang base.

Wu Yue hadn’t gotten through many bean sprouts before Professor Yang called and he hurried back.

At night, Xiang Han hugged Xu Yan Ze and asked softly, “What are you going to do? Gu Ming has the Shen family behind her and possibly the cure. She won’t be easy to deal with.”

The key here was that she had a space where she could hide in the face of danger. It was extremely troublesome and he had no idea how to deal with it.

Xu Yan Ze restrained the coldness that seeped into his eyes and snorted. “Don’t worry, it’s only an outsider. The Shen family won’t go to war just for her, but you cannot interfere. If an accident happens…”

He frowned. The things that happened in their last world could not be repeated.

Xiang Han considered reminding him that the female lead wasn’t normal, but thinking about it from another point of view, he felt that since she hadn’t been training for long, her abilities couldn’t be compared to Xu Yan Ze. Apart from escaping and healing, there wasn’t much she was good at. Thus, he relaxed. “No matter what, we still need to be careful. You cannot be alone with her. Of course, I wouldn’t either.”

Wu Yue came rather late. The incident at the CDC was forcefully suppressed by General Zhang and because of this, he had openly fallen out with the Shen family.

Recalling the cause of General Zhang’s death, Xiang Han still reminded Wu Yue, “The Shen family definitely wishes to rip Uncle Zhang to pieces. Brother, you must be careful.”

“No need for you to remind me.” Wu Yue yawned and carelessly finished his breakfast. “I’m going to catch some sleep. Oh right, Captain Xu, Uncle Zhang wants to see you. Go pay him a visit when you’re free.”

“What does he want to see Xiao Xu for?” Mother Wu was curious.

“Probably something to do with work, you don’t have to worry. Come, eat.” Wu Ming Qi guessed it must have something to do with the antidote and gave a perfunctory answer to tide over her question.

After dinner, Xiang Han went with Xu Yan Ze but Wu Ming Qi quickly called him over. “What are you tagging along for? Are you done planting the land?”

“Ahem, I’m going to… gain experience.” Xiang Han randomly found an excuse and left with Xu Yan Ze.

Wu Ming Qi raised an eyebrow and turned to mother Wu. “Why do I feel that… they seem to be like a pair of conjoined twins?”

“Really? Probably because they’re used to it.” Although this was what she said, a seed of doubt sprouted in her heart. She hadn’t noticed it before until he mentioned it… she also felt that something about this situation was strange.

The purpose of looking for Xu Yan Ze was very simple. He was simply irritated by the Shen family and planned to set up a special ops team to recruit only ability users to go against them.

Originally, he wanted Wu Yue to be the captain, but Wu Yue’s focus was on the military, and he obviously couldn’t lead the force himself. After thinking about it… he thought of Xu Yan Ze, who was his own person.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yan Ze refused before he was done speaking.

“Why not?” General Zhang couldn’t understand. “Xiao Yang reported to me yesterday that the antidote has begun clinical trials and has a high possibility of ending the apocalypse. Since you are not busy now, joining the special ops team will allow you to have a higher position in the future.”

Xu Yan Ze shook his head. “I don’t have that kind of ambition. I only want to lead a normal life. Of course, if you need, I’m willing to provide my labour but I will not join the special ops.”

General Zhang felt that it was a pity but didn’t force it further. “Alright, if you ever change your mind, feel free to look for me.

After leaving his office, Xiang Han couldn’t help asking, “Why didn’t you agree?”

Xu Yan Ze laughed. “If I’d agreed, I’d be too busy to spend any time with you. Moreover, now that I have food and a wife, a good life is right in front of me. Why should I fight so hard for superficial things?”

“Huh?” Xiang Han was dumbfounded. “I’d always thought you were an ambitious person…”

“What? Are you disappointed?” Xu Yan Ze laughed.

Xiang Han struggled. “Not really, but… previously, I was afraid I’d hold you back. I didn’t expect…”

Xu Yan Ze couldn’t help but pull him into his embrace and laugh. “So that’s the case. No wonder you wanted me to become a general no matter what.”

“What do you mean by no matter what? That was to be forced by circumstances.” Xiang Han denied.

Xu Yan Ze couldn’t resist seizing his hand. “Actually, what I want is a peaceful life, especially after experiencing those things. Now that I think about it, what’s the point of wielding immense power? Isn’t it better to spend time with you eating and basking comfortably in the sun?”

Xiang Han thought about it and nodded with narrowed eyes. He agreed, “That’s right. It doesn’t matter, you can just follow me and mooch off me until I die. In any case, I can afford you.”

Coincidentally, the female lead and Shen Yan Yu passed by. Seeing their locked hands, they let out a cold snort.

The smile in Xu Yan Ze’s eyes froze over as he stared intently at the other party.

Xiang Han also gave a light snort. Then, he simply held Xu Yan Ze’s hand and went forward, stopping in front of the female lead. “Gu Ming, the incident at the petrol station was your doing, wasn’t it?”

“So what if it was?” Gu Ming laughed coldly, but afterwards, she froze. She couldn’t understand why she had blurted out the truth.

Seeing the results, Xiang Han increased the intensity of his spiritual force and asked heavily, “There’s no what. Revenge will be served, so I won’t show any mercy in the future. But before that, shouldn’t you return the ring to me? Since we’ve already broken up, it isn’t appropriate to hold onto your ex-boyfriend’s ring.”

Saying so, he deliberately glanced towards Shen Yan Yu. Unsurprisingly, he saw the hesitation in Shen Yan Yu’s eyes as he looked doubtfully at the female lead.

Xiang Han wanted to use his spiritual force to force the female lead to exchange the ring, since it was impossible to snatch it after a blood contract had been forced.

However, she seemed to have noticed something and turned vigilant. After training, her mental strength had increased somewhat and she only struggled for a bit before gritting her teeth. “I was the one who chose the ring, you only paid for it…”

“But I remember, you chose the female design, yet you’re wearing the male one. Take it off. Now that we’ve broken up, isn’t it unsightly to keep wearing it?” Xiang Han continued.

Frustration flashed through her eyes, but Xiang Han didn’t know how she did it. She quickly regained her calm and said coldly, “You know hypnosis.”

Hearing this, Shen Yan Yu’s face changed and he quickly pulled her to leave.

Xiang Han felt it was a pity. He thought that after planting so much, his spiritual strength would have increased. But…

“You were using hypnosis?” Xu Yan Ze had also detected the abnormality in Xiang Han’s eyes and after hearing the female lead’s words, he casually asked.

Xiang Han turned to look at him. At the same time, an idea popped into his head and his eyes lit up.

“What is it?” Xu Yan Ze was taken aback.

“Nothing.” Xiang Han quickly shook his head thoughtfully. Although his spiritual strength was too weak to control the female lead, Xu Yan Ze was strong enough!

The author has something to say:

Professor Yang, “The antidote has been created, I hope you’ll keep it a secret.”

Xu Yan Ze, “Of course.”

He turned around and told Xiang Han. Xiang Han told Wu Yue, Wu Yue told…

Wu Yue, “Professor, it’s almost 11/11, please give me a 5% discount and I’ll buy it!”

Professor Yang, “What happened to keeping it a secret?”

Xu Yan Ze: “What’s mine is little fool’s. Telling him is the same as telling myself.”

Today is the day to scroll through Taobao (an E-commerce platform). You guys definitely understand, right?

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