Chapter 7.06 – Can’t Let Anything Slip

Meng Ze didn’t know how he’d left the hotel. With his pants slightly damp, it felt incredibly uncomfortable sticking to his leg. Getting into the car with an extremely unnatural disposition, he instructed, “Go to Maple Park.”

Maple Park was his parents’ home. He normally didn’t live there, but he went this time because his mother had called him earlier in the afternoon, saying that she had something to tell him.

At this moment, Meng Ze had no energy to ponder over the purpose of his mother calling him over. His mind was continuously filled with the thoughts: Secretary Geng has a d*ck, she has a d*ck…

No, it wasn’t a she, but a he… No, that’s not right either. Perhaps, she was transgender and he should still use ‘she’. However, that part of Secretary Geng was rather clean and looked normal. It shouldn’t be…ah?

WTF? What on earth is he thinking about? That’s other people’s business, what has it got to do with him?

Meng Ze was extremely vexed and hit his head several times, causing the chauffeur to receive a fright after looking through the rearview mirror.

With great difficulty, he stabilised his racing imagination, but it didn’t take long for him to ponder once again: Is Secretary Geng a cross-dresser or transgender? Or perhaps, he/she has gender dysphoria? Does he/she know that he/she is actually male?

Most likely due to the blow he suffered from this incident, Meng Ze spent the entire ride thinking about it.

When he got home, he asked himself: Since Secretary Geng has always been flirting with me, they must be homosexual? But if he is a woman at heart, it should be considered heterosexuality… In the end, am I straight or gay? Wait a minute, what has that got to do with me?

“Aiya, you’re finally back.” Mother Meng immediately went to take his coat the moment he stepped in and nagged. “Didn’t you promise to come home at 8? What took you so long? Look, it’s almost 9.”

“I had a few drinks with my colleagues.” Meng Ze shook his head to eradicate the distracting images.

“Why did you drink so much at such a late hour? Hurry up and wash your hands, mom will warm some soup for you… Aiya, why are your pants wet? It’s even in such an area…” His mother pointed at a darker patch with surprise.

“Ahem.” Meng Ze was extremely awkward but he still had to feign nonchalance. “Nothing much, I just accidentally got some wine on it.”

“Take it off quickly, I’ll go wash it.”

“Okay, got it. Where’s Dad?” Meng Ze hurriedly changed the subject and took the chance to put some distance between them.

“Getting ready for lessons upstairs. Let me tell you, later on, show him a better attitude. He is currently raging,” His mother whispered.

“What happened?” Meng Ze was about to go upstairs to wash up, but stopped when he heard this.

“Isn’t it because of what you did? Why did you have to break off the engagement for no reason? You didn’t even greet them, which angered your grandfather. When your father went back to the countryside a few days ago, he was chased around with a stick. ”

Meng Ze imagined that scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Father Meng was a university professor. He had a refined temperament and usually dressed quite upright. To be chased all over the yard… Tsk.

After Meng Ze washed up and went downstairs, Father Meng was already eating at the table without waiting for him.

As soon as Meng Ze sat down next to him, he frowned and reprimanded, “Stay away from me, you stink of copper.”

Meng Ze: “…”

He simply sat across from him, but after eating for a while, Father Meng spoke again, “You will go to the Geng Family’s house with me tomorrow and apologise. Tell them that you didn’t think it through and that the marriage contract still remains.”

After Meng Ze swallowed his food, he frowned and asked, “I already broke it off and Mr Geng didn’t get angry. What would we look like if we went back on our words again? Won’t we look as if we’re just messing with them?”

Father Meng slammed down his chopsticks with a cold face. “Now you know to be apologetic. Why didn’t you feel the same way back when you were breaking off the engagement? Acting on your own will without a word, what is that called? Going back on your words! What Mr Geng? You only earned a little, but have already forgotten everything.”

Mother Meng agreed, “Exactly, you even peed on Old Geng before. Why are you calling him Mr Geng now, it sounds so unfamiliar.”

Meng Ze frowned. Why didn’t he remember such a thing?

“Are we very close to the Geng Family?” He remembered his family moved to City A two years ago and only ate together a few times. Every time, Young Master Geng would be absent.

“Isn’t that so?!” Mother Meng spoke through her mouthful of food, “Your grandfather and Xiao Han’s grandfather were comrade-in-arms, they shared a life and death companionship. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have set up such a contract marriage.”

“Speaking of which, it was supposed to be a marriage between their son and daughter. However, they never expected for both families to produce a son.”

“Aren’t both their grandchildren sons too?” Meng Ze expressionlessly thought: Xiao Han… Geng Xiao Han, was it? This name sounded rather familiar.

“How is this similar? During your father’s time, homosexuals weren’t allowed to get married. Speaking of which, the law allowing same-sex marriage was passed just a year before Xiao Han was born. Aiya, that child is so cute and fair, just like a lady. I really liked him, so our two families decided to form a marriage contract…”

Cute and fair? Like a lady?

Meng Ze frowned deeply. A second later, his eyes lit up.

He had just remembered.

Secretary Geng’s name was Geng Han!

Geng Han. Geng Xiao Han. Cute and fair, like a lady, and has a d*ck…

They couldn’t be… the same person, right?

He had the feeling of being struck by lightning as his chopsticks slipped out of his hands and clattered noisily to the ground.

“Ah, child, how could you be so careless?” Mother Meng picked them up with a frown and went to change them for a new pair.

Father Meng was unhappy. “Doesn’t he have hands and legs? You are always spoiling him.”

Meng Ze ignored him and turned to look at his mother. “Mom, that… Geng Xiao Han, does he look like a girl?”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Mother Meng shook her head solemnly. “Apart from being a little fair, he isn’t feminine at all. I’ve seen him a few times, he’s very smart and polite.”

“Others are studying arts and have an elegant temperament. What do you have to nitpick?” Father Meng grumbled from the side.

Meng Ze was speechless. Right after learning that he had a fiance, he had investigated the other party and found that the kid was clearly a spoiled child, who was only good at drinking and fighting. He’d run to gay bars frequently when he was bored.

Although he was studying the arts, his grades were too poor; Fine arts already had low requirements. But why was it that when his parents spoke about him, he became an obedient child?

Besides, he and Geng Xiao Han had no feelings for each other, why should they get married? As for developing feelings? Sorry, he wasn’t interested. He was already busy; If he had the time to coax a silk-bottomed young master, he might as well go foster a son.

That was why he had thought of ways to cancel their engagement after reading the information. Knowing that the two families had a friendly relationship, he used the excuse of liking women to prevent a fallout.

However, if Geng Xiao Han was his secretary…

“Mom, Geng Xiao Han… does he have any special hobbies or issues?” This wasn’t mentioned in the investigation report. Could he have guessed wrong?

“He just likes painting, as for issues… he is just a normal and healthy child. What nonsense are you saying?” Mother Meng shook her head.

Father Meng also had a dark expression. “Don’t think of anything funny. Xiao Han is fine, but even if he really had some issues, you can’t break the engagement because of this.”

Meng Ze: “…” Did he overthink it?

“Enough. This matter ends here. Clear your schedule tomorrow and go with me to the Geng Family to apologise.” Father Meng said curtly.

Meng Ze instinctively wanted to reply, ‘I have a business trip tomorrow’. But thinking about it, he felt that this could be an opportunity. So, he muttered, “Tomorrow’s a workday. Mr Geng is home?”

“Call him Uncle Geng.” Father Meng reminded in annoyance. “Your Uncle Geng broke his leg a while ago, and is currently recuperating at home.”

Broke his leg?

“When did that happen?”

“It seems to be the 20th of last month. What about it?” His father asked.

“Nothing.” Meng Ze immediately shook his head. “Geng Xiao Han will also be there?”

“I’m not sure. I heard his son recently found a job. Ah, he’s really making progress.” Father Meng praised.

When other people’s sons find a job, it’s called making progress. But when his own son started a company, it’s called stinking of copper? Such a huge disparity in treatment.

“From what I can tell, it’s best if Geng Xiao Han is there if we were to go. If we want to break off the engagement, it’s best to seek the opinion of those involved.” Meng Ze suggested, “Speaking of which, I’ve never met him before. Whether or not we get together, we should at least have some form of interaction.”

Father Meng felt that it was reasonable and nodded. “I’ll give Old Geng a call.”

Meng Ze also returned to his room and gave Assistant Fang a call. “When did Secretary Geng apply for leave?”

“It seems to be… around the 20th?” Assistant Fang’s words were slurred, seemingly drunk.

Meng Ze immediately hung up, sure of his guess. If they were the same person, why did Geng Xiao Han cross-dress and secretly approach him as a secretary?

Ze Yuan and the Geng company had no conflict. At times, they would even be partners. So, the probability of him being a spy was pretty low.

Could it be because he called off the engagement?

Thinking about it, Secretary Geng entered the company not long after the engagement was broken off. If he/she was really Geng Xiao Han, that means the situation was actually because he had used the excuse of ‘liking women’ to break the engagement. Geng Xiao Han entered the company in female clothing and tried to seduce him at every turn…

Could it be that the engagement had a very big impact on him? Unlike him, Geng Xiao Han didn’t hate the engagement, but had…always liked him?

Meng Ze told himself to calm down. If he were to continue thinking, his mind would really run wild.

It was simply too strange. Why should he care about such things? He must have definitely suffered a shock from seeing Secretary Geng take out his d*ck. It must be…

He tried to brainwash himself and soon fell asleep.

Xiang Han had drunk quite a bit last night, so his head hurt the whole night and he failed to hear his phone. The next morning, he felt his head splitting open as he applied for leave from Assistant Fang.

After doing so, he saw Father Geng’s missed call and hurriedly dialled back.

“What? Didn’t he go on a business trip?” Hearing Father Geng’s words, Xiang Han’s drowsiness immediately disappeared. He shot up quickly.

“How’d you know he has a business trip?

“No, that’s not the point. The point is, what’s he coming to our house for?” Xiang Han was flabbergasted.

“He didn’t talk about this. But your Uncle Meng said he hopes you’d return since it has something to do with your engagement. Xiao Han, see if you can apply for leave and make a trip back.”

“It’s…not too convenient.” Xiang Han resisted.

“Give me your supervisor’s contact number, I’ll help you.”

Xiang Han couldn’t help groaning. “Alright, alright. I’ll do it and come over in a bit.”

After hanging up, Xiang Han was immediately faced with great bitterness.

Meng Ze was going to the Geng family’s house to see him? He’s doomed. He definitely had to be well-prepared and couldn’t let anything slip!

Chapter 7.06 – Can’t Let Anything Slip

Meng Ze didn’t know how he’d left the hotel. With his pants slightly damp, it felt incredibly uncomfortable sticking to his leg. Getting into the car with an extremely unnatural disposition, he instructed, “Go to Maple Park.”

Maple Park was his parents’ home. He normally didn’t live there, but he went this time because his mother had called him earlier in the afternoon, saying that she had something to tell him.

At this moment, Meng Ze had no energy to ponder over the purpose of his mother calling him over. His mind was continuously filled with the thoughts: Secretary Geng has a d*ck, she has a d*ck…

No, it wasn’t a she, but a he… No, that’s not right either. Perhaps, she was transgender and he should still use ‘she’. However, that part of Secretary Geng was rather clean and looked normal. It shouldn’t be…ah?

WTF? What on earth is he thinking about? That’s other people’s business, what has it got to do with him?

Meng Ze was extremely vexed and hit his head several times, causing the chauffeur to receive a fright after looking through the rearview mirror.

With great difficulty, he stabilised his racing imagination, but it didn’t take long for him to ponder once again: Is Secretary Geng a cross-dresser or transgender? Or perhaps, he/she has gender dysphoria? Does he/she know that he/she is actually male?

Most likely due to the blow he suffered from this incident, Meng Ze spent the entire ride thinking about it.

When he got home, he asked himself: Since Secretary Geng has always been flirting with me, they must be homosexual? But if he is a woman at heart, it should be considered heterosexuality… In the end, am I straight or gay? Wait a minute, what has that got to do with me?

“Aiya, you’re finally back.” Mother Meng immediately went to take his coat the moment he stepped in and nagged. “Didn’t you promise to come home at 8? What took you so long? Look, it’s almost 9.”

“I had a few drinks with my colleagues.” Meng Ze shook his head to eradicate the distracting images.

“Why did you drink so much at such a late hour? Hurry up and wash your hands, mom will warm some soup for you… Aiya, why are your pants wet? It’s even in such an area…” His mother pointed at a darker patch with surprise.

“Ahem.” Meng Ze was extremely awkward but he still had to feign nonchalance. “Nothing much, I just accidentally got some wine on it.”

“Take it off quickly, I’ll go wash it.”

“Okay, got it. Where’s Dad?” Meng Ze hurriedly changed the subject and took the chance to put some distance between them.

“Getting ready for lessons upstairs. Let me tell you, later on, show him a better attitude. He is currently raging,” His mother whispered.

“What happened?” Meng Ze was about to go upstairs to wash up, but stopped when he heard this.

“Isn’t it because of what you did? Why did you have to break off the engagement for no reason? You didn’t even greet them, which angered your grandfather. When your father went back to the countryside a few days ago, he was chased around with a stick. ”

Meng Ze imagined that scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Father Meng was a university professor. He had a refined temperament and usually dressed quite upright. To be chased all over the yard… Tsk.

After Meng Ze washed up and went downstairs, Father Meng was already eating at the table without waiting for him.

As soon as Meng Ze sat down next to him, he frowned and reprimanded, “Stay away from me, you stink of copper.”

Meng Ze: “…”

He simply sat across from him, but after eating for a while, Father Meng spoke again, “You will go to the Geng Family’s house with me tomorrow and apologise. Tell them that you didn’t think it through and that the marriage contract still remains.”

After Meng Ze swallowed his food, he frowned and asked, “I already broke it off and Mr Geng didn’t get angry. What would we look like if we went back on our words again? Won’t we look as if we’re just messing with them?”

Father Meng slammed down his chopsticks with a cold face. “Now you know to be apologetic. Why didn’t you feel the same way back when you were breaking off the engagement? Acting on your own will without a word, what is that called? Going back on your words! What Mr Geng? You only earned a little, but have already forgotten everything.”

Mother Meng agreed, “Exactly, you even peed on Old Geng before. Why are you calling him Mr Geng now, it sounds so unfamiliar.”

Meng Ze frowned. Why didn’t he remember such a thing?

“Are we very close to the Geng Family?” He remembered his family moved to City A two years ago and only ate together a few times. Every time, Young Master Geng would be absent.

“Isn’t that so?!” Mother Meng spoke through her mouthful of food, “Your grandfather and Xiao Han’s grandfather were comrade-in-arms, they shared a life and death companionship. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have set up such a contract marriage.”

“Speaking of which, it was supposed to be a marriage between their son and daughter. However, they never expected for both families to produce a son.”

“Aren’t both their grandchildren sons too?” Meng Ze expressionlessly thought: Xiao Han… Geng Xiao Han, was it? This name sounded rather familiar.

“How is this similar? During your father’s time, homosexuals weren’t allowed to get married. Speaking of which, the law allowing same-sex marriage was passed just a year before Xiao Han was born. Aiya, that child is so cute and fair, just like a lady. I really liked him, so our two families decided to form a marriage contract…”

Cute and fair? Like a lady?

Meng Ze frowned deeply. A second later, his eyes lit up.

He had just remembered.

Secretary Geng’s name was Geng Han!

Geng Han. Geng Xiao Han. Cute and fair, like a lady, and has a d*ck…

They couldn’t be… the same person, right?

He had the feeling of being struck by lightning as his chopsticks slipped out of his hands and clattered noisily to the ground.

“Ah, child, how could you be so careless?” Mother Meng picked them up with a frown and went to change them for a new pair.

Father Meng was unhappy. “Doesn’t he have hands and legs? You are always spoiling him.”

Meng Ze ignored him and turned to look at his mother. “Mom, that… Geng Xiao Han, does he look like a girl?”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Mother Meng shook her head solemnly. “Apart from being a little fair, he isn’t feminine at all. I’ve seen him a few times, he’s very smart and polite.”

“Others are studying arts and have an elegant temperament. What do you have to nitpick?” Father Meng grumbled from the side.

Meng Ze was speechless. Right after learning that he had a fiance, he had investigated the other party and found that the kid was clearly a spoiled child, who was only good at drinking and fighting. He’d run to gay bars frequently when he was bored.

Although he was studying the arts, his grades were too poor; Fine arts already had low requirements. But why was it that when his parents spoke about him, he became an obedient child?

Besides, he and Geng Xiao Han had no feelings for each other, why should they get married? As for developing feelings? Sorry, he wasn’t interested. He was already busy; If he had the time to coax a silk-bottomed young master, he might as well go foster a son.

That was why he had thought of ways to cancel their engagement after reading the information. Knowing that the two families had a friendly relationship, he used the excuse of liking women to prevent a fallout.

However, if Geng Xiao Han was his secretary…

“Mom, Geng Xiao Han… does he have any special hobbies or issues?” This wasn’t mentioned in the investigation report. Could he have guessed wrong?

“He just likes painting, as for issues… he is just a normal and healthy child. What nonsense are you saying?” Mother Meng shook her head.

Father Meng also had a dark expression. “Don’t think of anything funny. Xiao Han is fine, but even if he really had some issues, you can’t break the engagement because of this.”

Meng Ze: “…” Did he overthink it?

“Enough. This matter ends here. Clear your schedule tomorrow and go with me to the Geng Family to apologise.” Father Meng said curtly.

Meng Ze instinctively wanted to reply, ‘I have a business trip tomorrow’. But thinking about it, he felt that this could be an opportunity. So, he muttered, “Tomorrow’s a workday. Mr Geng is home?”

“Call him Uncle Geng.” Father Meng reminded in annoyance. “Your Uncle Geng broke his leg a while ago, and is currently recuperating at home.”

Broke his leg?

“When did that happen?”

“It seems to be the 20th of last month. What about it?” His father asked.

“Nothing.” Meng Ze immediately shook his head. “Geng Xiao Han will also be there?”

“I’m not sure. I heard his son recently found a job. Ah, he’s really making progress.” Father Meng praised.

When other people’s sons find a job, it’s called making progress. But when his own son started a company, it’s called stinking of copper? Such a huge disparity in treatment.

“From what I can tell, it’s best if Geng Xiao Han is there if we were to go. If we want to break off the engagement, it’s best to seek the opinion of those involved.” Meng Ze suggested, “Speaking of which, I’ve never met him before. Whether or not we get together, we should at least have some form of interaction.”

Father Meng felt that it was reasonable and nodded. “I’ll give Old Geng a call.”

Meng Ze also returned to his room and gave Assistant Fang a call. “When did Secretary Geng apply for leave?”

“It seems to be… around the 20th?” Assistant Fang’s words were slurred, seemingly drunk.

Meng Ze immediately hung up, sure of his guess. If they were the same person, why did Geng Xiao Han cross-dress and secretly approach him as a secretary?

Ze Yuan and the Geng company had no conflict. At times, they would even be partners. So, the probability of him being a spy was pretty low.

Could it be because he called off the engagement?

Thinking about it, Secretary Geng entered the company not long after the engagement was broken off. If he/she was really Geng Xiao Han, that means the situation was actually because he had used the excuse of ‘liking women’ to break the engagement. Geng Xiao Han entered the company in female clothing and tried to seduce him at every turn…

Could it be that the engagement had a very big impact on him? Unlike him, Geng Xiao Han didn’t hate the engagement, but had…always liked him?

Meng Ze told himself to calm down. If he were to continue thinking, his mind would really run wild.

It was simply too strange. Why should he care about such things? He must have definitely suffered a shock from seeing Secretary Geng take out his d*ck. It must be…

He tried to brainwash himself and soon fell asleep.

Xiang Han had drunk quite a bit last night, so his head hurt the whole night and he failed to hear his phone. The next morning, he felt his head splitting open as he applied for leave from Assistant Fang.

After doing so, he saw Father Geng’s missed call and hurriedly dialled back.

“What? Didn’t he go on a business trip?” Hearing Father Geng’s words, Xiang Han’s drowsiness immediately disappeared. He shot up quickly.

“How’d you know he has a business trip?

“No, that’s not the point. The point is, what’s he coming to our house for?” Xiang Han was flabbergasted.

“He didn’t talk about this. But your Uncle Meng said he hopes you’d return since it has something to do with your engagement. Xiao Han, see if you can apply for leave and make a trip back.”

“It’s…not too convenient.” Xiang Han resisted.

“Give me your supervisor’s contact number, I’ll help you.”

Xiang Han couldn’t help groaning. “Alright, alright. I’ll do it and come over in a bit.”

After hanging up, Xiang Han was immediately faced with great bitterness.

Meng Ze was going to the Geng family’s house to see him? He’s doomed. He definitely had to be well-prepared and couldn’t let anything slip!

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