The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 170: China’s first strategic move in six hundred years! (2)

After hearing the uncle's rhetorical question, the audience sent comments one after another.

"Well said! You are awesome!"

"I'm so excited, my words brought tears to my eyes!"

"I sign up! I also want to live on the island!"

"Come on, there's not even fresh water on the island. Do you think it's a vacation?"

"That's right, who doesn't know that big cities are bustling and bustling? But those remote islands must be guarded by someone. These fishermen who have lived in the South China Sea for a long time are all unsung heroes, and they sacrificed their boss!"

Later, Gao Yuan interviewed a middle-aged fisherman wearing a straw hat.

In a hoarse voice, he said very honestly: "You mainlanders don't understand. The situation at sea is very complicated and there are many bad people."

"Please rest assured! Those of us who have been making a living at sea for generations, although we have not read many books and do not understand any big principles, we are still somewhat of a man! We will protect our home and country and will never embarrass everyone!"

After listening to the middle-aged fisherman's simple words, the audience could no longer suppress their inner emotions.

"I was so touched, I was in tears before I knew it."

"It turns out that the situation in the South China Sea is so complicated!"

"It's always been like this, okay. Railings and boundary markers can be built on land, but the sea has no boundaries. If they want to cause trouble, they can't stop it."

"Territorial waters and territorial waters must be occupied!"

As netizens discussed it, many truths gradually emerged.

For most people, the South China Sea is just a name, and they have no idea what is going on in this vast sea area.

Now, netizens have gradually understood that every inch of China's territory is hard to defend and faces severe challenges at every moment.


After Mr. Ruan saw Gao Yuan's live broadcast today, he was stunned. Originally, he was planning to summon various generals to discuss countermeasures.

Now it seems that the discussion is still a joke!

People in China have already moved in, the houses have been built, and pigs and chickens have been raised.

Mr. Ruan was depressed and could not help but feel endless sadness in his heart.

There is an illusion in this world that if China can do it, so can I.

I think back then, when China first built islands in the South China Sea, Annan followed suit and dispatched several fishing boats and a group of migrant workers to transport stones from land to reefs, and then used manpower to throw stones into the sea.

Not long after, a typhoon struck. All the stones that Annan had managed to pile up by manpower were blown away by the typhoon, and nothing happened after that.

This example is a good illustration. Don’t always think about benchmarking with China. You may not be able to do what the infrastructure madman can do.

A few years later, China built several large islands in the South China Sea. Even airports, docks, and schools appeared. The most outrageous thing is that China also created fresh water!

Interested students can search for freshwater lens effect.

Originally, the bottom of the coral island reef was made of ancient dissolved limestone. The caves and pores on it were very well developed and highly permeable, making it easy for seawater to pass through and unable to form a freshwater lens.

However, with the construction of artificial islands, dredgers concentrated the surrounding broken corals and shallow surface rock sand and gravel, forming a low-permeability stratum covering the old limestone stratum. From then on, it became difficult for seawater to penetrate, and Rainwater accumulated on the surface becomes easier to retain, eventually forming a freshwater lens.

This is a miracle created by China. Looking around the world, it is unparalleled and even shocked the infrastructure maniac himself.

It turns out that when you build an island in a coral reef area, as long as it is large enough, you can accumulate rainwater and form a freshwater layer under the island!

In addition, with Kunlun Group's energy storage batteries, it can also be used to desalinate seawater on a large scale at low cost.

There were too many ways. Thinking of all these, Mr. Ruan let out a painful sigh and lowered his head sadly, realizing that with his own size, let alone competition, he was not worthy of being China's opponent.

In this world, China's only opponent is the Angsa White Group, headed by North America!

And since the Opium War in 1860, this protracted peak confrontation between the two major civilizations has never stopped!

On the unnamed new island, Gao Yuan looked seriously at the blue sea with a serious expression.

Then he turned back and faced the camera and said: "Six hundred years ago, Zheng He's fleet once sailed in this sea area. It was like entering an uninhabited land. There was no royal land in the world. Wherever it went, all nations came to pay homage. , it’s really lively.”

"That was an opportunity to open the ocean channel to the world and establish China's maritime hegemony! However, the decadent Ming Dynasty closed this door heavily and started a six-hundred-year history of seclusion. The self-proclaimed dynasty personally It pushed the Chinese nation into the whirlpool of humiliation, from which it will never recover."

"Fortunately, the sky has eyes. The Chinese nation has been on the verge of collapse several times, and has climbed back from the cliff with its perseverance and unyielding willpower."

"The signing of RCEP on November 15, 2020 is a day worth remembering by all Chinese people. Its significance lies not in the free trade zone of fifteen Asian countries, nor in tax exemptions, but in the fact that the Ming Dynasty closed the country for nearly 600 years. Years later, for the first time, the Chinese nation has taken a new strategic approach."

"There are many things in this world, but there is actually no reason. The Tasmanians, the last people on earth who use stone tools, will not ask why, because they were brutally genocide by white Australians in 1869. .”

"The territory of the empire is only within the range that can be covered by artillery fire. Until the number of warships per capita does not exceed that of North America, we must not take it lightly."

"However, after all, we have too many historical debts, and the current shipbuilding progress is far from enough. What should we do?"

Speaking of this, Gao Yuan pointed to the unnamed island that had just been built under his feet, smiled slightly and said: "An unsinkable aircraft carrier, this is my answer!"

"Okay, it's almost time."

"I am Gao Yuan, broadcasting live for you from the South China Sea."

"This ends today's program, see you next time!"

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