The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 178 There is a golden house under the sea! The eve of the launch of junior artificial intell

Gao Yuan announced excitedly that the very precious manganese nodule deposits were discovered during this exploration. However, the viewers who were watching the live broadcast showed confused expressions when they heard the words manganese nodules.

"What are manganese nodules?"

"It's pitch black and looks a lot like coal."

"I don't know about manganese tuberculosis. As a clinical medical student, I only know about highly contagious tuberculosis."

"I can do this question! Manganese nodules are crystals composed of many kinds of metals. They are so precious!"

"I remember the teacher once said that compared to the land, the amount of minerals stored under the sea is unimaginable. The only problem is that it is difficult to mine."

The audience immediately started talking, and everyone believed that there was a real treasure hidden under the sea. This undersea basin was huge, with no end in sight. Countless manganese nodules were just lying on the seabed, just waiting for humans to dig them up.

"This is really an exciting discovery!" Gao Yuan waved his right arm in the water, and because of the installation of a miniature Aurora motor, he could move freely.

"The scientific community has always speculated that manganese nodules can only be generated at a depth of at least 5,000 meters under the sea, and the depth we are currently at is less than 1,500 meters. This shows that the reserves of this type of composite crystal ore may be far away. Much larger than the scientific community had predicted."

"French science fiction novelist Jules Verne once described such a fragment in his famous work "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea": These mineral deposits are distributed under the sea water, like Newcastle's media pit, right here, With wetsuits on and picks and shovels in hand, my crew went out to mine the coal, so I didn't have to ask for coal from the mines above ground."

The plateau arm pointed into the distance, where mountains of manganese nodules were piled up in the basin, and he said excitedly: "Look, this scene, this mining area, is so similar to Verne's description."

"There is a house of gold under the sea. As far as I know, our country's Jiaolong submersible has been performing secret missions in the Pacific all year round. In fact, it is to search for manganese nodules. With the rapid development of deep-sea mining technology, this will definitely change. The mining structure of the entire world!”


In the conference room, the team has become larger. North America has gathered more and more forces to keep an eye on Kunlun Group's every move.

When a large piece of manganese nodule ore was taken out from the bottom of the plateau, the global futures market entered the darkest time in history. China, with its two black technologies of atomic ants and Qianlong motors, was about to occupy 100% of the surface of the earth. The march into the 71-acre ocean will definitely change the resource pattern of the entire world.

"This is terrible..." the special envoy frowned and said sadly: "Most people don't know that under the framework of the United Nations, there is an International Seabed Authority, referred to as ISA. ISA is currently formulating an international code of conduct for mining. The goals are It is for all 168 member states that have signed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to reach a consensus."

"The so-called consensus is actually to establish rules. The high seas range is huge, where mining is allowed and where mining is not allowed, which countries and companies have mining qualifications, which countries are not qualified, etc."

"Now with the support of powerful black technology, China already has the capability of large-scale deep-sea mining. As long as they are not stupid, they will definitely not sign an agreement restricting their own mining."

"I even suspect that with the confidence of China's infrastructure madmen, they will not only mine the seabed, but also occupy all the seabed resources and come up with a seabed colonization plan. However, due to technical limitations, we cannot compete with China."

When the words "technical limitations" were mentioned, Te glanced at the technology tycoons present with a resentful look, seeming to be lamenting why there is no company like Kunlun Group in North America.

The conference room became silent. People imagined the scene of the Chinese people frantically exploiting seabed resources. The big dogs have fallen. It won't be long before Chile sells copper ore, Brazil and Australia sell iron ore, Congo sells nickel, etc. , will also usher in the judgment of fate.

It is said that, feeling the strong crisis, it is actively switching to wool and milk production, striving to transform from a resource supplier to China into an agricultural product supplier.

Due to the scarcity of land, the current amount of cultivated land in China can only ensure that everyone has enough food, but cannot solve the problem of allowing everyone to eat meat.

Even during the most tense moments of the epidemic, China never stopped importing beef and shrimp through the cold chain just because of the need for table supply.

In any case, at least it still occupies an agricultural advantage. As for other resource-based countries, they have to ask for their own blessings.

"They are still short of lithium ores! A comprehensive upgrade of new energy sources has caused China's lithium ore consumption to grow at a rate of dozens of times every year!"

"Today China can mine manganese nodules from the seabed, and tomorrow it can mine lithium ores. All it lacks is a great geographical discovery."

"Yes, Chinese people often say that one trick can eat them all over the world. After mastering the black technology of deep-sea mining, they can no longer restrict them in the field of resources. Compared with the land, what is there on the seabed?"

"Otherwise, let's reconcile..."

A voice came out, and everyone looked around and saw that it was Mr. Bill Gates of the Microsoft Group.

With a worried look on his face and confusion in his eyes, he spoke clearly: "The Chinese people are progressing too fast, and the longer the time drags on,"

Some of the big guys nodded slightly and agreed with Bill Gates. Businessmen are just looking for money. There is no need to compete with lunatics like Gao Yuan.

The scariest thing about idealists is that in their eyes, money is just a tool to realize their ideals, while for capitalists, people are tools and money is the ideal.

"However, there has never been a technological war between us and Plateau." At this time, Musk suddenly said: "If there was a war, it was last year. Plateau was once very eager to put its solid state Battery cars are sold to us.”

"Everyone knows what happened next, and we used means to stop them."

"Since then, Gao Yuan has changed his strategy and started practicing internal strength."

"Kunlun Dark Star, Kunlun Chasing Moon, Kunlun Aurora, have these technologies been sold to us? No! In the past year, although we and China are both on the earth, they seem to have become two completely different parallel worlds!"

"We watched their cars fly into the sky, watched them build powerful motors, and then used the motors to build mechas and deep-sea mining ships. All of this happened within China and had nothing to do with us."

“There is no technological war at all, so how can there be reconciliation?”


It was embarrassing now, and Mr. Bill Gates was scratching his head.

Indeed, the current situation is that China and the West are not at war with each other at all, but have entered a parallel world state where you develop yours and I develop mine.

In this state, go to Gao Yuan to negotiate?

What to talk about?

Can we talk about it?

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please recommend!

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