The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 134: Academy of Basic Sciences

Zhou Yu walked downstairs and went to the front desk to meet Wei Tianpeng.

He thought about Wei Tianpeng's information.

Wei Tianpeng, male, 49 years old.

Professor of Logic, Nankai University.

Major in logic and mathematics, proficient in physics, chemistry, biology.

Participated in the design of multiple laboratory projects at Nankai University.

He has designed scientific research projects for the Tianyuan Chinese Academy of Sciences branch and participated in the basic science research and development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

He is an expert majoring in mathematics and logic, and has deep knowledge of other disciplines.

Wei Tianpeng's ability is obvious to all, but he has not been promoted for many years. Of course, he has some problems, and his personality defects are very prominent.

Zhou Yu thought of adjusting her mood right away and saw that there was a person at the front desk who looked like a migrant worker and was talking with the front desk customer service Kan Dashan.

This person was the logic expert Wei Tianpeng he contacted. Zhou Yu hurried forward and greeted him, "Uncle Wei, I can give you hope, and you will be able to run it formally at our Spark Institute of Basic Science and Technology."

With his big hand, Wei Tianpeng patted Zhou Yu's shoulders twice. Haha laughed: "The young man is honest and a real person."

He opened his eyes wide and pointed his fingers at these eyes, saying: "Logic and mathematics are both a kind of natural philosophy. I am a philosophy. I have a pair of eyes that see through people ’s hearts. Are they honest or hypocritical to me? My eyes See it at a glance. "

Zhou Yu knew that Wei Tianpeng did not lie. He not only studied logic and mathematics, but also studied psychology in pursuit of his wife.

This allowed him to integrate various disciplines and develop a pair of golden eyes, which can be used to judge the person's impression of him based on the subtle movements inadvertently revealed.

Wei Tianpeng has this ability. He is very compatible with people with a good temper, and often conflicts with people for no reason.

Zhou Yu was sincerely inviting him to Spark Technology. He had no worries and was not afraid that Wei Tianpeng would see his thoughts.

"Uncle Wei can come to Xinghuo Technology, then it means that you are already inclined to our company, and I will take you to the scientific research center to visit." Zhou Yu suggested.

Wei Tianpeng patted Zhou Yu's shoulder again, and said with a grin: "Uncle Wei has a good title, and he felt that he was not treated as an outsider.

Some people are calling Professor Wei expert Wei in their mouths, and they do not know what swear words are being scolded at me. Such hypocritical people hate it most. "

Zhou Yu began to take Wei Tianpeng to visit the scientific research center, but only visited the hardware facilities and personnel situation, and took a distant look at the biosafety fourth-level laboratory that was almost completed.

After completing their visit, Zhou Yu asked: "Uncle Wei, what is your impression of our company? I am going to make you the director of the Basic Science Research Institute, give you 12-level employees treatment, enjoy the company's rights issue, research results and dividends. . "

"Your company is very good. I feel that your company is very willing to do scientific research. The Chinese Academy of Sciences does not have the same skills as you. It really dares to invest in some projects and is not afraid of failure in research." Wei Tianpeng applauded.

Of course, Zhou Yu would not say the existence of the science and technology tree. He confidently said: "Failure is the mother of success. Every successful scientific research project must go through countless failures and sum up its experience to succeed.

Even if the project completely failed, I also trained talents through this project, and found that a completely inaccessible path is not without the slightest gain. "

Wei Tianpeng patted Zhou Yu's shoulder heavily and said with satisfaction: "You are really open-minded, and ordinary private entrepreneurs do not have such a high level of consciousness.

Only with this awareness can you go further in the field of basic scientific research. Those who are clamoring for a year to produce results and lead the world for five years, I immediately hide away and don't go through this muddy water. "

"Uncle Wei agreed to join our company." Zhou Yu quickly asked.

Wei Tianpeng laughed: "Of course I agree. If I don't agree to turn around and leave early, I'm still telling you what I've been doing for so long!"

Those of the Chinese Academy of Sciences always take me as a think tank expert and ask me for their ideas, then leave me aside.

I'm not going to be Zhuge Liang, I'm going to be Liu Bei and personally build a foundation.

You ca n’t come to the world in stripes, and go back in stripes, leaving no trace at all.

I will use my student's name in future textbooks. People can't escape my name when talking about a certain subject.

How can I enjoy the benefits of being in charge of a scientific research unit leader? I will never be able to achieve my ideals at Nankai University. I hope that I can achieve my ideals here at Spark Technology. "

"Welcome Uncle Wei to join Spark Technology, I believe Uncle Wei and Spark Technology will complement each other and realize your ideals." Zhou Yu said with joy.

Zhou Yu personally led Wei Tianpeng through all the entry procedures.

He was very anxious. After reviewing a number of high-level basic science scientists, Wei Tianpeng was the only one who had hope to come to Spark Technology.

A truly level basic science scientist, except for a very difficult person like Wei Tianpeng, has no actual results to increase his worth.

Basically all people's countries are guarded by babies. How can they get them to work at Spark Technology.

Wei Tianpeng completed the induction process and learned about his treatment and authority.

He said happily: "This is the right that the first leader should have. No wonder everyone wants to be the first leader, not that the first leader has no autonomy!"

When they came to Zhou Yu's office, Wei Tianpeng sat down and said, "Xiao Zhou, I think you are also the kind of old-fashioned man. No, it is the kind of man who makes plans afterwards.

I think you also have your own opinions on the Academy of Basic Sciences. The background of Spark Technology is there. It is impossible to blend all the projects like the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We must have the main research direction. "

Zhou Yu heard Wei Tianpeng say that he prefers to cooperate with Wei Tianpeng. This person has a strange temper, but he is really not the kind of person with low emotional intelligence and not very good cooperation.

"Uncle Wei is right. The current knowledge of Spark Technology is somewhat inadequate. We have to study some certain projects.

Mathematics is the foundation of all natural sciences, and materials are the foundation of all applied sciences.

Let's start with mathematical research. The development of mathematics is far beyond the progress of natural science. Nowadays, we often find theories proposed by mathematicians hundreds of years ago, which can guide the theoretical foundations of physics, chemistry, or biology that are now discovered.

What we have to do is to try to summarize the laws discovered by our company through mathematical means as far as possible. If the theorems and formulas can be formed, it will be the greatest result.

In terms of materials science, UU Reading www. We are going to explore the direction that the scientific research community has already proposed, but there is no result yet.

According to the research of the leading paper, I think that long silicon chain composites are an important development direction in the future.

Organic matter composed of ultra-long carbon chains constitutes life and forms ultra-complex materials.

As a silicon element with similar properties in the carbon group and the carbon element, it can also form long chains under suitable conditions. We will now find this condition. "

Wei Tianpeng patted Zhou Yu's shoulder again, agreeing: "You two projects are really good. They are not good enough to do research in a down-to-earth manner. This is the quality required for basic science research.

Xiao Zhou, rest assured! When you give me the Basic Science Research Institute, you have confidence in me. I will set up the Basic Science Research Institute as soon as possible, and study these projects carefully. It will never let your trust and investment fail, and there will be results of research. . "

Zhou Yu raised his right hand and hailed with each other: "We work together to make the Academy of Basic Sciences the most solid foundation for other research institutes in the research center."

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