The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 306: Flying Car Conference

After the flying car obtains the relevant documents, the press conference is coming, and Spark Technology will begin to promote the flying car to a limited extent.

Xinghuo Technology has not invested massive resources to carry out saturated propaganda on flying cars.

Flying cars cost up to 2 million, and it is really not expensive compared to luxury cars.

But 2 million can be called a huge sum, and you can buy a house in a second-tier city.

With a population of 1.4 billion, China Huaxia can afford 2 million to buy a car, including those who have bought a loan, which will definitely not exceed 5% of the total population.

Flying car positioning is not a mass commodity, but a high-end commodity. Its total potential customers are not many, but they are all customers with strong spending power.

Spark Technology, based on the information collected by smart devices, Xianghua serves as chief commander to personalize customized advertising services for these groups.

Push the safety performance of flying cars to people who lack security.

Push the convenience of flying cars to those who love to play.

For those who like DIY, we recommend abundant accessories for flying cars.

On June 20, 2025, Spark Technology held a launch conference for flying cars at the Longshou Building of the headquarters.

The international mainstream media invited by Spark Technology and the audience who bought tickets because of curiosity, they gradually entered the venue.

"Xinghuo Technology has finally developed the conference again, hoping that flying cars will give people a bright look."

"Xinghuo Technology has been doing nothing for years, giving up their main business.

Either build a water city, become a miner in the sea, or burn money to play in the aerospace industry.

Spark Technology has not held a press conference for a long time. "

"Yeah! The previous press conferences were all about tinkering with the product, and no final product appeared.

If I hadn't seen the name of Spark Technology often in the news, I would have thought that the company was going to close down.

They have been silent for a long time, hoping that this time it will be a blockbuster. "

Media reporters and spectators quickly entered the scene of the Spark Auto Flying Car conference.

They stood in the designated position, and the audience area was separated by a yellow cordon. No one was allowed to cross the cordon.

Nine drop-shaped cars of different colors drove towards the audience area at high speed, and some viewers made subconscious moves.

These nine cars are still a long way from the audience area, and a blue flame burst suddenly under their chassis, quickly rising to high altitude and hovering in the sky 10 meters above the ground.

These nine cars are flying cars promoted by Spark Technology.

"I didn't expect the car to really fly. I thought it was a gimmick from Spark Technology. The car just has a gliding function."

"Can a car without a tire be called a car? I think this can be called a flying machine. Xinghuo Technology will blindly promote it," said an audience like a lemon essence.

The audience immediately countered: "The eyes are useless and can be donated to those in need.

When the flying car approached the audience area just now, there were obviously 4 wheels underneath.

The four wheels of a flying car can be like a landing gear, and they are received inside the car as soon as it takes off.

I estimate that flying cars do this in much the same way that airplanes retract their landing gear. "

The front cover of a silver-gray flying car suddenly rose in the sky, revealing Zhou Yu's figure.

Media reporters adjusted the camera's position and rushed to capture Zhou Yu's performance.

The audience area was filled with cheers.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhou Yu, the president of Spark Technology. Because I've been busy with more important things during this time, I haven't hosted the company's product launch for a long time, and today I'm here to host the launch of the flying car.

The voice of Zhou Yu's speech, after the proliferation of field equipment, made everyone hear clearly.

The holographic image below the flying car shows the basic properties of the flying car.

For example, flying car quality, flying speed, flying acceleration, mileage and other basic information.

This is the first time that the properties of the flying car have been fully disclosed, and the audience who came to the scene and watched the live broadcast immediately became an uproar.

"Is this true? Flying cars are so fast. The cruising speed of three and a half generations of airplanes is not as fast as flying cars."

"Add a weapon to the front of the flying car, and it will be a more powerful weapon than many fighters.

Useless products are so powerful that this kind of product cannot be used for military purposes. It's so exciting to think about it. "

"The attributes of flying cars are so powerful, and the price is definitely not low. I just hope that flying cars are not too expensive, so that our middle-class loans can be affordable."

"Flying cars are moving too fast, and our human bodies can't stand it.

Xinghuo Technology can push the flying car out, it should be able to solve the discomfort caused by the human body when running at high speed.

Without solving this problem, flying cars are not purchased for the purpose of improving the quality of life, but for the crime. "

Zhou Yu saw that the audience was calmed down by the powerful performance of the flying car, and a smile appeared on his face. This was a good start.

"Everyone in our flying car estimates the price. Is it worth hundreds of millions or tens of millions.

You know this is a unique flying car that can hover in the air for a long time. "

The audience heard Zhou Yu's problems, and the scene fell into silence.

They immediately responded that such an advanced flying car must be very expensive. Even if it was a loan, few people could afford a flying car.

What's more, flying cars are worth tens of millions, and no bank will give flying cars loans.

Zhou Yu saw the audience silent, knowing that they were scared by the possible price of flying cars.

He raised this issue in order to create a contrast and make the audience more impressed with flying cars.

"Our nationwide unified retail price of flying cars is 1.99 million yuan. If you want a loan to buy a car, the loan amount issued by the major banks will prevail."

Zhou Yu revealed the mystery of the price of flying cars, and the audience at the scene apparently relaxed.

"It's not expensive and it's good value for money."

"It ’s even more fun to drive a flying car. Which million-class luxury car can fly in the sky, after you release it, you must buy one ~ ~ Zhou Yu coughs twice, attracting the attention of the audience.

"Flying cars are an emerging product. To ensure that consumers can buy flying cars with confidence.

We at Spark Technology hereby promise that flying cars enjoy a three-year unconditional warranty.

As long as it is not a car accident or human damage, Xinghuo Technology will replace the faulty flying car free of charge. "

When the audience heard this promise, they immediately applauded warm applause, which gave them more peace of mind to buy flying cars.

Seeing the performance of the audience, Zhou Yu knew that the sales of flying cars would never be low.

Their company passed this policy to dispel the doubts in consumers' minds.

Flying car adopts advanced processing technology, and the damage of parts within three years is extremely unlikely.

They are more confident in their products and publicly promise such terms without pressure.

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