The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 315: Life on the space station (below)

Kong Deyang was ready to overhaul the equipment of the space factory, put it on the edge of the bedroom, and wait for a while to return with his own tools to overhaul.

In addition to his ground-assigned missions, he also has a daily mission at the Space Factory.

Of the three astronauts, only he can complete this daily task, which is inseparable from his growing environment.

Coming from a rural background, Kong Deyang has a much stronger skill than Long Ge and Wang Tong, and that is pig raising.

He is now going to the pig house in the agricultural standard cabin. The pig is the only animal raised on the space station.

Most of the other food they eat is transported from the ground. Only a small amount of vegetables and pork can be provided by the agricultural standard cabin.

Kong Deyang came to the pig pen. The pigs in the pig pen were different from the pigs on the earth.

They are cleaned by intelligent robots and are not dirty at all.

The pig is an animal that loves cleanliness. If the piggery is too dirty, pigs are susceptible to certain diseases.

The pig houses where pigs are housed on earth are very dirty, mainly because the range of pigs inside is limited.

Even if a person is housed in a small space, he is not much cleaner than a pig in order to survive.

The biggest difference between pigs in pigpens and pigs on the earth is that they have oxygen tubes inserted in their noses.

It is a waste to assign the space station agricultural standard cabin here with the same standard atmosphere as the living cabin.

In order to ensure the survival of certain animals and plants, they are equipped with corresponding atmospheric environments according to their living habits.

Kong Deyang came to the pighouse. He didn't come to feed the pigs himself. The pigs were fed by intelligent robots.

His main purpose is to observe the condition of the pigs, as these pigs have different recipes from the pigs on earth.

The feed they eat is all made from space plants.

Kong Deyang knows that scientists do this mainly to allow the space station to achieve food circulation, even if it is part of the food cycle.

This technology is entirely for the future development of the moon or other planets.

There are only three of them on the space station, and transporting food from Earth is perfectly adequate.

If there are 300,000 people on the moon, the resources consumed will be huge, and the country cannot afford it.

If you develop a base on Mars, it will take several years to travel from the moon to Mars, and people will starve to death before the food is transported in an emergency.

The intelligent robot feeds the pig with feed made from space plants, and Kong Deyang records the state of the pig.

Scientists choose pigs as animals. One is that they are a common recipe for humans.

The most important reason is that among common herbivores or omnivores, only pigs have consumed space plants for a long time, and the various components in the body have not changed.

This proves that space plants cannot affect the quality of pork, and people can eat it with peace of mind.

Kong Deyang carefully checked the condition of each pig, and was not adapted to the life of the space station. Pigs with poor health would be their ingredients for tomorrow.

He climbed back to the living module again, and took the kit to inspect the space factory. Head to the space factory to check the condition of the intelligent industrial robot inside.

Kong Deyang came to the space factory, where there are many high-end intelligent industrial robots, which are responsible for processing some products that are difficult to process on the earth.

He heard that Xinghuo Technology has a nuclear power plant that has eliminated intelligent industrial robots and processed products with four basic forces.

Part of the space station's space plant comes from the nuclear power plant.

Kong Deyang took out a device like a handheld computer and connected it to a smart robot through a data cable.

This device will read the parameters of the intelligent robot. This parameter can be compared with the state of the intelligent robot to detect whether the intelligent robot has hidden dangers.

Kong Deyang believes that this kind of work can be done by any intelligent robot.

I don't know why scientists have to arrange them to complete this work, this is a complete waste of manpower and resources.

It may be that people on the ground think of ways to exercise themselves in order to make them more active.

Kong Deyang usually only kept pigs in the space station, and he couldn't understand the equipment in the space laboratory. This simple task can also adjust his mood.

Dulong, wearing a bulky space suit, leaned against the door to rest.

He is using his smart device to talk to his daughter.

The space station is not the same as the previous spacecraft. It was not easy for the former spacecraft to talk to the ground.

Now the space station is much simpler. The space station is located under the neutrino communication satellite and is covered by the neutrino communication satellite network.

Astronauts can easily talk to the ground, but their calls have a delayed effect.

Relevant departments should review the calls between the space station and the ground.

"Dad, you are the big hero in my heart. My children and I said that Dad is an astronaut, and they all envy me that I have such a great dad."

"Daughter, you have to listen to your mother at home, study hard, and let your mother worry less about you. Dad is going to work right now."

Du Long ended the call with his daughter, and he has received a message from the smart device that the cargo box of Xinghuo Technology's cargo is about to reach the space station.

He opened the inner compartment door of the space station and came into a small room of only 5 square meters. Dulong turned and closed the inner door of the space station.

This small room had a flexible mechanical rope, and Dulong fastened it tightly to his space suit.

This was his life support, and there was no rope to tie it up, and he couldn't return after going out.

Dulong did all the security measures, opened the outer compartment door of the space station, and came into space.

The scenery in space is wonderful, he can see the huge sun and stars appearing together in one scene.

Before he could enjoy the beauty of the universe, the smart device received a reminder that the cargo box of the mass projector was about to arrive at the space station.

Dulong soon saw a huge cargo box not far from the space station.

It sprayed a light blue flame, was decelerating and braking, and quickly reduced to the speed of the space station, showing a relatively static state with the space station.

Du Long looked at the cargo box more than 10 meters away from the space station. He knew that the time to test himself was coming.

He slowly moved through space, making his body, the space station, and the cargo box present a right-angled triangle.

The eyes can clearly see the interface between the space station and the cargo box, and it does not affect the docking of the device ~ ~ Dulong began to instruct the movement of the cargo box through the intelligent device connected to the nerve.

He has a self-aligning mechanical structure, plus his experience formed through many trainings.

Dulong controlled the cargo container and immediately connected to the space station.

There was no accident during the whole process, and the cargo container and the space station were smoothly connected together.

The cargo inside is transported to the space station by intelligent robots.

Dulong again operated the cargo container to separate it from the space station. The separation process was more difficult than the connection process.

The separation must be completed in an instant, and the container should be accelerated away from it immediately, otherwise the speed of the two devices will be different and it will be easy to hit together.

Dulong operated the cargo container to complete the separation mission. He watched the cargo container return to Earth and returned to the space station himself.

This intense and usual job is his daily life on the space station.

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