The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 324: Solve the problem

After the Scientific and Technical Committee reached a resolution, everyone else left.

Zhou Yu asked Chen Jin puzzledly: "Xiao Jin, why did you hint me just now and promised Wang Xiaoxiao their request.

Human cloning is a very cumbersome project, and now biotechnology in various countries can already achieve human cloning.

When the cloned sheep Dolly was born, the clones had no technical obstacles.

Major world powers have also cloned primates.

At present, the main obstacle to human cloning is not technical obstacles, but after the emergence of human clones, he will have a drastic impact on society, and scientific and ethical issues hinder the development of human clones.

Does cloning have human rights? Does humans use cloning as a tool or a sibling?

What if there are clones of several celebrities?

Human cloning really appears in reality, which can cause great social panic.

It is precisely because these are not technical issues that human cloning technology has resulted, and it still has not been recognized by mainstream society.

For the most lax management of clones, scientists in Western countries, such as the United States, have just completed cloning human embryos.

They did not dare to go against the tide and create true clones.

It is just the pressure of public opinion that makes them unbearable. The scientist who created the clone will certainly die socially.

We Spark Technology really wants to take the lead, it is simply a victim of the precursor of the king.

Other interested parties will certainly use the pressure of society and public opinion to bankrupt us, and secretly research clones on our bodies. "

Zhou Yu's tone didn't stop. He directly asked all the doubts in his heart. He believed that Chen Jin was not nonsense.

Chen Jin should have a plan in mind, but Zhou Yu couldn't think of any way to avoid this problem.

The whole society is shunned by clones. Once this Pandora's box is opened, it will definitely not be limited by the enactment of several laws.

Some people now fight dog heads to fight for family property.

The cloned person really appeared. Some filial sons are likely to clone his father, and let the cloner transfer his father's legacy to him.

This is only a minor harm to clones, and the greater harm caused by clones cannot be expressed in words.

When the clones flood, the order that maintains the whole society will collapse.

Under the nest, the tadpoles have finished eggs. After the collapse of the social order, even if Spark Technology achieved more results before, it will not be able to make up for the future price.

"Husband, I ask you a question, what is a person." Chen Jin asked with a smile.

Zhou Yu waved his hand and replied helplessly: "You are a philosophical question, how can I answer clearly.

I know that human rights of clones and ordinary people will definitely not be the same. Now mainstream media say that people are created equal, but this is really just a slogan.

We believe that the world is peaceful. In fact, there are only a few countries in the world that can maintain peace.

Even if millions of people in the Middle East are displaced, they are not as good as a fire in Paris.

This is the difference brought about by the power of the country and the right to speak, but clones are inherently highly topical.

The question of whether humans are cloned or not is not something we can handle and argue over the centuries without reaching a consensus. "

"Husband, you have misunderstood what I mean. If you want others to recognize that the clone is a human, the clone must show similar abilities to others in order to arouse the sympathy of others.

If a monkey is shaped like a human, will others be human because of it? Is it granted to others?

Certainly not. Those who are full-fledged are the Virgin. Such people are there anytime, but they are not the mainstream of society. Chen Jin gave an example.

After Zhou Yu listened to Chen Jin's words, he immediately responded and said, "Xiao Jin, you mean to limit some ability of cloning human beings and make them significantly different from others."

"Yes, we are now mainly using clones and human-like characteristics to verify the effects of gene and cell strengthening.

We are not short of labor. We want clones to be labor.

The clone does not need to have the ability to think, nor does the clone need to have the ability to reproduce.

A clone who can't think, can only lie on the bed like a vegetative, they can never wake up, and they can't reproduce.

Do people think that they are humans? Is anyone still fighting for such clones?

Are there any concerns about the impact of cloning on human society?

Nor would they think that vegetative clones would have any impact on human society.

In this way, we break the chains bound to the clones. "

Chen Jin said that she had considered a long-term plan. When developing artificial organs, Spark Technology needed human clones to serve as experimental equipment.

It is precisely because of the constraints of public opinion and other reasons that they choose a more complicated and higher risk approach.

Chen Jin surveyed on the Internet to find out what normal people think of clones.

She discussed the problem of human cloning with experts and integrated the opinions of all aspects of society before thinking of this plan.

Zhou Yu said with surprise: "This is really a feasible method. When the cloned person does not have the normal human characteristics, he can only become an experimental device.

Even if someone is still worried, we can choose to destroy the clones within a limited time.

As long as the cloner completes the experiment he should do, he will complete the mission, and the destruction is not painful. "

Zhou Yu also agreed with Chen Jin's proposal, which is already a more feasible option under current social conditions.

They did not develop human clones, but rather anthropomorphic experimental equipment.

After the experimental equipment is developed, some feasibility experiments will be destroyed.

According to Huaxia's law, scientists can cultivate human embryos for half a month and then must destroy them.

The current human cloning project planned by Spark Technology is not about cultivating people who can act independently. It should be more relaxed in terms of policy.

After determining the development plan of clones, Zhou Yu is ready to contact relevant experts to start customizing the genes of clones.

Zhou Yu went to the Genetic Research Institute to find Wang Xiaoxiao ~ ~ and explained his thoughts to him.

After hearing this, Wang Xiaoxiao said with a look of amazement: "General Manager Zhou, you originally wanted to adopt this method, which is not technically difficult.

We have not yet determined which gene in the human body controls the brain's thinking activities.

But we can cut off the entire gene chain responsible for thinking, leaving only cloned human tissues and organs.

It's just that this plan is also easy to be restricted. We don't want to secretly make clones, we also need to pass the review of relevant state departments. "

Zhou Yu said with confidence: "You only need to modify the technical standards for manufacturing clones according to my opinions to form a specific manufacturing plan.

Whether the project can pass the state review is up to us. Don't let this kind of chores interfere with your work. "

When Wang Xiaoxiao led the scientific research team to design the human cloning scheme, Zhou Yu also learned about other scientific research projects involving ethical issues from other scientists through Spark's relationship network.

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