The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 372: Hollow bulb

At 5:00 am on March 28, Zhou Yu and the Spark Science and Technology Research Institute waited at the edge of the Research Institute Square.

They waited for the hollow cavities mined below the meteorite crater on the back of the moon.

Peng Feng cannot use tools to destroy these hollow bubbles. They can only use the most stupid method to peel these hollow bubbles from the lunar rock formation and transport them to the earth as a whole.

There are only 32 complete hollow bubbles mined on the moon, and there are some broken hollow bubble fragments.

The roar of the space shuttle engine rang above Zhou Yu, and he looked up.

The space shuttle to which Xinghuo Technology belongs is all parked above the Academy Square.

Its particle electric push engine emits a dark blue flame and is running at almost full power.

Because the overall weight of the space shuttle has exceeded the maximum value of the on-board anti-gravity equipment, it is subject to the huge gravity of the earth and can only be offset by the recoil force of the particle electric push engine.

A space shuttle only carries a hollow bubble, which is nothing more than an oval hollow sphere with a diameter of about 5 meters.

However, the density of this material is very high. It weighs more than 8 million tons as a whole. The space shuttle has overloaded this equipment.

Zhou Yu nervously instructed: "Adjust the basic force field and prepare to carry the hollow bubbles to the laboratory."

The mass of the hollow bubble is too large, no mechanical equipment can move it, and it can only be transported using the nuclear force of the basic force field.

Hollow bubbles have been found more than 10 days ago on the moon. The reason why they are now transported to the earth is to arrange the basic force field on the moon and move these hollow bubbles into the space shuttle.

The shuttle's hatch opened, and the seemingly tiny hollow bubble was dropped directly from the shuttle.

Due to the sharp decrease in the mass of the space shuttle, the space shuttle rushed towards the sky quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The hollow bubble dropped from the space shuttle began to descend rapidly under the gravity of the earth.

After descending to a few hundred meters, it seemed to crash into some kind of colloid.

You can see that the speed is weakening at the extreme speed, and soon it becomes a slow downward drift.

The hollow bubble slowly landed and hovered two meters above the ground.

Zhou Yu looked at the hollow bubbles floating in the air. He had seen the photos of the hollow bubbles before, but when he took a close look, his heart was still very shocked.

The hollow bubbles reflect the colorful light-like scene under the reflection of the faint lights on the square.

Ignoring the image caused by the light, you can see that the hollow bubble is a transparent oval sphere.

At the two centers of this elliptical sphere, two substances are suspended.

One of them is lifelike alien life. This alien life is not a fossil look, he is like a living life sleeping.

The other is a special substance that cannot be detected by the basic force field.

Zhou Yu waved his hands and said to the anxious scientists: "Hollow bubbles have been transported. You can start scientific research.

But pay attention to two points.

First, we must pay attention to safety.

Not only the safety of scientific researchers, but also the safety of invasion of foreign life.

Make sure that the alien life cells we study are inactive.

I don't want to engage in an alien life invasion, this potential risk must be stifled in the bud.

The second point is to ensure the integrity of the research specimens. Try not to crack it violently.

We have completed the exploration of the moon. There are only 32 hollow bubbles on the moon. Once these samples have been consumed, there are no samples to study.

If technical means cannot crack these hollow bubbles, even if the specimen is sealed, do not use unsure experimental methods. "

After Zhou Yu's explanation, the basic force field began to move the hollow bubble and transported it to the specially-built laboratory.

Scientists began to use their expertise to explore this mysterious hollow bubble.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed, and scientists have explored hollow bubbles with great results.

In order to meet the scientific research needs of scientists in the hollow bubble project, it also improves the research efficiency of major research laboratories.

The Spark Institute of Science and Technology adjusted its organizational structure again.

Some are not very difficult, and quantum computers can develop most of the technology, all of which are given to Ma Shangshu's junior science and technology laboratory.

The basic science laboratory led by Wei Tianpeng is mainly responsible for the theoretical expression of new scientific and technological achievements.

Other laboratories are only responsible for high-tech projects, and they no longer undertake personnel training tasks.

All personnel training is completed by the junior science and technology laboratory.

At the same time, scientists are given more freedom, and the establishment of scientists is no longer controlled by major laboratories.

Their project is approved by the Scientific and Technical Committee, and they can freely complete the project with the help of any laboratory resources.

On May 2, Zhou Yu held a scientific conference to summarize the research results of hollow bubbles.

Yu Zhenfeng, director of the Particle Science Laboratory, reported: "The particles on the outer wall of the hollow bubble are very neatly arranged, and its density has reached one third of that of white dwarfs.

We constantly pull through the high-capacity field to destroy the outer wall of this hollow bubble.

There is sufficient evidence to show that hollow vesicles are a civilizational creation, and it is definitely not naturally produced. "

When Zhou Yu heard the news, he was not surprised at all. The ability to put extraterrestrial life and a mysterious substance inside the hollow bubble must be the result of the intervention of extraterrestrial civilization.

Wang Xiaoxiao, director of the Life Science Lab, said: "We have cracked a hollow bubble ~ ~ have got the genetic code of the alien life and its organelles.

These extraterrestrial life are all life-inactivating cells, and its genetic material composition is very special, which is very different from our life on Earth.

The life of our planet cannot borrow the research results of extraterrestrial life cells.

But by studying the genetic material of extraterrestrial life, we haven't found anything.

By analyzing the genetic material of alien life, we find that this single-celled alien life is in an infant state.

It really grows up, it will be a behemoth that is comparable to a giant ship of 100,000 tons, and he is also a single-celled creature.

We speculate that the mysterious substance inside the hollow bubble is to provide nutrients for alien life.

We are now working on a mysterious substance, and from the inferred efficacy, it works for any carbon-based life cell, including us humans.

It's just that I don't know what causes these alien life to be killed instantly. "

Zhou Yu heard the scientist Wang Xiaoxiao tell him that he has formed a possibility in his mind that alien life reaches the moon.

Alien life was in crisis, and he directly protected the babies of his own race. Let him survive elsewhere.

They use hollow bubbles as a protective compartment to protect their civilized infants.

As a result, these hollow bubbles did not know what the cause was, causing all the alien life inside them to die.

These hollow bubbles also collided with the original fragments of the moon to form the most primitive lunar core.

Li Qihua, the director of the Basic Force Field Lab, said excitedly, "General Manager Zhou, we can find hollow bubbles, which is really fortunate.

Previous small nuclear fusion reactor projects have stalled.

We found that the particle composition of the outer wall of the hollow bubble is very delicate. We have used materials to simulate these structures and have manufactured high-density materials that can withstand thermonuclear reactions. "

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