The old man was very angry.

Agus' words successfully shifted everyone's attention to Ron.

Only then did everyone realize that Mr. Weasley, who had been calling him a thief, had unknowingly come to the door of the carriage.

Ron, who was discovered, dodged his eyes and was not as arrogant as before.

"I didn't say anything wrong, why should I apologize!"

"Who knows that Ralph wasn't secretly sent by Malfoy to hide in there!"

"Are you crazy? Draco has been slandering you just now, so how can he send someone over!"

Daphne didn't tolerate him and directly responded.

As Draco's sister-in-law in the original book, she is also the Greengrass family, one of the twenty-eight sacred families.

She and Draco have known each other since childhood. If it weren't for Argus, they would have fought long ago!

Now, Ron was completely speechless and could only look to his two brothers and Harry Potter for help.

Fred and George were not mindless people who protected their shortcomings, especially when it was clear what was right and wrong.

Even if the Weasley family and Malfoy were at odds, they would not force black and white.

Let alone Harry!

He was reluctant to believe that Draco would do such a thing from beginning to end, but he was too soft-hearted and believed whatever others said.

Without the support of the savior, the biggest popularity, Ron's face flushed.

He said softly: "I'm sorry!"

He turned around and got into the carriage.

"Okay, everyone, the matter is resolved. Looking at the time, we will soon arrive at Hogwarts. Go back and change your clothes."

"The premise is not to go to the wrong carriage!"

Argus's words attracted a good-natured laugh from everyone.

If Argus' image just now was elegant and powerful, now he is more easy-going.

Hermione poked Argus hard with her elbow, signaling him not to learn bad things from the Weasley twins.

"Draco, go back to the carriage with Pansy and the others first, I have something to say to Harry."

Argus saw Neville beside Harry, and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

Should we try to trick Harry Potter into Slytherin?

Since he came to this world, he has discovered more than once that the progress of the world is not unchangeable.

For example, his father, Grindelwald.

Or today's disappearance of Radford.

According to this trend, it is not impossible to put Harry into Slytherin!

It doesn't matter what impact it has on the world, the main thing is to make things difficult for Dumbledore!

Moreover, keeping Harry under his nose makes it easier to secretly play a game with Dumbledore.

Just do it!


After the crowd dispersed, Harry brought Neville to Argus with a depressed look.

"Argus, am I really bad?"

"Hagrid said I must be a Gryffindor, but... but I don't even have the courage to defend my friends."

"I... I..."

"Look at me, Harry!" Argus' tone was as gentle as ever.

"There is never only one kind of courage. Being able to face yourself honestly is also a kind of courage."

"Besides, Hogwarts has more than just Gryffindor. Other colleges may not be unsuitable for you."

"For example, Mr. Longbottom."

When Neville heard Argus mention himself, he looked up in confusion.

"Mr. Longbottom corrects his mistakes and faces them squarely. This is the courage of Gryffindor, but at the same time, he is sincere to his friends and upright. This is the loyalty of Hufflepuff."

"As one of the sacred twenty-eight families, he is a pure wizard, which is the blood of Slytherin."

"Do you mean that I have more than one house trait?" Harry asked hurriedly.

"Of course!"

"But... but Hagrid and Ron, they both said that Gryffindor is the best house."

Argus just smiled slightly.

"There is never a best college, only the one that suits you best."

"Gryffindor is brave and fearless, but that doesn't mean it is perfect."

"Just like today, Mr. Weasley, who bravely stood up to accuse Draco in order to help Neville, is a standard Gryffindor-style courage."

"But it is undeniable that he did not understand the course of events and determined that Draco was the murderer based on his personal preferences."

"The consequences are obvious. Not only did Draco get wronged, but the passage was also congested, and many people couldn't go back to the carriage."

Aggs is very good at using conversation skills, and can touch the other person's heart by giving examples.

The important thing is that this example just happened to Harry, and it was his personal experience.

It is easier to arouse his feelings!

The order of speaking is also the focus of Argus.

Ron is Harry's friend. If he directly belittles him, it is very likely to arouse Harry's disgust and make himself twice the result with half the effort.

On the contrary, the effect of first praising and then suppressing will be much better.

Harry fell silent.

It is undeniable that Argus said the truth. When Ron accused Draco, he felt something was wrong.

Unfortunately, the inferiority complex he developed since childhood made him dare not stand up and refute on the spot.

If Argus hadn't come, Draco would definitely be wronged!

He would also completely lose his friend Draco.

"Argus, which college do you think I should choose?"

Harry looked up and looked at Argus for help.

"If you don't want to choose Gryffindor, Slytherin may be a good choice."

Harry hesitated: "Slytherin..."

"What about me, what about me!" Hermione asked hurriedly.

"You dare to point out the mistakes of the world and have a yearning and pursuit for knowledge. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are both suitable for you."

"I don't want to go to Gryffindor!" When Gryffindor was mentioned, Hermione thought of Ron's arrogant style just now.

She immediately lost her favor!

Neville was also a little hesitant. Before the disappearance of Radford, he also yearned for Gryffindor.

But now, he hesitated!

Compared with Gryffindor, who always caused trouble, the easy-going Hufflepuff may be more suitable for him.



Accompanied by the sound of the train whistle, the Hogwarts slow train arrived at the station.

In the dark night, the old station looked like a product of the last century.

Looking at the magnificent castle in the distance through the starlight.

Even Argus was a little excited.

This is Hogwarts! The most classic building of Harry Potter!

The real scene looks much more shocking than the movie.

"First-year students, come here!"

"Hurry up, little guys, don't be shy!"

Hagrid's deep voice sounded, and his huge body was particularly conspicuous among the young wizards.


Argus followed Hermione and came to Hagrid.

As soon as he saw Argus, Hagrid's face immediately showed a relieved smile.

"Argus, it's just right that you are here, come and help me gather the first-year wizards."

"They are too disobedient and always running around."

"No problem."

Argus took out his wand and pointed it at his throat.

"Loud voice"

He coughed twice and instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding students.

"First-year students, please come over and line up in two rows according to the queue of men on the left and women on the right."

"Lead by Mr. Hagrid, go to Hogwarts Castle."

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