Snape’s steps stopped.

He turned around, his eyes full of sarcasm.

“I remember that a certain headmaster had just promised Professor McGonagall.”

“Are you going to regret it so soon?”

Dumbledore remained silent and looked at him quietly.

If it were decades ago, he would never bet everything on a prophecy.

Grindelwald had also made a prophecy back then, but his choice was completely opposite to now.

After all, he is old and no longer has the spirit of the past.

He can’t afford to lose, and the magic world can’t afford to lose even more.

For the sake of the magic world, he can only choose the safest way.


Two people, one is the adopted son of his beloved, who is almost exactly the same as when he was young.

The other is the hope of the future magic world in the prophecy, and the savior he carefully cultivated.

It is very difficult to save him.

If he fails, both will be gone.

If he doesn’t save him, Harry will definitely die!

After a long while, Dumbledore spoke in a hoarse voice.

“Severus, you know.”

“Harry’s condition does not allow us to drag it on. The best way is to find someone to bring him back to the timeline.”

“He is the savior in the prophecy, and also…”

He wanted to say that he was also Lily’s only child, but looking at Snape’s mocking eyes, he couldn’t say it.

Snape looked at Dumbledore steadily.

He valued Harry more than anyone else.

But after Argus’s analysis and his own investigation, he no longer had the trust he had in Dumbledore.

Without the most basic trust, all of Dumbledore’s actions were seen by him as having ulterior motives.

Moreover, Argus had followed him to study for so long, and in ancient times, it would not be an exaggeration to call him a master and apprentice.

Let him gamble with Argus’s life on Harry?

There was some hesitation.

“Severus, this matter is ultimately up to Argus to decide.”

“If he doesn’t want to take risks, I won’t force him.”

“If he is willing to go, I will do my best to ensure his safety, even if… even if I can’t save Harry, I won’t let him get lost in the time rift.”

Dumbledore pondered for a long time and finally made up his mind.

On the other side, Lupin, who left the principal’s office, immediately came to the Room of Requirement and told Sirius about Harry.

I hope to get some feasible solutions from Sirius.

When Sirius heard that Harry was lost in the time rift, he couldn’t sit still!

“Hasn’t Harry been in the magic world for almost three years? How come he doesn’t even know this common sense!”

“It’s common sense for us, but Harry has never been exposed to these.” Lupin explained helplessly.

“He only heard Ron say that the time-twister can go back to the past, so he wanted to go back to save Lily and James.”

“But he didn’t think about it carefully. If it was that simple, we would have gone back long ago!”

“What did Dumbledore say? We have to find a way to bring Harry back!” Sirius said impatiently.

“If there was a way, I wouldn’t ask you.”

“The Black family has been passed down for so many years, isn’t there any similar record?”

Sirius now misses the Black family’s collection of books.

He misses the days when he could check them at any time.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t dare to go back now. Even if his identity is clarified one day, the Black family’s collection will be handed over to Argus.

“There should be, but I can’t go back now.”

“There’s no way to check it.”

“That’s right!” Sirius’ eyes suddenly lit up.

“I remember a similar situation in the wizarding world before, and it was…”

“A wizard used a time-turner to bring the lost wizard back to the timeline.”

Before Sirius finished speaking, Lupin guessed what he was going to say.

Then he sighed.

“The situation at Hogwarts is completely different from that time.”

“Many young wizards here use time-turners to attend classes. The timeline is very fragile and cannot withstand the magic of adult wizards at all.”

“Only underage wizards can…”

Lupin didn’t finish his words, but the meaning of his words was very clear.

Don’t even think about this path. Hogwarts will never agree to let underage wizards take such a big risk.

“Moon Face, please call Argus for me.”

“I want to talk to him.”

Harry’s position in Sirius’ heart is too important, and Sirius can’t give up.

Even if it’s risky, he will try.

“Padfoot, Professor McGonagall has already made this decision…”

“Remus! He is the only child of Lily and James! We must save him no matter how much it costs!”

Sirius was extremely excited and said toLupin yelled.

Then, he sat down on the ground as if he was hollowed out.

He murmured in a low voice.

“I’ve missed it once, I can’t miss it again…”

Sure enough, they’re coming to find me!

Now it’s Lupin and Sirius, Dumbledore is probably not far away.

Argus had guessed what they were thinking when he came to the Room of Requirement.

Although he was going to use the time-twister to go back to the past, it didn’t stop him from making some extra money.

It’s not easy to get someone out of the timeline.

If you want me to help, it’s impossible without a lot of bleeding.

Especially when Argus saw Sirius’s eager eyes, he was even more certain that the other party would do everything to save Harry.

“Argus, you should know about Harry.”

As soon as he saw Argus coming, Sirius couldn’t wait to speak.

Argus quietly drove Sirius: “I know a little, and I guessed the purpose of you asking Professor Lupin to call me here.”

“Argus, I know this matter is a bit difficult…” Sirius had a good impression of Argus.

If it weren’t for the fact that it was Harry who was in trouble this time, he would never let Argus take risks.

He took a deep breath and continued: “I won’t say more. I want you to use the time converter to bring Harry to the normal timeline and save him.”

“You can make any conditions, as long as I can afford it!”

After saying that, he stared at Argus’s expression with a nervous face.

Lupin looked at Argus with a complicated look.

On the one hand, he hoped that Argus would save Harry, and on the other hand, he knew the difficulty and danger of this matter.

He didn’t want his students to get into trouble.

The two had prepared for Argus’s refusal.

After all, this matter was thankless, and it might even cost their lives.

But to their surprise, Argus just smiled.

The look he gave them seemed full of sincerity.

“Sirius, Professor Lupin, don’t forget it.”

“Harry is also my friend. He is my second friend in the British wizarding world.”

“When a friend is in danger, isn’t it natural to help him?”

The unexpected answer made Sirius and Lupin at a loss for words.

They thought that Argus would refuse, and that Argus would ask for a high price.

But they didn’t expect him to agree so straightforwardly.

He didn’t even put forward any conditions.

Especially his word “friend”, which made the two of them feel ashamed.

“Argus, I… I…”

Sirius stuttered for a long time and couldn’t say a word.

Looking at Argus, he thought of Harry in his mind, and seemed to remember the time when he and James were together.

The two were like this.

Help between friends does not need a reason.

He and Lupin looked at each other and made up their minds as if they had telepathy.

If Harry dares to say anything bad about Argus again when he comes back, he will be beaten with the belt even if he is James’ only child!

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