Two months passed in a flash.

Argus's life was extremely fulfilling. He went to the library after class every day, and went to Snape's office to endure mental attacks when it was almost time.

He went to Quirrell's office on Saturdays and took a walk in Diagon Alley after learning the dark magic with Voldemort.

After this period of study, Argus's strength improved by leaps and bounds.

His full-level talent combined with hard work.

He made rapid progress in potions and transfiguration, and a large number of spells broke through to level four or even five.

In terms of dark magic, especially the three unforgivable curses, he was very proficient in their use.

As for the shops in Diagon Alley, with the help of bodyguard Dumbledore and umbrella Fudge, in just two months, they have occupied nearly half of the business in Diagon Alley.

Several pure-blood families whose business was taken away were angry but helpless.

It was Saturday again, and Argus came to Quirrell's office as usual.

After this period of study, Argus could sense that Quirrell's body was getting weaker and weaker.

From the beginning, he could talk for an afternoon in one breath and perform some magic demonstrations.

Now, he has to breathe heavily even after a few words.

But Argus doesn't care about these, anyway, it's not him who died.

Ask whatever you need to ask, without any sympathy or heartache.

After an afternoon of classes, Argus told Voldemort the information and intelligence he had collected about Harry during this period as usual.

But this time, Voldemort did not give Argus notes as usual.

Instead, he raised his head and stared at him.

The pale, skinny face and sunken eye sockets looked very scary.

"Argus, next, your task is no longer to collect intelligence."

"I have some actions that require your cooperation."

My cooperation?

Argus' mind moved, thinking of the current time point, and immediately understood what the other party wanted to do!

Steal the Philosopher's Stone!

It's only a few days before Halloween. If I remember correctly, in the original book, Voldemort will choose to release a troll on Halloween night.

Unfortunately, what happened specifically was not shown in the movie. I only know that Voldemort did not get the Philosopher's Stone, and Snape's foot seemed to be bitten.

Instead, Harry accidentally killed the troll and confirmed his title as the savior.

But without Hermione this time, Harry and Ron probably have no reason to stroll around.


What this old dog meant by saying this is not to let me steal the Philosopher's Stone, right?

Argus suddenly realized this and looked up at Voldemort.

As expected, the other party's next words were to ask Argus to go to the third floor.

"I will create some commotion on Halloween night."

"All the students and professors will be attracted. At that time, you will be responsible for going to the third floor and taking out the hidden things and handing them over to me."

"Do you understand?"

You really think highly of me, asking me, an eleven-year-old little wizard, to deal with the three-headed dog!

Argus frowned: "Teacher, there is a three-headed dog guarding there. Do you mean to let me deal with him alone?"

"Are you going to refuse me?" Voldemort's tone suddenly became dangerous.

"Teacher, before the plan is implemented, the problem must be solved in advance."

"Once a riot occurs in Hogwarts, the professors in the school will definitely become extremely vigilant, and every painting and every mechanism in the castle will be on alert."

"Let's not talk about the three-headed dog. Even if I get the items inside, I can't guarantee that it won't be discovered. If Dumbledore finds out, all your plans will fail."

Argus thought that his words could make Voldemort give up on involving himself, but unexpectedly, he showed a weird smile on his face.

"My dear student, I have already thought of a reason for you."

"What about a missing friend? Search in the Hogwarts Castle in the name of looking for a friend."

"That little girl from Ravenclaw who follows you all day is a good one."

"If I remember correctly, she seems to be a mudblood."

"It's no pity to die."

"Before leaving, tell your prefect, I'm sure those professors won't make things difficult for you."

Voldemort, I fuck you!

Can you do something that people can do!

Is it easy for me to fool a few people? You've killed them all!

Argus's eyes seemed to want to eat people, but he knew that Voldemort was not discussing with him at all!

It's an order!

He must do this


Even if he chooses to refuse, Voldemort will still proceed according to the plan and force him to save Hermione!

At worst, he will steal it himself while he is fighting with the troll to attract the attention of the professors.

Hermione is still in danger!

But what really makes him hesitate is not these.

He knows that the third floor is most likely the bait thrown by Dumbledore to Voldemort!

There is no Philosopher's Stone in it!

He knows these things, but Voldemort doesn't know.

He has no way to explain it to him.

Moreover, as long as he goes to the third floor, it's like yellow mud falling into his crotch.

There is no way to explain it!

Unless... someone is staring at him and can prove that he has never entered the secret room...

Voldemort is a little impatient, and his eyes looking at Argus are a bit dangerous.

"Any other questions?"

"No, teacher."

Argus knows that he can't refuse, and nodded calmly.

"Don't let me down, Argus."

"You will get everything you want!"

The hypocritical smile on Argus's face disappeared completely the moment he turned around.

There are three days until Halloween, and he needs to complete his own layout in these three days!

On the way to Snape's office, Argus's brain was working frantically.

Hermione needs protection, otherwise if she falls into Voldemort's hands, he may cast some spells on her that he doesn't know about.

But it is obviously not enough to protect Hermione alone. If Voldemort can't catch her, he can catch Draco, Pansy, Daphne and others.

The effect is the same!

It is best to establish a long-term crowd gathering point to ensure that they can all come to the hall at night.

The establishment of this gathering point cannot be related to himself, otherwise Voldemort will still be suspicious...

And the person who follows and pays attention to him must have a certain strength, at least he must be able to withstand a few moves under his hands.

And give that person a reason to doubt me...

According to the original story, the most suitable candidates are undoubtedly Harry and Ron, but because of my interruption, the two who should have discovered the Chamber of Secrets during the duel with Draco had no chance to enter!

In addition to their half-baked strength, let alone letting them hold out for a few moves, they should be thankful that they didn't lose track!

One by one, the figures that can be used emerged in his mind.

Finally, they condensed into a red-haired image.

"The person who is tracking has been found, but how can we organize a long-term gathering on Halloween..."

While thinking, Argus has come to Snape's office.

Seeing the other party's dead fish face, he immediately shook his head and put the idea on the road behind him.

After all, if you don't concentrate on it...

Snape really scolded!

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