The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 10 How many bowls of noodles did Draco eat?

One hour later.

With the help of Argus, George and Fred finally finished all the homework.

Each of them hugged Argus's neck.

"Brother, from today on, you are our half-brother!"

"I promise, you will be a perfect Ravenclaw!"

Hermione's eyes were almost rolled up to the sky. If it weren't for the fact that Argus taught her, she would never stay in this compartment.

"Compared to Ravenclaw, I feel that I am more likely to be sorted into Slytherin."

Argus was suppressed and a little breathless. He barely broke free from the restraints of the two and slightly corrected their views.

"Another pure blood, a big customer in the future!"

Fred and his friends did not have hostility towards Slytherin like most Gryffindors.

To them, Slytherin's are all small local tycoons!

Most of the business is taken care of by Slytherin!

What's more, the Weasley family is also one of the sacred twenty-eight families, but... a little poorer.

In front of pure bloods like Slytherin, there is no need to feel inferior.

"Fred Weasley, this is my brother George."

Fred seemed to remember something and took the initiative to introduce himself to Argus and the others.

"The famous Weasley twins."

"My name is Argus, and this is Miss Hermione Granger."

Argus stood up and shook hands with the two of them.

"Listen, George, our reputation is so great that even the young wizards who haven't entered school have heard of us."

Fred shouted and his funny expression made Hermione's mouth twitch.

She wanted to laugh, but when she thought that she was still angry, she tried to hold it back.

In the end, her shoulders could only shake constantly.

Just when several people were chatting enthusiastically, there was a sudden noise outside the carriage.

The sound was getting louder and louder, and it even had a tendency to overwhelm Argus and the others' chat.

"Why don't we go out and take a look, don't let anything happen?"

Hermione looked worriedly in the direction where the sound came from, and whispered a suggestion.

Argus was not a nosy person. In his eyes, no matter how noisy the noise outside the carriage was, it was just a fight between children.

It was harmless!

What really concerned him was that the noisy voices were mixed with some familiar accents.

It happened that the Weasley twins also wanted to watch the fun, and hurriedly pulled Argus up before he could speak.

"It's so boring to stay in the carriage and read a book!"

"Let's go, let's go and see the fun together."


As expected!

As soon as Argus approached, he saw the dazzling platinum-blond hair in the crowd.

Behind him, there was a large group of angry purebloods.

Opposing him, there was a red-haired boy!

And Harry was sandwiched between the two parties, with men on both sides.

"Argus is coming!"

Seeing Argus coming, a group of pureblood boys and girls seemed to have found the backbone, and took the initiative to make way for Argus to come in.


Fred just opened his mouth and suddenly felt that his arm seemed to be hit by George.

After a closer look, he found that one of the protagonists of the incident was his dear brother Ron!

Ron also noticed the arrival of the two of them, and immediately became confident, and his voice was louder, wishing that everyone could hear it.

"It must be you! The Malfoy family is full of bad blood, they are Death Eaters! Neville's Leif is missing, and only you are walking back and forth in the carriage with people. Who else could it be except you!"

"What's going on?"

Agus asked softly to the person beside him.

Pansy Parkinson came over to explain.

"Draco wanted to find you in the carriage with Goyle and Crabbe, and happened to meet Harry Potter with Neville Longbottom and Ron Weasley looking for Neville's pet."

"Ron insisted as soon as he saw Draco, it must be Draco who took Neville Longbottom's pet."

"You saw everything that happened afterwards."

Pansy's face was full of anger, and so were the students from other pure-blood families around.

Under Agus's wrist, these new generation of pure-bloods had already gathered together.

It's not an exaggeration to say that they are the saints' reserve!

How could I see my companions being slandered like this!

"Weasley, I said, I'm just looking for someone in the carriage!"

"Do you think everyone is like your Weasley family, looking for trouble all day long!"

After training, although Draco can't be said to have made rapid progress, he will not be like in the past, talking about pure blood glory.

It's just that he is still a bit venomous towards the Weasley family.

"You said looking for someone is looking for someone? Who can prove it to you!" Ron was angry and said unwilling to be outdone.

"Goyle and Crabbe can prove it for me!"

"Tsk!" Ron showed disdain.

"Everyone knows that they are your followers. With you here, do they dare to tell the truth!"

When he heard Draco start to explain, Argus knew that he couldn't explain it clearly.

The famous allusion Let the Bullets Fly taught us that no one cares how many bowls of noodles the six sons have eaten!

If you want to prove yourself, you shouldn't cut open your stomach.

You should dig out the other person's eyes and go into your stomach to see how many bowls you have eaten!

It's a pity that he didn't realize it. Now it's too late to try this trick.

Sure enough, Draco's eyes became even angrier when he heard this. Just as he was about to open his mouth to retort, Argus came up behind him and patted his shoulder.

"Draco, calm down."

"Get out of here!"

Draco was angry and turned back to see who had offended him. When he met Argus's eyes, he felt wronged like a wounded little animal who had found his home.

"Argus, you are finally here. Believe me, I really didn't..."

"I believe you!"

This sentence gave Draco great courage.

Argus looked at the other people who were crowding up.

"I am sorry to have caused trouble to you all. Please go back to your own carriages to avoid congestion in the passage."

"Sorry to bother you all!"

The elegant, gentle words and etiquette immediately won the favor of countless people.

But Argus's words were guilty in Ron's eyes!

He was worried that others would discover their conspiracy!

At this moment, he felt that he had become a messenger of justice.

The evil Malfoy family was about to be judged!

"No one is allowed to leave unless you hand over Leif!"


Argus sneered in his heart.

Without any evidence in his hand, he led people to block the passage based on speculation alone, and let a large group of people stand with you.

I told the passerby to go back, but you still wouldn't let him go.

Do you really think everyone is good-tempered?

If you keep going like this, you will be wrong even if you are right!

The Weasley twins beside him winked at Ron frantically, but the other party's mind was full of the scene of being admired by countless people after he upheld justice.

He didn't want to pay any attention at all!

"Mr. Longbottom, can you tell me what your Lefo looks like?"

Argus didn't want to waste time and planned to solve it simply and roughly.

Ignoring Ron, he asked Neville Longbottom directly.

Neville blushed and stepped forward, stammering: "Lefo is... a toad, a golden-backed toad, with thirteen pimples on its back."

"Okay, Mr. Longbottom, please wait a moment!"

Argus took out his wand, gathered Lefo's information in his mind, and gently pointed the wand to the distance.

"Lefo is flying!"


In the car next to him, a fat toad flew directly to Argus's hand, causing a burst of exclamations.

"The Summoning Spell! So cool!"

"I remember that the Summoning Spell can only be used on inanimate dead objects, right? Argus can summon living things!"

"That's not necessarily true. I've seen Professor Flitwick use the Summoning Spell to summon a cat hiding under the bed!"

"You mean, Argus is the same as Professor Flitwick! Oh my God! If we can learn these, it won't be a problem to find materials in the future!"

"I don't dare to compare myself with Professor Flitwick." Argus heard the Weasley twins' discussion and explained to them: "The Summoning Spell is not only for dead objects, but if it is used on living things, if you don't control the strength well, it is easy to hurt the other party."

"Argus, you put a lot of pressure on us seniors like this!"

"Anyway, I can't use it, hehe."

Fred smiled and sang the same tune with George.

Argus handed Leford to Neville: "Mr. Longbottom, see if this is your Leford."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Neville hugged Leford in his arms with a look of surprise, raised his head and showed an embarrassed look.

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect that Leif would hide in our compartment. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"The person you should apologize to is not me, but Draco."

Agus shook his head and turned sideways to reveal Draco's figure.

"I'm sorry, Draco, I misunderstood you."

Neville was not bullied by Draco like in the original book, so he had no prejudice against him.

He felt very guilty for misunderstanding the other party.

He was slightly relieved until he got Draco's forgiveness.

Ron was not so lucky. The tougher he was just now, the more embarrassed he was now.

He wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into!

Just when he was about to sneak back to the compartment when no one was paying attention, Agus's voice rang out.

"Why, Mr. Weasley is not going to apologize for your behavior just now?"

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