The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 12 The Iron-hat King is born!

As early as on the train, many freshmen noticed Argus, a powerful and elegant boy.

They could not help but follow his instructions and quietly divided into two columns.

Needless to say, the pure-bloods headed by Draco and Pansy were the biggest troublemakers in previous years.

Now, they have long been convinced by Argus. Not only did they not cause trouble for Hagrid, but they helped him maintain order.

"It would be great if you could always help me gather freshmen."

Hagrid sighed.

He has been doing this job for many years, and today is the first time that he has gathered all the freshmen so easily.

And the queues are neatly arranged!

There has never been such a situation before. It's good to be able to gather people.

Every time, it's like herding sheep, and the task is completed when they rush to Hogwarts Castle.

Led by Hagrid, everyone came to the dock and got on the boat to the castle.

Ripples appeared on the quiet lake, and through the light of the torch, you can clearly see unknown strange creatures swimming in the lake.

Hermione on the boat was startled by the splashing water.

"Argus, what is that!"

"Giant squid, it's described in Hogwarts: A History, don't be afraid."

"What about that?"

"Giant squid, it's not obvious now, when the weather is fine, they will bask in the sun by the lake, you can touch their tentacles."

"Hogwarts is more spectacular than I thought! Argus, look, is that a tower!"

Hermione screamed from time to time, pointing at various buildings and asking Argus.

Even though she is the future Minister of Magic, she is just an eleven-year-old girl who is in contact with the magic world for the first time.

She has a subconscious dependence on the boy next to her.


With the sound of water flowing, Argus and others got off the boat, walked through the narrow passage, and walked towards the Hogwarts Hall.

[Congratulations to the host for entering Hogwarts School for the first time and getting the achievement: Hogwarts Freshman]

[Achievement Point Reward: 50]

"You get reward points just after you arrive, that's great!"

"The plot will officially begin, so you can't just take them randomly?"

Agus was secretly happy and came to the castle unknowingly.

At the entrance of the hall, a woman in a dark green robe and a black wizard hat had been waiting here.

Her temperament was very similar to Vita Rosier.

That was the elegance accumulated after years of polishing.

The difference was that Vita had a kind of nobleness in her bones, while the woman in front of her was more serious.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!"

"Okay, in a while you will pass through these doors and be with your classmates."

"But before you take your seat, you must first classify and determine which college you will enter."

Professor McGonagall's gentle voice sounded, and she continued to introduce the little wizards in front of her.

"The four houses are Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin."

"During the school, the house is your home. Good performance can add points to the house. Any house that violates the school rules will lose points."

"At the end of the year, the house with the highest score will win the house cup for this academic year."

After saying this, Professor McGonagall muttered in a low voice.

"This year's little wizards are very well-behaved, unlike previous years, when they were a mess."

"This time, I have Argus to help me! Otherwise, I can't manage so many people!"

Hagrid came over, patted Argus on the shoulder, and introduced him to Professor McGonagall.

"Thank you, Argus, you have saved me a lot of trouble." Professor McGonagall looked at Argus with appreciation.

Argus smiled modestly: "This is not my own credit, but the result of the joint efforts of all the little wizards."

"Humble child, I really hope you can be sorted into Gryffindor. With you around, they will definitely be much quieter."

Professor McGonagall said, noticing Argus's position.

Located in the center, surrounded by Draco, Pansy, Theodore and others.

He couldn't help but sigh and shook his head.

"But it seems... you are more likely to be sorted into Slytherin."

"Evil Slytherin!"

Ron muttered, attracting countless angry eyes.

Professor McGonagall frowned slightly and spoke loudly.

"Everything is ready, follow me in!"

As the door slowly opened, a gorgeous restaurant full of British style appeared in front of everyone.

The long tables were filled with students from various colleges.

The professor's position was relatively far away, and Argus noticed the white-haired and white-bearded old man in the middle at a glance!

Old bee, Dumbledore!

The culprit who caused his father to imprison himself in Nurmengard!

"Argus, look at this sky, it is the ceiling that was transformed by magic. I read it in "Hogwarts: A History of the School"!"

Hermione looked around in surprise, with unstoppable surprise in her eyes.

"Hermione, what you need to consider now is which college to go to."

"There's plenty of time to look at these ceilings!"

Aggs replied calmly, his mind now full of the previous layout on the train.

Through the conversation with Harry on the train, he was sure that Hermione would never enter Gryffindor like in the original book.

Based on his understanding of Neville, it was unlikely that the other party would continue to choose Gryffindor.

The only thing to pay attention to was Harry!

Dumbledore, the old man, acted too early, which made Gryffindor leave a deep impression on Harry. Even he could not guarantee that the other party would firmly refuse.

"Please wait here for a moment. Before the ceremony begins, Professor Dumbledore wants to say a few words to everyone."

Professor McGonagall stood on the high platform, sideways to reveal Dumbledore in the center.

Agus's eyes were uncontrollable, staring at him straight.

Level 7 brain occlumency was working subconsciously!

Dumbledore was the same, and he noticed him when he just entered the door.

When Agus's name appeared on the admission book, he hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to send the owl.

I thought the other party would choose Durmstrang.

I never thought...

The same blond hair, the same blue eyes, and the same support made him think of the old friend.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor Dumbledore?"

McGonagall noticed Dumbledore's absent-mindedness and reminded him softly.

"I'm sorry, young wizards, please forgive the distraction of an old man."

"I have a few things to announce at the beginning of the school."

Dumbledore stood up and looked away from Argus.

"First-year students, please note that our school strictly prohibits any students from entering the Forbidden Forest. In addition, our administrator Mr. Filch asked me to remind you that the corridor on the third floor and the corridor on the right are also forbidden areas."

"If you don't want to die miserably, don't go."

"Thank you!"

"Students whose names are called, please come to the front!"

Professor McGonagall took out a piece of parchment, stood behind the Sorting Hat, and read out the first name!

"Hannah Abbott!"

Argus looked forward.

A blonde girl walked to the stool and put the Sorting Hat on her head.


The Sorting Hat shouted loudly, and the Hufflepuff long table immediately shouted excitedly.

A system prompt came to Argus's mind.

[Congratulations to the host for witnessing the appearance of the first sorter and obtaining the achievement: the birth of the Iron Hat King]

[Achievement Point Reward: 50]

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