The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 163 Tsk, whose talent can compare to Voldemort's?

"With Mr. Grindelwald's strength and magical knowledge, it is not difficult to teach the first and second grade wizards."

"Compared to new professors from outside, it is easier for the young wizards of Hogwarts to accept him."

Dumbledore seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be explaining to Snape.

"A dean who has been retired for who knows how many years, a twelve-year-old child."


Snape sneered and expressed disdain for Dumbledore's decision.

But he also understood that this was the best choice now.

Horace Slughorn has many years of teaching experience and was once the dean of Slytherin. He can minimize the resistance of the young wizards of Hogwarts to the new professor.

It can also give an explanation to the British wizarding world.

Needless to say, Argus has become an idol of many young wizards, and even adult wizards admire him very much.

As the Saint's Shop expands, British wizards have become more respectful of Argus.

Let him cooperate with Horace Slughorn. Not to mention filling in Lockhart's vacancy, at least he can cope with this exam.

He won't have to take a year of Defense Against the Dark Arts class without learning a spell to deal with the dark magic.

"Okay, Severus, I'll go and discuss with Mr. Slughorn and Mr. Grindelwald. Harry and Ron will depend on you for the time being."

Snape remained silent and checked Harry's condition on his own.

Dumbledore understood that the other party had agreed, and immediately pushed the door and left.

Little did he know that a message brewed by the Ministry of Magic that was enough to subvert the wizarding world's perception of him was ready.


The next day.

Outside the door of a wooden house in a valley, an old man with gray hair and beard was welcomed.

"Albus? Why are you here?"

An old man with a big belly and a Mediterranean appearance opened the door in surprise.

"Hogwarts is not peaceful these days. You are not watching over the school, and you have time to come to me?"

"Won't you let me in first, Horace?"

Dumbledore is only slightly older than Horace Slughorn.

They are barely the same age.

They talk a little more casually than usual.

Slughorn tucked in his big belly and stepped aside to let Dumbledore in.

There was no traceless extension spell in the room, and everything looked no different from the Muggle world.

It's just that the interior decoration is much more exquisite.

The atmosphere of nobility is revealed everywhere.

"Try it, the latest batch of Xibo black tea."

"My former students sent it."

The two sat in front of an exquisite small wooden table.

There were various exquisite snacks on the table.

Slughorn raised his hand, and the teapot automatically poured out two cups of steaming hot black tea and sent them to the table.

"Horace, you know my habits." Dumbledore just took a sip and stopped touching it.

What Xibo black tea! Not sweet at all!


Slughorn didn't care. He had known Dumbledore for who knows how many years.

How could he not know his habits?

He brought out the Xibo black tea just to show off, and didn't expect the other party to taste anything at all.

"Horace, I came here this time to ask you to return to Hogwarts to teach."

Dumbledore picked up the snacks on the table and put them into his mouth.

He showed an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Return to teach? Albus, how many years have I retired?"

"Besides, Snape's potions were taught by me, and they are quite good. There is no need for me to do anything unnecessary, right?"

Slughorn looked puzzled.

Dumbledore swallowed the chocolate cheese nut biscuits in his mouth, his eyes full of helplessness.

"Not the potion professor, but the defense against the dark arts class."

"You know what happened in Hogwarts. If there is no other way, I don't want to disturb you."

Slughorn lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

He is one of the 28 pure-blood families, and he was once the dean of Slytherin. Voldemort, Snape, Lily and others were all his proud students.

He was able to avoid Voldemort's pursuit.

If Dumbledore hadn't found him, Voldemort might not have been able to find him in his next life.

His mind and sense of smell are definitely top-notch in the wizarding world.

Even if he only reads the newspaper, he can detect something wrong.

He is content to enjoy himself, so he naturally doesn't want to wade into this muddy water.

In the original book, he returned to Hogwarts to teach, more because of the pressure of Voldemort's pursuit.

He had no choice but to enter Hogwarts and seek Dumbledore's shelter.

But now it's different. Slughorn has food and drink in his own hut, and celebrities from the wizarding world come to visit from time to time.

He lives a comfortable life! Why should he go to Hogwarts to suffer?

"Albus, I'm really sorry, I've been retired for too long."

"I really don't have the energy to manage so many students."

Dumbledore had long expected that this operation would not succeed easily.

So he didn't show any disappointment.

"Horace, I have found a perfect assistant for you."

"Believe me, if you really miss him, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life."

After spending decades with Slughorn, Dumbledore knew his weaknesses too well.

He coveted material enjoyment and liked to associate with celebrities.

More importantly... he loved talents!

He turned a blind eye to ordinary students and couldn't even call their names.

But when it came to gifted students, he loved them and gave them all kinds of preferential treatment.

It so happened that Hogwarts recruited a student with perfect talent last year.

He was the best bait for him to lure Slughorn into the trap.

Slughorn frowned and immediately guessed who Dumbledore was talking about.

"Are you talking about that Grindelwald?"

"Excuse me, even you may not be as talented as him..."

"You know who I'm talking about."

Slughorn suddenly felt guilty.

Although Voldemort was brought by Dumbledore, he was the one who guided him.

He even told him about the Horcruxes!

It can be said that he contributed a lot to Voldemort's growth to where he is now...

"Horace! You should be able to guess something about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets."

Dumbledore did not continue to talk about the inauguration, but changed the subject.

Slughorn hesitated for a moment and nodded: "There are indeed some doubts in a few places."

Dumbledore continued to ask: "The most controversial one should be the fact that Mr. Grindelwald killed the basilisk alone, right?"


"What if I say that this is true?"

Slughorn's pupils shrank, and then he smiled: "Albus, although I retire, it doesn't mean that I am confused."

"He is only twelve years old this year, right? How could it be possible..."

Facing Dumbledore's calm eyes, Slughorn looked at him for a long time and couldn't help it anymore.

"Are you serious? He killed the basilisk alone? And he was protecting his classmates?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Even if he is the reincarnation of Merlin, he is only in the second grade, where can he get so much magic!"

Dumbledore said so much, feeling a little thirsty, and patiently drank a sip of Xibo black tea.

"Not only the basilisk, he almost became the head of Slytherin in his first year. If the fifth-year head hadn't asked for leave, he would have become the first freshman in Slytherin's history to become the head of the house."

"Also, his talent for potions should be good. Severus asked him to go to the office every afternoon to help with potions since his first year."

"You should know Severus' temper. If Mr. Grindelwald didn't have enough talent, he would have been kicked out by him long ago."

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