The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 21 The Essence of Transfiguration! Teacher Agus is online

Also using Transfiguration

I can only change the appearance of objects.

For example, when fighting Alexia last night, I turned wood chips into flying birds and buttons into venomous snakes.

It looks similar to Professor McGonagall, but Argus knows it well.

The essence of the object has not changed at all.

Wood is still wood, buttons are still buttons.

But in Professor McGonagall's hands, the pig transformed from the desk seems to have a soul.

There is no difference between its expression and movements and those of ordinary pigs!

Argus's thoughtful eyes caught Professor McGonagall's attention.

Compared with the surprise of other freshmen, she appreciates students like Argus who can find problems and think about them in details.

Unfortunately, she is not only Argus's teacher.

As the professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts, she must first take care of the progress and ideas of most students.

"Okay, little wizards."

"Transfiguration is far more mysterious than you think."

"Now, open your textbooks. What we are going to learn today is how to turn a match into a silver needle."

Professor McGonagall gave each person a match in turn and demonstrated to everyone according to the contents of the textbook.

Including the gestures for casting spells, the angle and strength of waving the wand, etc.

Until it was confirmed that all the freshmen had mastered it, they were allowed to try it themselves.

"The next task for you is to turn the match in your hand into a silver needle."

"Don't worry, think clearly about the steps and sequence!"

As soon as the voice fell, the freshmen who had been envious for a long time couldn't wait to take out their wands and waved at the matches in front of them.

Unfortunately, no matter how they waved, no matter how they used the little magic they had learned.

The matches didn't change at all!

"Argus, help me see why I can't do anything no matter how I wave my wand..."

"Merlin's flower pants! What are you doing!"

Draco looked at Argus in vain, but saw that the silver needles on the other's table were constantly changing into various shapes!

Sometimes it was a silver needle, sometimes it was a piglet.

What was horrifying was that the pig's body could not be completely transformed, and the four limbs of a pig's body were actually four slender silver needles!


Professor McGonagall was shocked when she saw it.

She shook her wand vigorously and dispelled all the Transfiguration spells on the match.

Argus felt relieved and was about to explain something when Professor McGonagall's serious voice rang in his ears.

"Argus, have you forgotten what I just said!"

"No mischief is allowed in my class!"

"Sorry, professor." Argus bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"I have completed the task you assigned, but I am just practicing how to transform the desk into a real pig like you."

"Real pig!" Professor McGonagall keenly perceived the meaning of Argus's words.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Yes, I once turned wood into a flying bird, but later I found that it only changed its form."

"The body is still wood, and I can't give it life like you do."

"Mr. Grindelwald, your talent for Transfiguration is better than I thought."

Professor McGonagall originally thought that if Argus's talent for Transfiguration could reach 70% to 80% of that of spells, she would be satisfied.

After all, human energy is limited, and it is impossible to be perfect in all aspects.

I never thought that Argus would be exposed to the essence of transformation and even the soul level in the first grade!

Her angry expression gradually eased, and she put the wand back into her sleeve.

Answering Argus: "Regarding the question you asked, it involves a key aspect of Transfiguration."

"The change of the essence of the object."

"The essence?"

"Yes, the premise of turning wood into flesh and blood is that you have to understand the transformation of the essence of the two. This is the content that only advanced Transfiguration can touch, and it is too early for you at this stage."

"You can try to turn wood into stone or iron first."

"This will be much easier for you."

"I understand, Professor McGonagall! Thank you for your guidance!"

At this moment, Professor McGonagall looked at Argus with eyes like a top craftsman seeing a perfect piece of unpolished jade.

I couldn't suppress the desire to carve at all.

"If you are willing, you can come to the Transfiguration Club every Sunday morning to study. I will explain the essence of the content to you in detail."

"Of course I am willing, thank you very much for your guidance!"

"There is one more thing I want to remind you, Mr. Grindelwald!"

Professor McGonagall changed the subject and her tone became serious again.

"Because of your behavior of not abiding by classroom discipline, I have to deduct five points from Slytherin as a warning."

"As for your beautiful Transfiguration..." She raised the corners of her mouth slightly and announced to everyone.

"Five points for Slytherin!"

"Fair verdict!"

Agus smiled and agreed with Professor McGonagall's approach.

Merits are merits, faults are faults, and rewards and punishments are clear.

No wonder he will become the only choice for the headmaster of Hogwarts in the future.

"Mr. Grindelwald, if you don't mind, can you help other little wizards complete the tasks of this class?"

"My pleasure! Professor McGonagall!"

The Slytherin crowd cheered, and Draco eagerly pulled Agus to his side.

"Agus, come and help me! Why are my matches always disobedient!"

"Try it once and let me see."

Under Agus's attention, Draco waved his wand and tried again.

"Stop! I know where your problem lies."


"Draco, you have to know that the power of magic comes from your heart to a large extent. Only when you think it is a silver needle from the bottom of your heart, it will change."

Agus patiently explained to Draco, took out the wand and demonstrated again and again.

The Slytherin freshmen surrounded the two and asked about the problems they encountered when casting spells.

With the help of Agus, the Slytherin people made rapid progress.

Pansy, Daphne, Theodore and others who made faster progress have already shown a trend of making the matches sharper.

Some Gryffindor freshmen looked at their matches that made no progress and hesitated for a long time.

They came to Agus to ask.

Agus didn't care and treated the students of the two houses equally.

While gaining the friendship of Gryffindor, he also received the praise of Professor McGonagall.

Harry wanted to ask Agus for help, but Ron was extremely disgusted with this proposal.

"Harry, do you believe Slytherin's lies?"

"They are always so hypocritical. They pretend to give advice on the surface, but they have already cursed you countless times in their hearts!"

"His father is a dark wizard, so he must be one too!"

"Seamus, am I right!"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

Seamus, who had just come back from seeking scriptures from Argus, didn't want to pay any attention to him.

He didn't even hear what he said clearly, and just nodded casually.

After a class, with the help of Argus, most of the students' matches had obvious changes.

At the very least, they could make one end of the match sharper.

Only Harry and Ron.

The two matches didn't move at all.

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